I'm becoming increasingly sick of things, like blog titles, that involve three things that seem pointless, but somehow, vaguely, fit into the idea of the blog post. What's up with the specifics of having three anyway? Two seems effortless, but four is rambling. Or maybe it's just me. Excuse me for being the billionth person to tell you they're OCD, but my mom says I am ever so slightly because I can't have anything, especially food for whatever reason, in even numbers. I don't think I am, though. Whatever, now I'm rambling...
Hii. My day's been alright. I have a really bad cough, and trust me you wouldn't be the first person today to wonder if I'm dying or not. But it's not like I talk to many people anyway, so it works. I woke up kind of tired, and had spent most of the night having a dream about Pirates Of The Caribbean. All I remember was it was definitely POTC, but the storyline was nothing like the movies - Except having beaches and ships. I'm sure it was more interesting than the actual movies. Anyway...I'd left my assignment notebook at school, so I had to do my math homework in homeroom. This was okay, 'cause math was 6th period and I could have got more time later in the day anyway.
I had Social Studies first period. It was pretty simple, we have a quiz on this whole Christianity in Rome section chapter week, and we were put into groups to write five quiz questions from a given section, as a review. I didn't contribute much - Or at all - but it wasn't too boring. This section has been alright. Then I had Science. For the next four weeks left of school, we're doing this project on walking. Which vaguely ties into what we're doing in math. My teacher could talk about it all day(And I'm sure he gladly would) but I still wouldn't understand how Newton's laws allow us to move. I understand the whole opposite-reaction thing when it comes to the third law, but how it allows us to walk is beyond me. I'm dreading Science Monday.
Then I had enrichment 3rd period. The band, orchestra, and chorus people were with us today, so we cleaned out binders and lockers. My locker has mostly been in good condition compared to last year, even though the teachers this year are pretty lax about it compared to last years'. But mine's been in need for a little attention lately. My binders didn't see much of an improvement, but I doubt that's capable of me. They're fine as I see it. Then I went into the LA room and read some Harry Potter while Adele, Dark Moon Fire, and "J" talked about names for his essay's character. Some people got to play the guitars that are in his room. Someone decided to keep playing the intro chords of Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers, which was pretty distracting.
Then I had Spanish. We were in the art room today, doing some project. We got a picture, had to make observations about it, and then write a story about it. I'm pretty sure it was some of the best writing I'd done this year. The teacher, Mr S, walks to my table handing the first pictures he sees to the girls around me, looks at me and flicks through the more light-hearted pictures of dogs and churches in his hand, and ends up giving me a picture of a dark...room, I'm guessing, with a crumbling brick wall outside. It made for interesting writing, but I have no idea what the oh-so-secret project is about still. And then I had health, where we talking about love and "slang words". The headmaster came in part way through, and I'm still wondering why he seemed so desperate to stay for half an hour, considering our conversations wouldn't be a typical subject of choice. However, I don't get the hype about this. Whenever you say you're going to health next, the immediate reaction from the person is "Ooh...That's gonna be awkward...good luck". And, although it was at first, the guys bring up so many jokes about it it's hilarious, not awkward.
I had math next. She didn't notice my badly done homework, surprisingly. We went over the homework, and she kept talking for the remainder of class. As far as clock-viewing goes, I'm at the worst possible angle, so I kept asking my friend how much was left. Hey, it is late lunch, after all...
Then I had lunch. We tried to sneak to the library, but we were caught. Me, Adele, Matt, and Rachel(Not the Rachel you've heard about before) went outside and walked around. I had LA last period. I was already slightly freaking out because we were told a 1/4 of our journal grade would be neatness, which I'd already failed. There were scribbles all over the front cover, varying from "The Killers <3333",>hated this. Hated it. The furthest I'd got through the whole activity was "My name is Robert". He had to come over and say "If you're not going to write, at least come over here and listen to others'". I feel so guilty about this I can't begin to describe it. I'm not trying to be some little rebel by not writing. I just have no idea what to write. Although it's pretty impossible, I hope he understands that. The last picture was some guy with a beard, and my teacher says "He looks Swedish", except with that accent that I'm nearly certain is fake, that's like "Sveedish". A girl in my class gets into an argument with him about the stereotype, and he ends up picking up a guitar and singing like that, with a chorus that goes something along the lines of "Sveeden, Sveeden, Sveeden...". We end up forced into the Social Studies room and singing this to them. I sort of stayed out, as I'm pretty sure the SS room thought we were crazy. Anything can happen in 8th period LA.
And so I walked out, trying to ignore the billion people who say "Sveeden" as they walk past me. We end up going to Kohl's among other places, in search for a dress for B's Bat Mitzvah tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow. We tried at the mall yesterday, but were pretty unsuccessful. How hard is it to find a little black dress? Nothing with frills, nothing too big, nothing strap-less, nothing flowery, nothing made for a 50 year old, nothing too low cut...How hard is that? Nearly impossible, apparently. Afterwards I did some Sudoku, and discussed TV with my parents...Don't know why. Musically, it's been pretty varied - For my standards - Recently. Most commonly, The Fratellis, Kaiser Chiefs, and The Killers. My three favorite bands in 5th grade, by the way. Oh, and The Postal Service and a little bit of RHCP. It's been fun.
I ramble...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Walking, Dress Shopping, and "Sveeden"
Posted by Naomi at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thirty Days! xDD
Today marks four months after my first Killers concert. For all who's calender knowledge isn't up to scratch, that's January 26th. It actually doesn't feel too long ago, although I thought it might.
Today also marks thirty days left of 7th grade. I want one of those countdown clock things to put in the sidebar. But I wouldn't be surprised if Adele already had one posted on her blog...I never have any good ideas, at least not first.
Okay, before going on, I need to ask...How boring are my posts? I need to know. All I ever do is talk about my day, and I can imagine it being really boring...But, are they?
Well, on we go...My day was actually pretty good, for a school day. My friend Rachel, who no longer blogs but used to, might be able to come with me to The Killers' concert in september. That'd be amazing! She's a big Killers fan too, and has never been to one of their concerts before. She'd really enjoy it, I'm sure. I found out Weezer and Blink 182 aren't playing a concert I can go to, which is a shame, but I'm guessing they'll be more shows after that.
And...Okay, I had LA first period. We did a few short, pointless things, and then got our quizzes back from last Friday to grade. Quite frankly, I wasn't in the mood for that. I have a cold(Or maybe The Swine...?). For one reason or another, I'd put the year the book was set in as "1893", not "1693", the correct answer. What on earth was I thinking when I wrote that? I suppose my teacher's thinking the same thing. I am dissapointed at that, since I loved the book. Then we got the new book - The last book of the year, thank God - called "Seed Folk". Like my techer said, it isn't as much of a book as a collection of poetry. It's fascinating, the different ways people write depending on who they are. I love it. We did some exercises on voice. My class seems to think ethe world speaks in southern accents.
Then I had Math, and we did some more walking rates. I'd be quite happy to shoot myself if I ever hear about walking rates again. The teacher got PO at me for not being able to find this worksheet...But, if she gives us a million sheets that look the same, can she blame us? I keep drifting in an out of paying attention, which gives me headaches, literally.
Then 'cause those were double periods I had lunch next. Me, Matt, Adele, and The Human Fish went to the computers(Sprawled out across the room, for some reason), and writing each others' blog URLs on the whiteboard for the world to see
Matt's Blog - http://www.anidiotsmind.blogspot.com/
Adele's Blog - http://www.thatdarnadele.blogspot.com/
The Human Fish's Blog - http://www.dailydoseoflaughs.blogspot.com/
Check them out, they're better than mine.
Anyway, then I had enrichment after lunch. I read, while most people chose to go outside. The idea of going outside is usually very unfulfilling - It's never as interesting, or warm, as you want it. Despite the timeline of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows making very little sense to me whatsoever, I still seem slightly obsessed with reading it in school. And during classes, if I can manage it.
