Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Day...Also, One Week Left!

Hey there,

Well, before I forget(I know I said it yesterday...But I ended up remembering. Thank you, Google!) - Happy Martin Luther King Day! And a big thanks to everything he did for The US and for the African American population of the US. I've added a picture! Also, today is a day off school...Which makes it awesome. So, enjoy!

If you're reading this now, you've probably noticed a pretty big change to All These Things That I've Done. New template time, baby! Yeah, thanks to Cocojuniper's template, which links to the website she got it from. And thus my new template was born(Well...More like "discovered" - By me). Yeah, I really love this one. Is it possible to hate paint-splattered stuff? Well...I love it. The new template makes me feel sort of punky/grungy. Maybe I am sort of punky/grungy. If it means I can say stuff splattered with paint is cool, then I'd admit to being punky any day. Still looking into other websites to find a TK template though, which would totally make my day. I had to ditch the poll, so I'll open up a new one soon. Somehow, I can't find the picture I used on my previous blog template, so I've added a new one until I can find it again - Or a TK picture equally as good. The only negative thing I can think of about this is it's sort of...squashed up. The writing is sort of smaller and harder to read. But, give me your opinions and we'll see if its a keeper.

Well I'm Not Looking For Sweet Talk, I'm Looking For Time...

^Randomness. Well, random by my boring standards. They're one of my favorite lyrics to "Sweet Talk" by The Killers. I love this song at the moment. One of the best on Sawdust, and I love love love love love it at the end when Brandon sings...higher than he should be able to. (*hugs Brandon*)

Well, my Dad uploaded most of my songs back onto my iPod earler this morning - Yay! But I have some of the trash that my mom listens to(She bought a song called "Laid" @_@) I discovered she has a White Stripes album on here, so I'm going to keep it on there, but she doesn't need to know that...

Moving on, I found this a couple of weeks ago, and thought it would be perfect for me to post here. It's...the best Brandon Flowers intervew in the history of mankind. Although it doesn't sound like his answers, its definantly him. Enjoy. and FYI - Think what you might, judge his clothes, influences, music, hair, lyrics, personality, answers, and everything, he is not gay(Yeah, you'll know what answer I'm talking about here...Once you read the interview). If you truly know Brandon to the extent that I do, you'll know that he isn't gay, or bi, or anything. He's straight. He has a wife. As much as I hate that fact, he has a wife. He's deinied being gay - Believe him. Brandon isn't the sort to lie. Got it? Enjoy -

Brandon Flowers on gypsies and the hot eyeliner for dudes.

Is it hot in here, or is it just you? I think it’s actually just hot in here. I’m in London where there tends to be a lack of air conditioning. When’s the first time you realized you were hot?

When my mom took me to get my picture taken, when I was three or four. I was wearing red OshKosh B’Gosh overalls. You know red and volcanic — very hot.

At what age were you least hot?

I went through a low self-esteem phase from 10 to 18. Things changed when I started playing music and learned how to write songs.

What’s the downside of being so darn hot?

There really is no downside to being as hot as I am. Except maybe that my hotness has caused car accidents.

What advice do you have for those who aspire to hotness?

Write good choruses. The better the chorus, the hotter you get in this world.

Who's on your personal hot list?

There’s a talented band in Las Vegas called Red Light School District, which is kind of a hot name.

Hot or Not: Paris Hilton?


Global warming?

Depends on how you look at it. Al Gore is hot.

Criss Angel, Mind Freak?

I’ve watched the show — I’ll admit it. But, I lean towards David Copperfield.


Beards are hot right now.

Hot new sexual position?

Uh, is there a new one?

Hot new prescription drug?

Ambien, for the airplane.

Hot new catch phrase?

“That’s not a good look.”

Hot new celebrity baby?

I gotta give Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow credit for Moses because it’s such a strong name. I would like to have a little Flowers one day and I’m jealous because I can’t use it.

Hot new makeup for boys?

Jean Paul Gaultier started to make eyeliner for men. Once you have the beard and you put the eyeliner on, you get a whole new thing going — a gypsy thing.

Okay:Gypsys - Hot or not!

Hot! I would defend a gypsy.

What’s your fallback plan for when you inevitably lose your hotness?

Eventually I’m going to enter the salt-and-pepper stage of my life where I’ll have a “distinguished attractiveness.” But really, I could have decades more of hotness.


Teehee, wasn't that an awesome interview?! *fangirl giggle*. My thoughts -

-That "my hotness has causes car accidents" line is one for the TK quote book, I think. Teehee.

-He's got a very good point about the "write better choruses" thing. I think many people overlook that. You know, the hot guy in the band is, in most cases, the singer - The guy who writes the choruses...And the better, the more popular by looks he gets. Unless you're just another girl who thinks she's going to marry all three of The Jonas Brothers.'re the total opposite. The guy you like writes terrible choruses, terrible music, and you're blinded by 13 year old girl hormones.

-"Red Light School District", have to listen to them some time...

-Reffering to the Al Gore thing, it was a joke. It seems every child my age can't take any sarcasm as a joke. They just go "Oh my god....are you serious?!" or something. It's a joke. Get on with your life.

-Once again, the "Uh, there's a new one?" quote is going in by TK quote list.

-It turns out Brandon did ended up having a "Little Flowers" baby. But he kept with the religious baby theme, and thus Ammon Flowers was born(This time, he really was born).

-I now love gypsys!

-Brandon losing his hotness? I don't think so! He'll be in his 70s before that happens.

Well, wasn't that organised? I guess I'll leave it here. As far as today is going...Put the rest of my songs onto my iPod, enjoy my day off, sleep, find a puzzle to do, buy some more songs for my iPod, have a YouTube search of Killers videos, and maybe shopping...And, only one week left!



Julia said...

Hi ! i' m Julia and I live in Brazil. I found your blog and I saw that I' m not the only one who is totally crazy about TK and Brandon Flowers !! I loved your blog !

See you !

Naomi said...

Hey Julia!

That's awesome! I(clearly) love TK and Brandon Flowers!! I'll go check out your blog!