Thursday, May 7, 2009

...Console Me In My Darkest Hour


^^^ Yeah, the title is obviously 100% lyrical, and while I seem to do that a lot, these lyrics have nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm going to write today. But, Day and Age is in the CD player and I can't help but sing a lot. Actually, I truly don't know I'm doing it half the time. I could be in deep thought, discussing the meaning of life or something(Yeah, like I'm that deep...), and at the same time be saying "Spaceman says everybody look down, it's all in your mind" without knowing it. It's really embarassing because all of a sudden I realise what I'm doing, and I feel stupid, especially when my parents are in the room. So, I usually don't put Day And Age on when anyone else is near me. Just as a preccaution. [/ramble]

So...hi! I owe my few bloggers a decent post about now, but I can't think of much. So, this is what you get for today. I apologize, after the concert hype dies down, I'll actually post something ubrelated to anything. I have the worst blog in all of human history, as you've probably noticed.

So, onto my day. Thursdays are basically the worst days of the week. Well, I have no reason to hate them other than having to have 7th period lunch, and gym. But that's enough for me hate something. So...In homeroom I made my friend Rachel really jealous about The Killers, chatted about pointless stuff, convinced Adele of the direction of Dave Keuning's fro growth, and sang a bit of "Spaceman", which was then stuck in Adele's head for the rest of the day. Hehe. 1st period I had gym. I was expecting dodgeball, but luckily we'd gone straight onto the next unit; Handball, and handtennis. You got to choose, again. I chose hand-tennis, since it was my favorite sport we played last year. There's only 14 of us...My friend didn't bring her sneakers today, so, yes, I was the loser who's partner was the gym teacher. It wasn't that bad, actually, since I think I'm better at tennis(And badminton) than any other sport I've played(My worst sport being swimming, I think). 2nd period I had Health...We watched videos on YouTube advertising "True Beauty" and showing the process it takes to get a model ready for a photoshoot, and then watched them computer-change her face too. And then...For the millionth time, we had to watch that Susan Boyle video. I guess it kind of fitted in to the idea of the class, but I'm sick of hearing about it. I can't imagine anything more embarassing, quite frankly, seeing these English things that Americans seem to find hilarious...Yeah, you haven't heard a Scottish accent before? Well, unlike you might think, Susan Boyle doesn't have a speach problem, that's an actual accent. Though that may be hard for you to believe, so you can just keep your stereotype of the UK...And we can all say you speak like cowboys, and leave it at that, hmm?

Anyway, then I had LA. We did some more poetry, but he didn't even look at what I'd written, probably 'cause he knew this just isn't my type of poetry. To describe the author(Who's name I can't remember), I must resort to using everyone's new favorite word..."Random". Yeah, it doesn't much too much sense, and I couldn't write it. Hippie nonsense poems annoys me, as does the idea of being a hippie...No offense. Then I had math, and we just started making graphs for our walking rates.

Then I had science, and Brandon The Car had to get three holes drilled into him, and then have three screws put in place...Luckily, nothing went over where his name is written, so I'm not too bothered. But it was a close one. And Social Studies I had a test, and the last question actually had something asbout Adam Lambert in it, which I found very amusing. And...after lunch I was forced to read a book that my friend gave to me, that I'm sure an eight year old could have read quite fluenty. She's the most patronizing person you'll ever meet.

And that was today. Day and Age just ended *bursts into tears*...Kidding, but this CD rocks. I can't believe the concert is in TWO DAYS, I'm so excited it's hard to desceribe! So..I won't try. I'd just be repeating myself. I have to study for Spanish soon, and work out what the weather's going to be like this weekend. Oh, and as far as music's Stacy's Mom by Fountains Of Wayne, Day And Age, and nothing else.



Anonymous said...

cowboys are cool.....and I rather like Susan Boyle's accent. It's cute...or does that go against everything yu ranted about? Sory.

"Dave's fro growth"? Thanks for making me sound really creepy... :)

I actually liked the style of the poetry Mr G did! I thought it was one of the best in the whole year. I was planning to read my poem (by will) (a first), but then a whole lot of other people went before me and patronized me with really terrible cookie poems that go something like this:

"I am really hungry,
The cookies make my stomach growl,
I say 'no cookies'
But I actually do want cookies."

(if you don't know, my teacher bribes students to work by giving them cookies)

...everysingle poem was like that. Which made my "deep provoking childhood memory" poem look bad. So I more or less chickened.


I don't watch american idol but i like adam lambert. he's cool.

"Oh, ode to cookie,
you make me so hungry,
my stomach growls,
because you are so delicious,
I really want to eat you,
but even though i want to eat you,
I can't,
because you will make me fat."

~~seriously, im not even exaggerating~~



Anonymous said...

damn, that was about the longest comment I have ever done. :)