Then I had Spanish. We're starting a project on different Spanish speaking countries. We got to choose partners, which isn't a terribly enjoyable event in my Spanish class. The cliques basically work as - The popular girls, the popular boys, the unpopular girls, the unpopular boys. I suppose those aren't cliques, but more so the way the world works. As you'd imagine, I'm loosely fitted in the "Unpopular girls" group. There's five of us; Me, BN, MM, BS, and M(Don't know her last name, haha). And, if I had a nickel for every time I had to go "Can I join you as a three?"...Gah, it gets annoying. For this it's better than being alone. We had to do ours on Venezuela, because MM's relatives(Only a few) live there. We have to do extra work on it, so in the library the librarian showed us a website which shows you "practical information" about countries to visit. This included showing the most dangerous cities in Venezuela, and a list of diseases you potentially catch while there. Now, I can understand how this might appeal to some over-protective mothers out there who'd gladly put their children in plastic bubbles to keep away the germs...But, for this project? No.
Besides, why would you go to Venequala? No offense if you live there, but it doesn't seem like much of a 1st choice. It doesn't seem all that glamarous of a place.
Then I had gym last period. We were doing dodgeball again, and I'm surprised no one was suspicious that I somehow got myself out half the time...It's a clever trick, actually...Just walking out wiuthout anyone noticing. Better than playing the game I suppose.
That was today. I did some more Sudoku - yet again, spent some time online, the usual stuff. I put The Wombats' A Guide To Love, Loss, and Desperation on earlier. It's pretty good, but weird. My mom always says my music is so dramatic. So, it's petty weird for me to like a band that make songs with no real meaning. I mean, they have meaning, but it's pretty much only humour. I love "Kill The Director" the most at the moment. Unfortunatly, my parents think they're annoying and totally pointless, of course, so I couldn't listen much. I'll be seeing them at V Festival in the summer.
Posted by Naomi at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day And All That
Posted by Naomi at 11:56 AM 4 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
NEVER See A Movie With Matt...
...Is the lesson me and "Adele" learned today.
Last friday afternoon, while watching a presentation some kids in our grade did for this school project - Which was, of course, boring, pointless, and could have been put together in ten minutes - Either Matt or Adele, sitting either side of me, suggested going to a movie. I mean, the rest of the world seems to have seen Sar Trek, and I hadn't...
Anyway, turns out planning such a thing is a lot harder than it would seem. we planned for Friday night, and ended up going early Sunday afternoon, after having to plan around soccer games and the like. So, we got there for 12:20, and the movie had started at 12:15, by Matt's planning. And it was too bad Matt's planning was wrong, as the movie had started at 12.
So, we just start wandering around, 'cause there a loads of other stores there...Something we don't do very often at all. We went into Famous Footwear, and there were these really cute Converse...They were tiny! I wanted them...And, yeah, I don't know what I'd do with them. Then, because Matt used to live around there, we decided to walk to either his house, or his grandfather(Who may or may not have Swine Flu, apparently)'s house. We end walking down a somewhat suspicious alleyway behind Wal Mart, I think, with a lot of bottles on the ground. Just as we're about to pass "Vinny's Liquor Store", some guy in a car sticks his head out of his window and just...screams at us. Not so much screaming, but just making weird sounds. I'm guessing he was just leaving Vinny's Liquor Store, or possibly just a regular citizen of the town, as it isn't that great of an area. We walk back, and buy gummy bears and Coke at Market Basket, and call my mom to pick us up.
My mom wasn't too angry, but I don't know about Matt's or Sophie's....
So, overall, a great day, even though we didn't get to see Star Trek.
See, I'm keeping this short for once...
PS: Jammy Dodgers are the devil's cookie, I'm telling you. I do not look forward to picking out crumbs from my keyboard.,..
Posted by Naomi at 7:21 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Under The Heat of The...Er...North-East Sun! I Have BIG Killers News!
This is is what my English teacher would call a "Stream of Consciousness" blog post. That if, he knows what a blog is...Anyway, this is whatever comes to mind, really. Basically a whole blog post, all mixed up. Ready, set, GO!
It was so hot here today(hence the title). And, I mean, hot by New England standards. Maybe the title wasn't a good idea...I mean, it just reminds me that I live a world away from the original writers, who just happen to live under the heat of the south-west sun. *sigh*
We finished MCAS - state testing - TODAY! At least for a year. We got to use our calculators today which was pointless because it was no harder without them. Yay for overness. *gets out slap bracelet*
I WANT TO LISTEN TO MY IPOD PLAYER SO BADLY, but I lost the freaking chord for out...Or, misplaced. I can't survive without it at the moment, it seems.
Why does the volume changer on my CD player make little/barely any difference to the volume of the music, whatsoever?
I now listen to nerd music. On my iPod! Yes, I bought Chameleon Circuit's "Exterminate Regenerate" last night, and Hank Green's "Accio Deathly Hallows" on iTunes! In Chameleon Circuit, why on earth does Charlie get to sing more than Alex? Alex's voice is ten times as amazing. And, I've worked out, as worshiped(By nerds) as hank Green is, he isn't, in my opinion, that great of a musician if he didn't have his lyrics...I mean, apart from this one, though, the studio version isn't that good...Oh, and the DFTBA song.
Even without watching American Idol(it's more of a pandamenic than swine flue hahahaha! *bad joke I just made up)...why didn't Adam lambert win? He has, like, twice as many fangirls as the other dude. Why?!
This is...hard. Wow. I suck. xDDD
The other day I worked out the hidden meaning behind If You Seek Amy, because someone on ACC kind of...helped, unintentionally. It's...very creative. Though I don't think she wrote the music, so I don't think Britney should be taking credit for it, hm?
My post-concert depression is getting better, but still somewhat there. I think it'll be gone by next week.
Did you know Morissey/The Smiths have several songs written about shyness? I find that interresting, you know, it's an interesting song topic. I only found out the other day.
Oh, it was Ian Curtis' "death day", or whatever you want to call it, either yesterday or Wednesday. Great musician. xDD
I'm still trying to come to terms with why I'm obsessed with King Of The Hill. The episiodes, a lot of them, are actually kind of sad at least half the time. They're still amazing.
And my sense of humour goes down a few notches...And, for one reason or another, I'm finding Nerimon(On YouTube's) video "Jazz Lover" obsolutely hilarious.
So, no morals here, other than a love of jazz.
Speaking of which, i'm obsessed with Nerimon's videos in general at the moment. *giggle* Bacon Miller!!
New Killers video released the other day; The World We Live In! Too good for human eyes, but that goed for everything they do. Everyone reading must watch. The eyeliner returns!
I think a few new artists got added to the V Festival website the other day. No one I'm too interested in, but I'll have to listen to them sometime.
During enrichment today, someone's car had the licence plate "Fizz ed", or something like that, which I thought was pretty funny.
This is the first Thursday in the whole of seventh grade where I'm sure I haven't wanted to eat the first thing in sight. So, I eat a huge breakfast for MCAS...Then during MCAS, we get gum. Oddly enough, gum makes you less hungry, or so the weight loss programmas my mom used to watch say. So, gum could have made me through to at least half way through 6th period alone...And then, strawberry twizzlers! Then of course, gummy worms! Cookies! I mean, candy in schools, who wouldn't turn that down? Especially on a Thursday. And then lunch, where I forced myself to eat half a bagel to convince myself I'd had something healthy today, and then an ice cream. Then in enrichment :and because you all did so well, we're letting you eat popsicles!@. Why on earth didn't I turn that down? Ugh.
I have a strange urge to watch Harry Potter now, and I don't exactly know why. I was reading Deathly Hallows in 5th period today, but that one isn't a movie yet. Still, cool....xDD
Also, I miss Doctor Who. it's never on BBC America anymore.
I need to buy a dress this weekend. A journey that hasn't been performed in over two years!
My blog sucks...But, comments?
