Basically, I can't stand motivational posters, or, as I would call it, guidance councelor rubbish. I mean, what's the point? No one listens to those things anyway.
The posters that drift around my school are these "Above The Influence Things", advertising against drugs, alcohol, blah blah blah. And loads of kids across the state advertising how they won't do drugs, due to their hobby. Yeah. Because ultimate frisbee is definantly a teens' cocaine, right? I really want to shoot the little miss/mister perfects on those posters every time I walk by. Maybe that's harsh, but it's how I feel. I suppose the world has a very specific view of anyone ages 13-19. And as soon as you turn 13, which happens to us this year, your whole world changes. It's like, a chapter in your history personal history book. Before you turn 13, you're a kid. You like sports, dolls, cute animals, Chukee Cheese, and both genders are typically pretty seperate. And, it's like the whole world thinks you change the day the Earth rotates 13 times around the sun in your lifetime. Then you're all angsty, emo, depressed, anxious, angry, and you like to listen to "hardcore" music, lock your self in your room, and dedicate your life to underage drinking, and drugs(Among other things... @_@). Which, is definantly an unfair judgement of teenagers(If you're over the age of 25, the very word sends shivers up your spine!) in general. So, the adult population of my school trembles in fear! And, in an attempt to extinguish any teenage rebellion, the only answer is to slap these motivational posters everywhere to remind us to be good little children. Well, this is my theory anyway. Which is, honestly, a pretty pathetic attempt to achieve anything. The only attention these get are, "Oh a new poster..." then you read the quotes, acknowledge the new hobby being described, and hurry along to morning homeroom. I'm surprised the guidance councelors haven't really worked this out already. People get bored of these things. The solution? More posters, of course! I seriously wonder how stupid some of the people in our school are. On YouTube, you know you see these random "Are you smarter than ---------?" things. How about an "Are you smarter than my guidance councelor?" thing. I'm sure that would be pretty easy to accomplish. It's just...the trash that comes out of these stupid teachers' mouths! It's unbelievable. Really, we don't need to know what not to do, how good we are at something, or random small talk, as if you know any of us. The fact that one guidance councelor knows me name is actually pretty creepy, consdiering I've never said a word to her in my existance of being at the school. It's kind of pathetic, the inforcement of all of this upon us. It doesn't do anything to help anyone.
I really don't know where to go from here. This is possibly the worst rant I've ever done. Short, uninformative, and unorganised. But anyway. There's one more thing. In Gym, there's also a lot of motivational posters, different from the drugs one. And there's this one in particular that annoyes me. As soon as you walk into the girls' locker room you see this...Playing Like A Girl Doesn't Mean With It Used To. Obviousy, I'm not sexist, but I can't stand this! If playing like a girl doesn't mean what it used to, what does it mean today? Presumably, playing as hard, and as well, as the guys and giving 110%. Well, that's probably what they're trying to get at. But, very few females are like that. For the most part, the girls who enjoy coming to gym are those who simply enjoy it for being allowed to show themselves off in tank tops and uncessecerily short short-shorts. Yeah, if that's what playing like a girl means, I'd rather not be a girl. Great motivational poster, from a pathetic school.
*sigh* I just cant' stand all this..."stuff". At "Camp Sucky Leadership School", we did all these activites to boost self-esteem, relationships, and all that. (I said this in a previous post...). And, at first I thought it odd that we had one activity that didn't fit in with the others. Adventure. What I'm trying to get straight is this...Sports, otuside activites, and anything of the sort aren't at all connected to all the guidance councelor rubbish. Okay? Where on Earth did anyone get that idea from?! When I was doing "adventure" at the camp, I believe what I was doing was called "The Catwalk". Where, you climb up the side of a tree, then you have to walk across a poll that touched a tree on either side. I recall being the 3rd or so to go up. And, I do not have a fear of heights. In fact, not to boast, but I don't have many fears or phobias. But people just assume based on who I am, (Or, who they think I am. They really have no idea, a lot of the time) that I'm a quivering heap of fear and stuff...Which, I don't understand. But, when I could only make it up to the top of the pole(Two reasons. Partly because the rope got stuck, and there was no way I could move up without pulling too much. And, it was really, really cold. Every time my hands touched the metal, without wearing gloves as I was, they would sting really badly. I know Coco had this sort of experiance as well.) So, when I came down I was getting all these reassuring comments from everyone. People, I don't need your sympathy...There's a big difference between the self-esteem, confident, friendly, posotive, perfect personality, then not being able to climb a pole, for crying out loud! I can't begin to explain how much I can't stand all of this...*refrains from using word*, and how fake it is. Middle school is just, well, school. The social issues we can deal with without motivational posters and friend ...*refrains from using word again*. Geez, it's crazy. The answer to whatever it is that supposedly happens in Middle School is not this.
