Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stuff Happening Today - Dickens style

A quick little summary of what has happened today...Charles Dickens style.

On this very day, this day being none other than January seventh 2009, a day that would bring forth events of great misery, boredom, joy, happiness, anxiety, stress, hate, and every emotion one human being could possibly fit into the events of a day, a mear twenty four hours, in fact! As was expected by many a person in this meager little town, I woke up far beyond my custom, a custom which would involve a sudden, possibly brash awakening, at what fealt like the earliest hours of the morning, when the sun would scarcely be risen. And, a suden realization of my atmosphere, an atmosphere dark, dreary, and depressing, and a check of the time on my Ipod would later prove, that it has snowed outside! Hoozah! A snow storm, which had started in the early hours of that very morning, had brushed the town and surrounding areas, with such snow and ice, snow and ice that would partly paralize any movement upon the slipperiest roads beyond, would therefore delay any school for a further two hours upon my awakening. At which point, I returned to my little world of music,a world filled with eyeliner, facial hair, Vegas rockstars, and dittieas about jealousy, passion, and destress, until my departure. The preceding hours upon my arrival proved, in my own eyes, to hold very little point and worthiness. Luckily for the many students of this great place, classes were lost, and some shotened and cut together, a terrific blessing, a part retreat from our nightmares of graphs, grammar, and tectonic plates that we are forced to be placed and live in, day by day, hour by hour. In gym, we started a new until - basketball. This unit, I am certain, will prove to be boring beyong what my brain can handle, and will be a point of misery and unhappiness, a world that I am so very used to in this particular class, for the uncertain weeks or months to come. I believe, at this point, there are very few events to this day, that are worth mentioning. During our LA class, another point of my misery and unhappiness, we started writing in the style of Dickens, the great Victorian writer, who enthrals readers with such tales of ghosts, workhouses, and marvelous tales of great cities, due to our reading of "A Christmas Carol". This being, in fact, a very inspiration for this blog post! Mr G, our light-hearted, yet patronizing LA teacher, began to promise chocolate for reading out loud. No doubt, another foolish attempt at myself, to make an effort! Which, predictably, had very little impact whatsoever. The only upside, at least - that I can think of at this period in time, would be that my package from The Victims, the great website to show love and devotion to The Killers - the best band ever, has finally arrived! The package contains a t-shirt - Thids particular shirt has The Victims written across in the same dotted style that Killers fans would be used to, yet far too big for me, a lanyard, and a card, a card from the very band members themselves! The card has been photocopied, but nonetheless! The card also features the very lip prints from the men themselves - such a blessing! I feel this all there was to this dark and dreary day, until tomorrow, fellow readers. I will be forever now and the following days, wishing The Killers the best of love in the making of the "Spaceman music video". Goodday!

And for those who don't speak "Dickens" English translation.


Well, today is the January 7th 2009, as I'm sure you are aware. This day has been sort of crazy, in many aspects. I woke up later than I would normally. I mean, normally I'd be awoken far earlier than I would have liked...Anyway, I realised that school had been delayed for two hours because of all the snow and ice that had come down that morning. I knew this would happen, so did everyone. After this I thought "what the heck" and spent the next two hours listening/watching Killers songs on my iPod, and my mom's iPod. Because of the schedule-mess-up, classes were lost! Yay! I found the remaining hours of the day to be pretty pointless. We started a new unit in gym - basketball. Obviously, I'm not going to enjoy it, I never enjoy anything in gym anyway. We started writing in the style of Charles Dickens in LA today, due to reading "A Christmas Carol" at the moment. This was an inspiration for this blog post! Mr G started promising chocolate for reading aloud, directed at me, but I still didn't read. The one posotive thing that came from today would stuff from The Victims has arrived! I got t-shirt that's far too big for me, a lanyard, and a photocopied card frm the band. WITH LIP PRINTS ON! Oh yeah! Party over here, I have Branon's lip prints! Anyway, until tomorrow. I'll be wishing The Killers luck in the making of Spaceman...I can't wait! Bye!

And for those who don't speak English or Dickensians....a translation to n00b.

omg 2da is da 7th of janary 2oo9!!!!!!!!!! dis day has bin lik ttly CRAZy i woke up at lik.........way later then i normaly do and i relised it had like snowed outsid!!!!!!!!!! Omg wtf! skool wasnt guna start 4 anover 2 hours so i spent the rest of da 2 hours listenin to da KiLLERS on mah ipod and wachin da KiLLERS vids on my moms ipod....OMG i m lik so wierd and RANDOM!!!!!111! nyway, 2day was prety bBORING exept bcuse of da skedoole mix up som clases got cut which was sooooo super aresome! we had 2 start a n00 unit in gim 2day...OMG were doing bball and i hat bball and i always hat gim!!!!! we had 2 start writing lik charls dickens today.....OMG wierd name i no! mr g our poopy la techer promise choclit if we red aloud but i didnt wanna do dat bcause...i didnt wont 2 so haaaa haaa haaa 2 him now i ges de only thing that was g00d 2day was that mah stuf from DA ViCTIMS has arived its really coooool i got a t-shirt that 2 big 4 me a lanyard and a card from da band its so good that it even has there LiP PRiNTS on it and ha ha ha to oter people bcause i have da KiLLERS lip prints on a peece of paper and bye bye for now i wish da KiLLERS sooo much luck in doin da spaceman vid its gonna rock bye!!!