This is not, I swear, forced randomness. This is pathetic as far as randomness goes.
And, BIG NEWS! Well, you've heard it three times before, but here we go again...KILLERS COME BACK TO BOSTON, BABY! Weird. Of all states, why Massachusetts? Again? Hmm, lucky me. It's about 104 days from now...So, excited! And, I'll be close this time. Anyone know which day school starts again? This is September 4th...Friday. Still, it's gonna rock! Tickets come out next Wednesday. I am SO going!
I'll elaborate tomorrow.
Posted by Naomi at 7:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Have You Ever....?

Posted by Naomi at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
...Feelin' Swine-y?
I was going to do something somewhat more interesting...But today has been a weird day.
Firstly, Swine Flue, or "The Swine" as my Social studies teacher likes to call it, has been confirmed in my town. I understand that you're probably sick of hearing about it, and I also understand that it now has a new name, but I prefer Swine Flue. I don't catch up on gossip, but in Spanish today a few people have been talkin about it. A boy in my grade's younger brother got it, I heard. The other week my dad's company, being a medical company, sent us a pack with stuff to know about swine flu. Being sent a large box, containing what look like nothing more than white gas masks, and a giant envelope with "Pandemic Preparedness Kit" in big red letters was discouraging, to say the least, but this has totally freasked me out. Hopefully school will be closed, in the future...
And, yeah...Preparedness. xDD
Also, once Clown Town ended Friday night(will explain later), me and Matt were sitting on a bench waiting for my dad to pick me up, and on conversation I remember him saying "Nothing bad ever happens at *my school name*...". It's true, and now I know why; Everything bad happens at the elementary school! Of course, that's an exaggeration...But when I got home from school, my mom told me that my sister had told her that two kids were shot at her school. My immediate reaction was "You mean the highschool?"...But, nooo. a 5th grader had brought in a BB gun. I heard A 5th grader and 3rd grader got shot, but of course that coud be a rumour. I know what you're thinking; what kind of hell hole town does this person live in? Well...We don't. It might just be because I don't hear about it, since my school is in the middle of nowhere in town, but we live in a good area. Still...O_O
Thirdly, I got two notification points from ACC. One got added to my account, they sent an e-mail to my old account that my mom still checks...And, well, she isn't too happy.
If you consider all of the above pointless information...Then today was a normal day. Onto what happened.
Health was spent talking about...stuff that isn't worth mentioning. Spanish we did the normal stuff, and on the way out the spanish teacher told me my poem had been accepted to this town poetry thing that I was forced to enter...Great. It shows how much taste these poetry judges, whoever they are, have when they choose a poem like mine. And, for the record, I tried not to be chosen. I hate these things. I'm pretty sure I get extra credit for this; Not that I want it very much. In Social Studies, we took some more notes on religion, and had to read my two current events due. Gah, I hate those things too...Still, only one left for the rest of the year. Yay! Then in Science, I had a quiz on Newton's Laws of Motion, which I hate, but actually studied for. All was going well until "Explain the difference between weight and mass", which wasn't good. Let's put it this way...The world things your an idiot when you respond by saying "Mass is the force of Earth's gravity acting on the object, and weight is how much an object weighs". I'm excited for his response to that when we get the quiz back...Then I had lunch, and we snuck into the cpomputer lab, even though its supposedly closed on Monday and Friday. It's easy to do, as long as "The Blonde Teacher", as Coco calls her, isn't there. In math, we basically had a 48-minute long lecture...And, in LA, we had to write about whether we should ban the sales of water bottles...Simply because they're "bad for the environment". Screw the polar ice caps, honestly. Water bottles are conveniant. I got my essay back, that I got an A- on though I really deserved at least a D...Maybe he's happy at me 'cause of the poetry acceptance thing? Dunno. He didn't talk for long, though...He'd had back sugery that morning, and was apparently in pain. At the end of the period, some girl says "No offense, but why are you here?" which was amazing in my skewed sense of humour that I love. Then in enrichment, I read part of Witch of Blackbird Pond again, because I didn't have a book...
And, that was my day.
I have Math MCAs tomorrow and Thursday, which was what the lecutre was about. We'd heard it a billion times, but I guess it was better than regular math...Still, it;'s somewhat stressy, and I'm not looking forward to it. I can't say much more about it...I do need to find a book, still.
Ah, Clown Town! It was alright, both boring and fun, like a lot of things like this. We had to pick up my friend's sister, and Matt, so we were kind of late, not that there was any arrival time. We had to pass over this train track which like never has any trains...Except Friday, and a train that took five minutes to pass. And it wasn't going slow, either. So, we spent forever in a line waiting to get tickets(They played Just Like Heaven <333), and then walked areound a bit more; Me, 'Adele', Matt, Rachel, and we talked to a few other people that night, like the other Rachel. I have...issues going on rides that spin, which took 95% of all the rides there, and ended up going on one ride that I didn't enjoy whatsoever. We spent most of the time just walking around, honestly. When we first got there, Matt was dying to see Kyle's new "girlfriend". Kyle is Matt's enemy, and Kyle's girlfriend, Stefi, is a girl from a different middle school in town who Kyle had met only once before. Kyle's basically your typical Abercrombie-snob now, and Stefi seemed the same, though most of the time she was just talking to all her other middle school friends. Part way through, we see a group of our friends/enemies(Do your know your enemy?), and everyone just starts giggling, because Kyle and Stefi kissed...Three times in fact, over the space of 15 minutes. This may seem like nothing to some, but this is gossip at its finest for us. Everyone got so excited about it, even though Kyle and Stefi acted like they barely knew each other, and within a few minutes, basically everyone who cared, and everyone who didn't care(From both schools)knew about it. It got out of control, quite frankly. The thing is, Kyle isn't allowed to date until high school, let alone kiss a girl. So, there were a load of discussios today. 'Should we tell Kyle's parents(For whatever reason people may hold; Spite, hate, jealousy, etc.), or just let him get away with it?". Personally, Kyle seems to behave like a brat these days, so I say we should tell his parents. I think more people want him to get away with it, though, so we're onto a losing battle. It'll be a while before this dies down, I'm sure.
Wow...Does anyone actually care? Doubt it.
Okay...And, musically, I've been listening to The Killers, Muse, Chairlift, Modest Mouse, and O.A.R. today...Fun fun fun. xDD
Posted by Naomi at 6:01 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And Blogger.com Relives! Though, Not For Very Long, I'm Sure.
So...After watching another episode of Hotel Inspector, see last post, I came to check Blogger, and...Wow, five new posts! I think Blogger is living again, though probably not for that long...DX. Come on, everyone, post!
So...Onto my day. I hate doing these stuid posts now; I know no one cares about them. I suck at everything. Oh well.
Sorry...I actually got to school early for once, since my mother wans't fast asleep at the time. Not that I had any rush to get up, Thursdays being my least favorite day of the week. I got to homeroom, and got to meet our sub for the next couple of days(when I say meet, I say acknowledge his existance). My Social stufies teacer, my LA teacher, and our extra help teacher are at some event in Maine for the next couple of days, so we got subs. Ths teacher I'd had a couple of times before, and he's totally oblivious to everything...Like every substitue, basically.
I had gym first period. And, like most days, my partner seemed to be in a bad mood. And, today my stupid self decided I was going to swing half the shots with my left hand, and miss half the shots that came to my right hand anyway, so she got seriously annoyed at the end. I think she hates me anyway, so I never really had anything to lose. We lost all of our games but one, because the two girls we were against were idiots, basically. So, gym today really wasn't that good. xD
Then I had health. I hate having it this period. It takes a while to get from one room to another, and I'm always the first girl there. The teacher has commented on it every time so far, and it's embarassing. Simpy because I don't see the need to talk while getting changed, I arrive first. Today was spent watching another movie; Something similar to the female version of the movie we watched the other day. It was about a female athlete, who had fought to be treated as equally as the men. It was pretty interesting.