So, lay off the self-esteem, friend, motivational, boot-camp things. 100% unnmecessery. Leave us to...ourselves? I don't know. Whatever. It's just, fake.
That's it for now. it seems I'm always filling this blog with so much hate. Normally, in horribly written rants about nothing very important. But, there's so much to hate! Love isn't the solution to everything, as many 12 year old females seem to think. I don't know what I'm gonna do today. I started drawing the Day And Age cover art yesterday. I measured out the letters, scale factors and all, which is actually pretty pathetic(But...that's me!). My iPod broke last night, but it's dong okay now. I'm gonna YouTube later. And my new obsession, well, re-found obsession, Star Wars Lego. And...I don't know, maybe something fun. Ah, yes, The Killers are confirmed for Scottish music festival T In The park. it's good that they're in the area, and this won't affect with V Festival. They're a strong rumour for V, which would be awesome. Because, I love them so and would kill to see them again. Ah, how I love them. Hopefully Muse or kaiser Chiefs again, but probably not as they played last year(boo-hoo). Oh well. Muse are releasing a new album next year, sol I'll hopefully get to see them again anyway. Thanks for all that voted on my quiz! the most popular answers, with three points each, were "I HATE TWILIGHT", and "I can't read!". thanks to all that voted, I'll have another poll up later!
Peace out(as if)
The Killers Concert Countdown: 80 Days( think)
Untill sometime.
I saw on this really spazzy iCarly ad that someone called "Fred" was going to be on their show. And being me, i had absolutely no idea who this "Fred" person was except that he was a YouTuber. So...I went onto his channel and looked at his most popular video.
Now whenever I read -for example- blog posts, the voice inside my head sounds exactly like that Fred person!
*more screaming*
I'm sorry, i relaly hav to get this out of my system. iCarly people r such suckups, just getting this really sucky guy on their show just to look cool. EURAGH IHATEYOUPEOPLEFRED
end of rant.
Sorry 'bout the rant. I had to get that out of my system. And when you mentiond Fred passingly, i remembered my previous angst. X.X Fred kills me, Camo. KILLS ME INSIDE. Where hav all the good youtubers gone?
Where were we? Ahhh, your post. I think it's funny how they hang that "Playing like a girl doesn't mean wat it used to" poster. But i would prefer that to it's most popular competitor slogan.
"Girl Power."
Whenevr i hear that i throw up in my mouth a little.
And what else...
"dedicate your life to underage drinking, and drugs(Among other things... @_@)"
Teehee. Very funny. The face was very appropriate. @.@
uh, that's all i hav to say. ttyl.
Yeah, I really don't understand the whole Fred obsession...seems stupid. Did you know he's the Number 1 most subscribed user at the moment?
I watch, as I said, vdeo-bloggers, not people like Fred. My favorites being Charlieissocoollike, hayleyghoover, Nerimon, Toddly00, and wheezywaiter. And anyone who can provide a decent Killers video. But, a lot of people don't understand the appeal of them.
yeah, the @_@ emote is my favorite emote. My friend got me kid of obsessed with it.
Charlie is so
Charlie is so
Charlie is so cool
Iv subscribed to him but i don't watch any of his vlogs.
i watch some of nigahiga's videos, he's pretty funny. But other times he just annoys the...out of me. So it's just messing me up.
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