...Well, I suppose it's important, despite it being July now.
My grades for 7th grade came in the mail today. Here's what I got;
1st Term
English; A-
Math; A+
Science; B+
Social Studies; A
Gym; A
Spanish; A
2nd Term
English; A-
Math; A-
Science; A
Social Studies B+
Gym; A
Spanish; B
3rd Term
English; A-
Math; B+
Science; B+
Social Studies; B-
Gym; A
Spanish; B+
So...I think I can guess that the third term of 7th grade is the worst I've done ever. But, I was totally expecting that. I don't care anymore. Ever since I was five years old starting school, I was one of those teacher's pets. Quite frankly, it can be quite an exhausting path, and one that I don't wish to take up anymore. Though, I don't see how I dropped so much in math. My quiz grades were alright, and I only forgot one homework assignment the whole term. She does have favorites though, and clearly I was not one.
Thinking about it, it's more "Did" now, rather than "Does have favorites". It's so weird to think I'm not in 7th grade anymore.
Also, I found out which team I'm on next year(Explained in the post a few days ago). I'n on the small team--The one which everyone knows is worse than the big team. But nearly everyone is on the small team at least once in the three years of middle school, so it was gonna happen. I am on the small team with Adele and RAH, though. I got the letter about it...Some, "We're gonna have a great, productive year" stuff and a list of everything we need. This year for the first time, we have to read a book over the summer. The options for my grade are
- Nothing But The Truth by Avi.
- Witness by Karen Hesse
- The Princess Bride by William Goldman
- Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
- A Connecticut Yankee by Mark Twain
- Murder On The Orient Express by Agatha Christie
None sound too appealing, but I'm not at all a book-ish person.
The weather here's been terrible, pouring rain and everything. we've just been doing a bit of shopping lately. Yesterday I got the new Elbow album(Well, technically my mother bought it. But, she hadn't even hard of them before I played Ground For Divorce to her the day before, so it might as well be mine). My mom also got The Offspring's Greatest Hits album, and I got the new(Or, new-ish) Razorlight album. And I got John Green's Paper Towns in Barnes and Noble, and I'd noticed that Looking For Alaska was under that area's Required Reading List. I loved that one. Today we went to the natural supermarket in town. They have some great stuff there. They had live music, too. Well, it was a woman with her guitar probably there simply for the money, despite all the hippie stuff she played. And, today I started learning the bridge of How To Save A Life on the piano because I've got the chorus down. It's really quite simple after doing the chorus, it has the same rhythm, and very similar notes. After that, I'm gonna try to learn a very simple version of When You were Young, or possible Sam's Town. They'll be easy to find online. Other than that, I've spent most of my day playing Animal Crossing City Folk. The annoying thing about this game is when you leave it for so long(*cough* six months *cough*) the whole world falls apart so much that you don't want to start playing again. I've been getting money, planting trees, the typical meaningless stuff that I enjoy for some reason. Today I went to the city to get rid of my guy's--Brandon--bed head(Back to the "Whole world falling apart" thing). In the wonderful world of animal crossing, you can't of course just request a hair cut. You have to go through a whole personality quiz to find out your ideal look. This could be considered quite an offensive procedure, considering no one's hair comes out the way they wanted it, and it's normally pretty ugly. Today, Brandon had the 'luck' of ending up with what was basically a Robert Pattinson cut! Hopefully if animal crossing is as real life-esque as the reviews suggest, the hair cut will go away after Brandon washes his hair. Too bad not even Animal Crossing is that sophisticated.
The music today has been nearly all Elbow. It's one of those albums where all the songs sound too slow, too long, and too similar to the last one, but it's quite good once you get past that. they have some amazing lyrics, especially in Starlings, the opening track. I'll be seeing them at V Festival, so it's good to get to know this album.
Sorry for the lack of good posts recently...I know I said I was saving good posts for the summer, but now that it's actually summer I'm totally out of ideas.
Forgive me?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Why The Heck Must School Still Be Mentioned?
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I don't even play Animal Crossing for the same reason. The whole world faling apart thing. Shyeah. Everyone in my town hates me, everywhere is infected with weeds, my house is full of cockroaches, and this little mole thing pops out of the ground yelling at me for twenty minutes going "IF YOU FORGET TO SAVE BEFORE QUITTING AGAIN I WILL PERSONALLY RIP YOUR HEAD OFF". And I have the old GameCube game, not the new DS one. So naturally I don't have the privalege of getting a haircut. No, no. Slap some dweeby pointy hat that matches my munchkin-y dress thing on, and I'm good to go.
...That and half the people in the town scares me. xD
So I haven't even touched it in over a year. I guess that's why I blog. :)
Gah, I still have to go to the library to pick up the books. Thanks for reminding me. *Grimaces*
For some reason, I found that comment to be wonderful, Adele. (I guess that's creepy to say, but whatever...)
Yeah, it is annoying. But if you play continuously, it can actually be alright, I guess...
Haha. xDD
Yes, true.
Me too, I still need to decide what book I'm reading...I might pick out a couple in case I can't decide.
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