Then I had LA. I'd only had this substitue a couple of times before, I think both times were in Spanish, and she seemed nice. She subbed for the 1st term for health, though. So, like always, we got to write poetry. It seems Mr G has put an end to the "Poets Who have Committed Suicide" series, as this one seemed all too normal, for my liking. I got enough of "Blue skies, fluffy bunnies" poems last year, and this one was no better. We ended up talking half the time, and then a few boys read out their pointless poems...Including "My Day", and "My Fear".
They I had math. We got our quizzes back...Which I got a 77% on, bringing my quiz average down to a 91%. Ugh, I'm normally so good at what we're doing...But I had issues with negative signs and multiplictaion. I spent most of the time correcting the answers, basically looking at my partners' answers and having to sit through her "Check your work twice" speech. Then, we got to discuss our walking rate graphs for the last few minutes of class.
And then I have science, and it's always this time I get hungry...Not social studies, always science. It sucks. We basically did some more work on motion, and a worksheet. Then I had Social Studies...Which was the mostboring class of the day, but at least the sub didn't tell us his life story like in previous times. We had to answer questions about a couple of Roman fellas(?). I didn't really have much paper to hand, so I coudn't doodle, so I got reaaaly bored.
After lunch, we just had Dear, and I finished Witch Of Blackbird Pond! Amazing book. <333 I felt like I was the only one reading, though, as everyone else was exploiting the sub and basically shouting at the people sitting in the room across the hall. It did get sort of fun. xD
And then I came home...More sudoku...Wondering what to do without reading...Watched TV...Came on the computer, and here I am. Nothing interesting. Musically, it's still...THE KILLERS AND JUST THE KILLERS! Totally obsessed, with at least 30 songs at the moment. I'm still reminicing. <3 *sigh* ...*double sigh*. Stupid nostalgia. Anyway, I'm at a loss of what to do now...YouTube, or watching my new obsession, King Of The Hill? I want a series of that on DVD. Their animtion doesn't freak me out anymore, so I've discovered the weird humour in that show. Oh, tomorrow evening I'm going to this thing called Clown Town in the center of town! It sounds childish I know, but it's actually really fun. I can't wait!
Bye for now!
Posted by Naomi at 5:56 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
And The "Post-Concert Depression" Continues
As it seems, the best things in life always come to be the worst, in one way or another. Especially if you hype something up for months, counting down the days, the hours because you know it's gonna be amazing...And that's it, gone, all like that, with nothing to count down to, or so it seems. All you'd ever wanted, it felt, went by in no time at all, better than you could have experienced. At, that...Is how I feel at the moment.
(I know that sounded sappy)
Stupid "post-concert depression". At least, it's not as bad as in January. That was horrible...But I feel okay now. Being slightly pessimitic about the whole thing helped, but I'm still down about it all. And writing this post is kind of making it worse, and better at the same time...It'll ease with time, I'm sure. There's always August. xD
So...*big sigh*. My day, unfortunatly, was just like any other day. Which I hate. Though, Wednesdays are normally an alright day...My 2nd favorite, I worked out today, after Mondays. The stereotypically stupid/preppy girl at my science table announced to the world today that our wednesday schedules are "awkward". It makes a world of sense, right? I see the next Einstein in town! But, seriously, I like them. No one else seems to.
I had Enrichment first period. I wanted to read my book, so I went into the Social Studies room, only to be told I had to go to the English room, 'cause I was reading. And, the thing is, the whole point of reading was for those who were behind...So, I had to lie about being on chapter eleven, when I was actually on chapter twenty. Good thing is, my teacher didn't walk past and notice my finger placed oddly in a page towards the end of the book, to keep track of where I was.Hhe was hardly in the room the whole time, in fact. And I got a decent ammount read. It's a great book, in case you haven't figured that out by now.
Then I have Science, and quite honestly, I'm beginning to wish Newton had never written down these so called "laws of motion", that are so obvious they're human nature for us to know. Today was actually worst than most days in science, which is saying something. We're finally on the 3rd law of motion, the "Equal and opposite" thing, and my teacher basically talked for an hour and a half straight, with only one break, and about ten minutes on a worksheet. Science this year has been such a drag. xD
Then I had Spanish, and we're coming to the end of our three-day long section of "emotions", which is better than most. It's pretty pathetic how I still struggle memorizing basic verb congigations after six months of learning them, and it makes everything an awful lot harder. But, like my English teacher said, learning them in English really helped...Well, technically he said "Everything from now on is cake!", but this is good enough. Still, I'm going to fail Friday's quiz, wether the world is cake or not.
Then I had lunch. I had pancakes, which I know you were dying to discover. Then I went on the computer in the library, with Adele and Matt.
Then I had health. The...Er...biological diagrams of males of females on the board were discouraging, but it turned out we didn't even talk about them. Come on, people from my school, when do I experience this awkwardness I've heard so much about? There isn't much time left. Wait...Since I said that...That means bad things in future health classes...Anyway, today, we had to take yet another survey about "risky behaviors", just like the one in gym last week. Except, we couldn't skip select questions like in the other one. So it was like...
Question 1; Have you ever had a drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?
A; Yes
B: No
*circles B*
Question 2: How many times in the past 30 days have you had a drink of alcohol?
Yeah, it got annoyng.
Then we spent 15 minutes looking at these card things, with little relation to anything we're doing.
Then, I had double Social Studies, which was more or less as exciting as always. We just started out chapter on "Religion in Rome". I know close to nothing about it, and already it's more interesting than everything else we've done this year in SS. We took notes for a section we'd already taken notes for, then continued to talk about it, and then write a "Cause and effect" diagram, which is the most pointless exercise in existance, and seemed to take everyone else five tmes longer than it should have done. Then we took a five minute break, then came back and wrote yet more notes on Section number "Something-we've-Already-Covered-, I'm sure", and got a few quizzes back.
And...Then I came back home. I spent some time on the computer, checking my virtually-dead Facebook, trying to work out what on earth is wrong with mixpod.com, things like that. I did another Sudoku while watching BBC America on TV. I don't watch it much anymore, but I saw an episode of The Apprentice, one of my favorites shows, on there last night. It's addicting, in a weird sort of way. The right person got "fired" in my opinion, but I know who my next choice is. Today I saw this show about a woman who comes to failing hotels to bring them back to life; Basically the Gordon Ramsay, for hotels. Oh...That reminds me! Did you hear; Gordon Ramsay has been made BBC America's Dictator For Life. How many shows does that guy have anyway, and why does he get like to have 24 hours of all the programming?
Anyway, I just spent some more time on the computer, and did some homework. Musically, it's Killers and nothing else; Apparently, a common side-effect of Post-concert depression.
Oh joy.
Another awful blog post. I owe you.
Posted by Naomi at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
"...A Celebration Of Sorts; A Killers Concert!"
It rocked so much!!!!!
Quite frankly, this post is going to be long enough, without the witty intro...Not that mine are witty in any way. Of course, it was amazing. I loved every second. and, it was twice as good as the concert in January. So, here we go, start to finish, I'll tell you what happened...And I'll spare you some of the fangirling and obsessing. Maybe.
As always, I got up on Saturday with the excitement of knowing I'd be seeing The Killers later that day. I spent some time online for the most part of the morning, put a new memory card in my camera, packed my things, and waited for everyone else to get ready to go. After a lot of time wondering about the weather, I ended up wearing my blue Killers sillouhette t-shirt, my denim shorts, and my new black Converse. I think we left at about twelve...First, we dropped my sister off at her friend's house for the weekend, and then we left.
