Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hello everyone!

My day was okay today(surprising) I just got done with homework. I feel like i'm finally getting back into the school routine...sad. And yes, before you ask. I did get the Keane album. I, strangely, haven't got round to putting it on my iPod yet. But I will do sometime tonight! So happy about that...Now i'm really sick of our project, I HATE IT so much! It took up 3 periods today! Crazy...

Yes, so..album art! Yeah, why not...I am currently admiring the Keane album art. It actually matches the title "Perfect Symmetry". Always good. and while Google searching, like a lot of my internet time, I discovered the DAY AND AGE album art! Yeah, i've posted a picture. My opinion...very good. These guys choose their artists. I really like the overal colors...but I just can't beat Hot Fuss. Although the cover made no sense, it was creative, i'll give them that. And I loved that...and the Day And Age cover s growing at me every time I see it! Much better than Sam's Town...that was a little...bland and boring. No affense to them...because they ROCK!

Ok...moving on...Just thinking about it, I type a lot in capitals, don't I?

Ok, well...I just watched American Dad for the 2nd time yesterday...Boy, this show is growing on me. It can never compete with Family Guy, but it's still AMAZING!

Oh yeah, talking of stupid shows, I picked up a Simpsons DVD for the first time in...a year. Just reminding me of how cool this show is! I was watching this one when Homer, Bart, and Lisa go to Holapalooza. LOVE IT! Especially know that I recognice the bands. I LOVED that they used The Smasing Pumpkins in it...They strangely do resenble The Smashing Pumpkins, especially the singer.

Oh and one last thing...SHARPIES! You've got to love them! I am currently missing a light green ina set of 12, which I need rather badly. My current project is making a page with sharpies about Little Britain/Andy Pipkin I'm completely not creative, but i'm gonna give it a go. For Andy!

Ok, so bye now!