The drive itself was about two and a half hours, around there. We drove south, through Boston, down into Rhode Island, and then west into Connecticut. The drive itself was okay...I put on my new Weezer album, and Day And Age. The new Weezer album, for all its worth, is okay. There's a lot of whiny songs that I'd never expect of Weezer, but I really love "We Are All On Drugs". I only listened to that album once, and it was Day and Age through the rest of the way...For reasons I don't know, I kind of love Boston, and tested my ability at taking photos while moving all the way through. I got a few really good shots of nothing in particular. The majority of the trip was spent in Massachusetts alone, which got really boring. After about an hour and a half, we crossed over into Rhode Island. I was so determined to get a shot of the "Welcome To Rhode Island" sign...And, for whatever reason, they tell you "welcome to *town name*, Rhode Island", and I think "That's it?", so I put my camera away...And 100 feet down the road, there's the "Welcome to Rhode Island" sign, so I was annoyed at that. To add to that odd events in Rhode Island, I later saw a father and son in a pick-up truck...Which is normal, right? Not if it was the son driving. And, no, I'm not talking about a father giving his 16-year-old driving lessons. He looked about eleven or twelve years old. We avoided that car.
Then we crossed into Connecticut, and the hotel we were staying at was only a couple of miles across the border...So, we parked the car, got out, and I realised it was remarkably colder in Connecticut, and I aws regretting wearing shorts. The hotel itself was nice...The room was kind of small, but there was a soda machine a little way away. And the lobby has really good cookies. So, we stayed in there for about 30 minutes, and then it was another 30 minutes to the arena., and it this point I was super insanely awesomely excited. The arena, The Mohegan Sun, was actually in an Indian Reservation, and we crossed into that after about 20 minutes.
The arena was right by a lake, though that was only one part of it. It was mostly a casino, with loads of shops, and a hotel, and an arena. This was about five we got there. The whole world seems to think that me seeing gambling will screw up my morals for the rest of my life, so we had to take a special route inside. So, we got in, and then tried to find a map, and wandered to the arena.
*writing first paragraph that actually has some point to it*. When we were walking, we ended up behind some guy all dressed in black, who was pulling a trolly-like thing, which had six or seven cymbals stacked on top. There was a piece of paper on top...So, naturally, I leaned over to see if this was for what I thought it was for. The guy turns around to see us, so I sort of backed off in case I'd get in trouble or something. My dad says to the guy, "Are these concert cymbals?", and the guy says "They will be tonight". So, indeed, they were what I thought they were for! Killers cymbals! The guy turns around and sees me in my Killers t-shirt, and says I can touch the cymbals! And...I lean forward...And, obviously, I touch a cymbal! A Killers cymbal! A KILLERS cymbal! Then I start to giggle like the little girl that I am, and the guy just sort of picks up his pace...Probably out of fear for me, and that he was in a rush.
We ended up finding the place. There was a group of about 20 people, standing in no real order, in front of six closed doors. Once we got our place among the group, my dad kept our place and me and my mom looked around to get food. I wasn't hungry, but I was going to be stuck there for forever, so wandering was good...
As it happens, Mohegan Sun is a very weird place. And I barely saw anything of it, 'cause of the restrictions. Outside where we were waiting, there was a giant plastic rock, with an anamatronic wolf on top, and by some slot machines there was the fake waterfall, that had to be at least 100 feet tall. It was...crazy, but interesting. The building was nice. So, then we came back...And waited, for a couple of hours. I spent the time looking out for other Victims(Not thast I was going to talk to them), and looking around at the other fans...What a mixed bunch they are. Me, the only person there who wasn't at least 16 years old, my mom, Victims, 30 year old mothers, gothy people, Abercrombies, girls who came just to see Brandon in skinny jeans, boys who'd come just to hear When You Were Young because it was on Guitar Hero, weirdos wearing t-shirts advertising bands that weren't The Killers...They were all there.
At seven, we were allowed in. They had put us in lines, and luckily I was in a short line, and they sent us through baggage search. Then we had to run to the guy who looked at our tickets and then to another line where we had to get wrist bands. It seemed like I was far back, so I got really stressed. Once they'd sent us through, we basically ran down an escalator, across some long corridor, and we gave our tickets to one more guy, and then we were allowed in the arena. We ran across to get our standing places. But, with all the fears I had...We got 2nd row, right in front of Dave(Their guitarist), and all the amps. And, the girls in front of us were sort of short. I thought I was going to be ten rows back, behind some six foot-something tall guy. I was ridiculously happy with our seats, like you wouldn't believe...I had a great view, at a great concert, seeing a great band. I knew it was going to be amazing at this point.
We waited for another hour, as about 20 new rows formed behind us. I just kind of listened onto what the girls in front of me were saying. One read out a text message she was sending, which read as "He's gonna be wearing all black and eyeliner and I'm gonna want to hump him"...I showed my mom how to use my camera, and we took a picture of a box which says "The Killers" on. At eight, the opening band, Chairlift, came on. To be honest, they sounded exactly the same as M83 for most of it. They played about eight songs, when I only knew two, but it was still fun.
After that, we had to wait for about 40 minutes, because something was wrong with the drums. I saw the guy with the cymbals earlier, trying to fix them. They brought on the K, and everyone screamed...It was so awesome! got a great picture of it.
After a while, my legs were sort of hurting, and I was sick of waiting, and seeing the same adverts again and again on the screens...The countdown started on the screen, and everyone screamed. They played a little synthy intro of no song, and then came running on. Dave ended up standing about three or four feet away from me, staring across until they started playing...I wasn't having so much of a fangirl moment...It was just really weird seeing them up so close, exactly like they always look. But, it was of course amazing. They introd with Human...Considering it's the most popular song of the album, I'd thought they'd do it later on. But, it was AMAZING! The screen had a beating red heart, and I started singing along. Total amazingness. I actually even screamed a bit.
Now, from this point on, I can't exactly remember the setlist. But, I'll tell you what I can remember, and update later.
I think next, they did This Is Your Life...Brandon introd it by saying "..This Is Your Life". Man of few words, haha. It was a good performance, and I loved his dancing in this one.
So, one of the first songs they did was Joy Ride, with what I think was an extended intro. Brandon wanders around the stage, closer to my side, and says "It's a saturday night! A celebration of sorts; A Killers concert! Let's see some dancing!", which I think is a geat way to get into Joy Ride. And, I actually did dance, which only The Killers can make me do. Joy Ride is one of the best live, too, because of the extra saxaphone. Great dancing from everyone, especially the band.
From what I remember, they played Somebody Told Me. This is great early on, because everyone just has to dance, and it gets everyone into the show. I started singing along ridiculously loud, and everyone started staring at me, but this one is just so unbelievable live.
Then, I think they played Smile Like You Mean it. I didn't really hear the intro at first, but once Brandon started singing, so did I. In the intro, Dave put is foot on the amp right near me, so he was even closer than before. Only a couple of feet between me and mone of my heros.
Then they played For Reasons Unknown. This one went to show how fast they are at going between songs. I didn't even notice Brandon had gotten his bass out! This one even had an extended middle...I can't remember the lyrics, since he kept changing them...Something like "Have you ever been in love? You feel those butterflies, those whimsical butterflies. You wake up one day, and that feeling can be gone without a trace. You know you want it back; You want to fight for it. You want to breath that fire again", those lyrics are so pretty, even if I haven't got them memorised just yet.
Then, sometime around now, they played Shadowplay. Personally, this is one of my favorite songs live, and tonight was no different. After the bridge, when he sings "Today the center of the city in the night, waiting for you" a couple of times, everyone started jumping up and down like crazy till the end of the song.
*just reliased this is going to be a billion paragraphs long*. Sorry. DX
Then...I think they played Sam's Town next, the Abbey Road version. It's not a terribly good one live, but they had extra bass which made it better than in January. They played Bling(Confession of A King), soon after, which has the best lyrics ever. Can't help but sing along.
Spaceman came next. I love it when Brandon sings super high live, 'cause it doesn't always hit the right note, and it sounds good. For some reason, Brandon came over and pretended to pull Dave's hair, which I thought was kind of funny, but odd. They played The World we Live In next. And they even played Change Your Mind, which was awesome, because they don't play it much. It's probably their most under-rated song, I loved it. Read My Mind came after that, and they even played the music video on the screen, but I couldn't see very clearly. During the solo, Dave came right into the middle of the stage, and Brandon just points to him. It was great.
Then Brandon said he'd "tell us a little story", which was basically the formation of The Killers. It was fun, though I knew all of it. Then he says "Dave gave me a casette with some ideas, and this was one of them..." and they started playing Mr Brightside. I expected that, but hearing those first few noted is so electrifying. Luckily, I avoided a mosh pit disaster that could have potentially happened during that song, and it was amazing. They went straight into All These Things That I've Done after that...Last song before the encore. It's sad, but amazng. Best live song ever. How could you resist singing along to "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier!", repeatedly, louder and louder. It's something everyone should experience at least once in their life. Or, you've wasted a life...kidding.
sSo, then they went off and we waited for the encore. For the encore, they started with Bones. Great, great song. One of my favorite songs of all time, and I'd be seriously annoyed if they didn't play it. Especially with the brass, it sounds so amazing live. Then they played Jenny Was A Friend of Mine...Possibly my favorite song of the night. Finally, Mark gets his moment!
Then, of course, they ended with When You Were Young. Brandon specifically said "Let's raise the roof with this son of a bitch!" which made me smile. It was an insane performance...And, well, I can't really find a way to describe it without repeating myself. Take every little bit of praise for the past million paragraphs and put it together, times two. That's how much it rocked. At the end Ronnie dropped one of his drumsticks, so Dave picked it up and started strumming with it.
And...now onto the little details. They had a great light show, and confetti and foreworks. As I said, I was only a few feet away from Dave at all times, and probably no more than 15 away from the love of my life. Brandon kept moving around(HE GOT ON AN AMP NEAR ME), so taking pictures was pretty impossible, but yay for Dave as he kept relatively still throughout the show. I got some when he had his foot on an amp, too. At one point, Dave licked hs guitar...And, Ronnie stood up from his drumset for no real reason, and Brandon said "We call him Ronnie the Unstoppable Vannucci jr!" which fits very nicely for him! Okay, but the best part of the show...Dave smiled at me. Seriously. He looked at me about three times during the show, but I found it hard to stare back because I was so nervous...But, he totally smiled at me during Jenny Was A Friend of Mine! I don't know why. Maybe because I'm young, because I smiled at him, or because I was being a freak and singing along way too dramatically to the chorus. He nearly laughed when it happened, and I definitely did. For whatever reason, Dave Keuning acknowledged my existance; And it was amazing.
After all of that, the roadies threw some flowers...I didn't catch one, but(Like last time) someone ended up giving me a nice little flower anyway. So, we went out, got a drink, and I looked through the horrible-quality photos my mom had taken, and thought about it all. My dad picked us up, and we drove back to the hotel. Todayw as spent driving through Connecticut, through Wethersfield, and abck home. And here I am now.
The concert was amazing. Way better than Boston, to say the least. I can't wait to August. It's gonna rock.
Hello? Anyone still reading, who isn't bored out of their mind? If so, congratulations.
Comment, cbox, tell your friends, blah blah blah.
I love The Killers
I love The Killers
I love The Killers
I love The Killers
I love Brandon Flowers <33333
Posted by Naomi at 4:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
'Cause I'm Miss Brightside
TOMORROW IS THE DAY!! THE DAY! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Oh my gosh! The Killers, The Killers, The Killers...Sometimes, I feel, like I don't love them quite like I used to. But moments like this make me love them just as I did on those first few listens of Mr Brightside. They're empowering to me. They can write beautiful lyrics. They're not all about love and heartbreak, like everything else on the radio, they can actually still be beautiful. And they mean so much to me. Maybe too much, but it only rarely bothers me. If 99% of everyone claims to love music, can I not claim to simply love one band? Eeryone seems to dislike it, but I think it's okay. They mean so much to me.
As you can tell, I simply can't wait for tomorrow now. It's gonna rock. If you go back to January 19 through to January 26, you'll see my random outbursts of excitement. I don't want to bore anyway. Instead...Yeah, I'll bore you, and randomly talk about my day for no reason. Also, it's hard to obsess right now...I'm doing like five things at the same time, on several different windows up. And I'm singing. So, concentrating right now is hard. It may not seem like I'm excited, but trust me, I am.
And, speaking of hard to concentrate 'cause of the concert, today was the most impossible day ever. Today was my friends' birthdays(Caralyn and Rachel; Happy birthday!), so I tried not to talk about the concert too much. I had Social Studies first period, and we had to draw Europe and its natural landmarks from memory. It was relaxed, and fun. I really need to learn to draw the north of the UK...The south was total perfection, but the rest looked like a top hat. And, I seemed to think there was some landmass the size of California inbetween France and Spain, and Russia ended up weird, but it was okay. I got most of the landmarks correct, at least. I had Science next, and we were doing these experiments...Basically, we had strings attached to the screws on our cars, with weights at the back. We lit the string with a match, and when it burned it released and the car and weight went flying. I was worried Brandon would get burned, but he turned out just fine.
Then I had Spanish. It was a multiple choice quiz, which I did okay on for the most part. And, I got to write "The Killers" in bubble writing on the back, which is always a plus. Then I had health...We're getting into what would be considered the "awkward topics" pretty soon. Today we watched a video about boys, and the balance between stereotype and biology in their growing up. It was actually very interesting. There was this experiment where the mother was playing with a baby, and then she just stopped...And about 70% of girls would sit there. I was part of the 30% who would start bawling. I was such a weird baby.
Then I had math, and we did some more algebra, I finished my graph, then went to my folder and finished my Samurai Sudoku we started a couple of weeks ago. I know it's weird for me to love Sudoku...But, want to know something even more weird? I love algebra. Like, it's my favorite math-y thing to do. Everyone seems to hate it, but it's so much...Fun! The longer the better, quite frankly. I love the ones where it has a million groupings, and it looks so confusing, and it takes forever to finish, but they're so much fun to me. I'd never get bored. Yeah, I'm a freak. Then we had lunch, and LA...Where we summarized an article about wether we should cut art and music programms in our schools...And, here's my opinion. We should. Everyone complains about not having money, when we waste money on stupid things. The elementary school got like seven Smart Boards a while back. We have a biggish library that only a handfull of people use. We have five homerooms per team(Big teams, at least), when we could use four. We don't need guidance councelors, as I see it. And, we don't need art, or music. Especially art. Why do it? We use art skills when doing other projects. And we do it at home. It doesn't teach us anything, and we get very little of it;. When worst comes to worse, Math, LA, and Science always...Come first.
...Crud, that ryhmed...
And then I came home, and put on Day And Age, and TOTALLY FANGIRLED OUT! I can barely think straight, which is why this post sucks. Oh, and there's to be a special guest at the concert...CHAIRLIFT! Heard of them? They're annoying, but catchy, two things that go hand-in-hand. They had a song in an iPod commercial once. I don't know if that means they're opening...Because I think M83 are still with them...But, it'll be cool. I also hope they'd do A Dustland Fairytale, too. God, they'd better be awesome. I know they will.
And...That's that. If I gt up early enough, then I'll have time for a post, but no promises. The plan for tomorrow is...Get up, get memory card for camera, pack stuff, blog, bug parents to get up and go, eventually leave, drive for like two hours down to Connecticut, wait in line for forever, get in, HAVE THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE, wait outside for band, meet band, freak out, go back to hotel, try to sleep...And, on Sunday we're gonna drive down to Weathrsfield, look around CT for a while...Come back, talk to people, blog, do homework.
It's gonna rock.
A post tomorrow, I will try to do.
Wish me...Fun!
Posted by Naomi at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
...Console Me In My Darkest Hour
^^^ Yeah, the title is obviously 100% lyrical, and while I seem to do that a lot, these lyrics have nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm going to write today. But, Day and Age is in the CD player and I can't help but sing a lot. Actually, I truly don't know I'm doing it half the time. I could be in deep thought, discussing the meaning of life or something(Yeah, like I'm that deep...), and at the same time be saying "Spaceman says everybody look down, it's all in your mind" without knowing it. It's really embarassing because all of a sudden I realise what I'm doing, and I feel stupid, especially when my parents are in the room. So, I usually don't put Day And Age on when anyone else is near me. Just as a preccaution. [/ramble]
So...hi! I owe my few bloggers a decent post about now, but I can't think of much. So, this is what you get for today. I apologize, after the concert hype dies down, I'll actually post something ubrelated to anything. I have the worst blog in all of human history, as you've probably noticed.
So, onto my day. Thursdays are basically the worst days of the week. Well, I have no reason to hate them other than having to have 7th period lunch, and gym. But that's enough for me hate something. So...In homeroom I made my friend Rachel really jealous about The Killers, chatted about pointless stuff, convinced Adele of the direction of Dave Keuning's fro growth, and sang a bit of "Spaceman", which was then stuck in Adele's head for the rest of the day. Hehe. 1st period I had gym. I was expecting dodgeball, but luckily we'd gone straight onto the next unit; Handball, and handtennis. You got to choose, again. I chose hand-tennis, since it was my favorite sport we played last year. There's only 14 of us...My friend didn't bring her sneakers today, so, yes, I was the loser who's partner was the gym teacher. It wasn't that bad, actually, since I think I'm better at tennis(And badminton) than any other sport I've played(My worst sport being swimming, I think). 2nd period I had Health...We watched videos on YouTube advertising "True Beauty" and showing the process it takes to get a model ready for a photoshoot, and then watched them computer-change her face too. And then...For the millionth time, we had to watch that Susan Boyle video. I guess it kind of fitted in to the idea of the class, but I'm sick of hearing about it. I can't imagine anything more embarassing, quite frankly, seeing these English things that Americans seem to find hilarious...Yeah, you haven't heard a Scottish accent before? Well, unlike you might think, Susan Boyle doesn't have a speach problem, that's an actual accent. Though that may be hard for you to believe, so you can just keep your stereotype of the UK...And we can all say you speak like cowboys, and leave it at that, hmm?
Anyway, then I had LA. We did some more poetry, but he didn't even look at what I'd written, probably 'cause he knew this just isn't my type of poetry. To describe the author(Who's name I can't remember), I must resort to using everyone's new favorite word..."Random". Yeah, it doesn't much too much sense, and I couldn't write it. Hippie nonsense poems annoys me, as does the idea of being a hippie...No offense. Then I had math, and we just started making graphs for our walking rates.
Then I had science, and Brandon The Car had to get three holes drilled into him, and then have three screws put in place...Luckily, nothing went over where his name is written, so I'm not too bothered. But it was a close one. And Social Studies I had a test, and the last question actually had something asbout Adam Lambert in it, which I found very amusing. And...after lunch I was forced to read a book that my friend gave to me, that I'm sure an eight year old could have read quite fluenty. She's the most patronizing person you'll ever meet.
And that was today. Day and Age just ended *bursts into tears*...Kidding, but this CD rocks. I can't believe the concert is in TWO DAYS, I'm so excited it's hard to desceribe! So..I won't try. I'd just be repeating myself. I have to study for Spanish soon, and work out what the weather's going to be like this weekend. Oh, and as far as music goes...it's Stacy's Mom by Fountains Of Wayne, Day And Age, and nothing else.
Posted by Naomi at 6:23 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco De Mayo, And All That Jazz
Hey guys,
Today was a normal day, concidering we're so far behind in Spanish we couldn't even have a celebration today like we rightfully deserve.
Otherwise, I've been okay. My alarm clock didn't go off, so I got up later...And was late to school, and then got the stuff for the wrong classes, and had to go back to my locker in the middle of homeroom, which annoyed me, but the day continues.
I have LA first...Double LA in fact, and hoorah for that. We were doing an essay test for the book, The Witch Of Blackbird Pond, that we're reading. I did five pages, double-spaces, describing the differences of Barbados and Connecticut in the 17th centuary, with five minutes left that I was "writing poetry" in. The essay went well, and for some reason I'm still having difficulty understanding, I really enjoyed writing it. It could basically have been taken as another MCAS test, but this one was awesome. The most likely reason is because I love the book. The only reason I'm at chapter eight is because I want to have some left for saturday afternoon and evening. The choices off books this year have been, like, amazing.
I had math what was technically 3rd period, but was actually 2nd, which was okay too. We were meseauring our walking rates, mine being 96 meters per minute; Slightly more than average. We also got new seats...Which are okay for me. Two other girls; One I like and I've sat with twice in math before, and one I've never sat with and hate with all my heart, so it should be interesting. Bretter than my last math seat, at least. And we worked out our quiz averages for the term; 95% FTW, though that's only because we're doing some algebra, which I love. And we got no homework...Though, I never finished last night's. If anyone has flown from Connecticut to Barbados before, just let me know. Thanks. xDD
We went to the library during recess, and onto ACC and blogging, nothing too interesting. Matt told me he'd washed Brandon The Rock, so I was of course unhappy with him for it. Matt slightly teased the boy in the other side of the room, and we got on with our lives...
After lunch, we got to watch Mean Girls in Enrichment. Now, the idea of this was for another social issues thing, to show the affects of girls being mean. Honestly, it proved nothing at all. The fact that my LA teacher has had a copy of Mean Girls for two years I find strange enough, but the idea that anyone can draw much of a meaning from it is even stranger. About twenty minutes of it was spent having to sit through computer problems, where we would only get shots of peoples' chests. So, we ended up watching 15 minutes, and I'm guilty of actually thinking it was an okay movie. I somehow wish school cliques worked to such a strict agenda, I'm sure that would be interesting. Unfortunatly, there was a lot of innapropriate stuff, and we're no longer allowedto watch it.
Then I had Spanish, which as said above, was spent doing nothing out of the ordinary. Then we had gym, where we had to take a "Healthy survey"...You know, drugs, alcohol, feelings, the usual stuff. Except it had about 100 questions, and took most of class...And I got to do nothing for the last tne minutes, which made an awesome gym class.
Then...I came home, and here I am now. This seems sort of short for a post, and I'm sorry, but I don't really feel like writing much. As for music, I haven't listened to much today, but a bit of The Killers. I'd still be listening to Day And Age, but I haven't had this room to myself all day. I'll buy some songs later. I've been doing a bit of preperation for Saturday, too...Like, checking the weather. It's supposed to rain. Yaaay. And, I'm gonna clear pictures off my camera tomorrow and get a new case for the Day and Age CD, since the original one has a huge crack on it. Oh, and the book I'm reading for school, Witch oF Blackbird Pond as I mentioned earlier, is set in Weathersfield in Connecticut, about thirty minutes away from the concert! We're staying in a hotel after, so on Sunday we'll be able to look around. I'll see if can take pictures, too, but there are no promises.
Yeah...I'm super tired today. Bye.
FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Naomi at 6:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Why Do I Keep Counting? Because I Can't Wait...One Week Left!
Today = May 2nd 2009
My 2nd Concert Ever = May 9th 2008
9 - 2 = 7 days
7 days = One Week
One Week = It's nearly here!
I'd say I'm excited, as I am(But nothing could ever be as exciting as my first ever concert, could it?), but it doesn't feel real yet. See, here's the issue...I've kind of been neglecting my beloved Killers for the past few weeks to search for some new music. It's not that I'm bored with them, but I want to listen to some new and more varied music. Plus, I got six new CDs last week, so The Killers took a backseat for a while. That's why. BUT, from now on(For the next seven days...) no more hours dedicated to Foo Fighters, Pet Shop Boys, and The Smiths nonsense...Day And Age is going in the CD player tomorrow and not leaving, until I decide to put another TK album on instead. Haha. Then the excitement comes, and the obsessing...And the TOTAL FANGIRLING!!! But, I love it. I'd say we'd be well into the show by now, next Saturday. I hope they play A Dustland this time. And I hope I get to meet the band. And I hope I get to look all cute to the adults, and get near the front. And I hope Brandon sees me in the crowd. And I hope my dad lets me upload pictures this time. And I hope it's awesome, but that's a given, right?
There isn't that much to say today. When I woke up today the first thing I did was get up and check ACC, and go on Pandora Radio, and Pandora had decided to delete my account. And it wasn't like I was totally inactive, either, it had only been about a week. So, I made a new account...It's a shame, I miss it's old totally confusing attempts to work out what music I'd like, and totally fail. when I simply put one band, The Killers, in my "favorite music" lists, the recommendations it gives me are always spot-on. Except, I'm sick of every online radio place telling me how much I'd love Coldplay if I'm a Killers fan. I guess I like them, I have a few songs, but they do seem slightly overrated in my opinion. The first Coldplay song I'd heard, that I knew was Coldplay, was Speed Of Sound, which at the time was one of the worst songs I'd ever heard. It totally put me off.
There hasn't been an awful lot going on today. I have an addiction to my sister's lemonade that she keeps making, which is also loaded with a ton of sugar. And, she even bought these little blue plastic cups the other day to put it in. They're totally impractical, but I feel I can't have Lemonade without them in. xDD The morning was spent online, as always, and watching some "Making Of Little Britain" thing, which I'd seen a million times but still enjoy. These new DVDs which have, like, no "Making Of" special features things deserve not to be made, by the way.
I spent more time online in the afternoon, then went to the mall for more shorts...One denim, and one blue plaid. This trip was my mom's idea, actually, as I didn't feel like shopping whatsoever(Which is why I said I didn't want to look for Converse after that, like she suggested we should). Let me tell you, whatever you do, don't go into Aeropostale on a Saturday afternoon(Once again, don't judge me. I only buy shorts there). While we were walking around, someone's desperately bored mother said to my not-so-bored-mother(I'm a speed-shopper), "It's like Christmas shopping, it's so busy!" and she was right. As you can imagine, it's basically stuffed with girls who are little more than walking stereotypes, that give you dirty stares as to say "I don't see a brand name written across your chest, missy" and proceed to bump you as they walk past you at every oppurtunity. I mean, sorry, not all girls do that...Most are pre-occupied texting their friends who are in the same store as them. What do they talk about exactly?! I'm by the flip-flops, where are you?? A minute ago I just saw this super cute yellow t-shirt!! Clearly, I fail to understand the mechanics of being an American teenage girl.
When I got home, the weather was really nice and I spent some time outside before the mosquitos tried to eat me alive. Then I came back, watched some Little Britain, did two Sudokus, had dinner, and came back here. That's basically it.
I might make the name change to my blog tomorrow, which will probably excite me about next Saturday further, so it's all good. But, I don't know, because for other changes, I need Word, which has decided to totally mess up tonight and not allow me to write anything.
Posted by Naomi at 9:23 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Dancing(NOT To Joy Division) Among Other Things
Hey guys,
First off, just eight days. Eight freakin' days until I next experience the "Best Night Of My Life" thing. A KILLERS CONCERT, OF COURSE! It's oh-so exciting, of course. But I can rave another day.
Fridays are definitely the best days of the week. You get a quiet day of school, relaxing, staying up late, AIM chats. They're simply the best. Today was, for no reason in particular, an amazing day.
I had Social studies first period. And, Ms B didn't give me all the "bull" that she basically promised in homeroom on Thursday, which is amazing. But I did get teased about it from this other boy later in the day, but not nearly as bad as if it happened in front of the class. We had half classes because of this thing happening 8th period, so each was only 24 minutes. We just wrote a few notes, and then had a little quiz(Very little!). Only six questions, in fact. I suck at US history, so thank god the "Which of Henry the 8th's wives gave birth to Elizebeth 2nd?" question came up. I've been focusing on the Stewart-era English history at the moment, and I've forgotten a lot of the stuff I know about the Tudor-era, but I surprisingly got it right. Anne Boleyn! I thought, it was either her, or Anne Of Cleeves. Even if I'd got it wrong, it was waaay better than some of the other answers...The two I heard were; Elizebeth the 2nd, and(You will laugh!)...Celine Dion. There are soo many things wrong with those two statements! Maybe that isn't such commen knowledge, though...I love English hstory.
Science was boring. We were doing these experiments, and we had a substitue.
Math was okay. We were doing this thing about traveling, in relation to The With Of Blackbird Pond, the book we're reading in English. Did you an 18th centuary boat travels at 2.3 miles per hour, while you walk at about 3 miles per hour? I wish I'd learned that so it could go on my post yesterday.
In English we started with a Fire drill. At least the weather was good, but we got a teacher shouting at us after because we were all talking too much. In actual English, we went over some of the characters of the book, for an essay test on Monday...Or Tuesday, I can't remember.
In Enrichment I just read..the Golden Compass, which is, quite frankly, horribly horribly overrated. I hate the book. I tried reading it once, and just gave up. I was bored out of my mind. In Spanish we did some translating, and in health we finished our "Alcohol And Drug Free" project, after spending forever and a day trimming the paper of our project. My partner just did all the work, since the radio was playing in the art teacher's room. They played a Coldplay song, and then something that was apparently by Bush...Anyway, in our 2nd enrichment, I did a crossword about Withc Of Black Bird Pond. You couldn't really read the words, but it was okay. We got to talk at the same time.
After lunch was when it got interesting, though. For this unit in gym, we got to choose between Floor Hockey and Gym. Being the tomboy that I am, I choose Floor Hockey...Even though I hate it. Today was our last week, and those who chose dance had to perform today, in front of the whole school. I can't imagine how they got the courage. The performance was rather boring, though. And there seemed to be an odd split of grades...A million 6th graders, about five 7th grade groups, and two 8th grade groups, one of them consisting of about ten girls. The first two songs were Britney Spears songs...The best of the horrible pop artists around, I have to admit, but I can't say I liked them. One group did Let It Rock, the best song played, and also the best dance routine...They were totally amazing. By the looks of it, more time had been spent by the groups in organising co-ordinating outfits than the dance routines, which would explain why they did amazing...No offence to them. At least they weren't in neon green tank tops, and silver leggings, like some people. There was another BS song by the girls in my gym class, and a few other okay-ish pop songs. One girl did a traditional Indian dance, and another did a swing-ish song from(What I'm guessing is) like 40 years ago, which was the only song that made my math teacher seem remotely interested. There was this one...odd group...Which consisted of two girls who would be considered "cool" and one boy who is bullied worse than everyone else. He does these things, and doesn't expect to be teased? Seriously? It's good that he does it, but he needs to know what to expect. The last one...The group of about 10 girls, was weird. They were dresssed in black, did some dancing, then went into the locker room, took the black things off, and came out dressed in the neon outfits and sunglasses they were wearing underneath(Except the sunglasses, obviously). After that, they just seemed to jump up and down in no real fashion to a song that can be best described as simply "girly". I didn't get the hype, but it was good to hear some music during the day...
Other stuff:
- Musically, my day has sucked. I'm bored with everything on my iPod. I've mostly been listening to The Killers, Foo Fighters, and Morissey today, though. I might put my Wombats CD on later, though I really want to listen to my iPod player, but I can't find the wire. Damn.
- I had a really depressing conversation with people on ACC today aboput relationship problems. I hope everything gets better for everyone.
- Go to www.anidiotsmind.blogspot.com
- Blogger is DEAD! Comment, CBox, blog...Whatever!
- OMG I'll be able to have Mrs Nerimon on my iPod soon? Sweet!
- I'm so not bored with Sudoku just yet
- I'm going into a Little Britain fase, yet again
- This post sucked, I know
Posted by Naomi at 5:58 PM 1 comments