Okay, so I've been banned from ACC for three days. Why? For saying "Die, Pete Wentz, Die" on a public board. For all that don't know AnimalCrossingCommunity, it's not like I've been doing anything too bad on the boards(Unlike one girl the other day who decided to post a link to an "adult website". That's one for the history book), but that the ACC rules are too strict. I'm not aloud to say "hell" or"Dickens" or "myspace", as it is a "family website" and all that. And apparently it's against the rules to express your opinion on such a big-headed, arrogant, pathetic, untalented, poser, fake emo "musician" anymore. Pete Wentz can go to hell(In your face, ACC) as far as I'm concerned, wether ACC likes it or not
Anyway, I just found out about this news 15 or so minutes ago. and it may only be three days, but I will experience some sort of a "nervous breakdown" over the course of the next 72 hours. So, instead, I'm blogging. Expect a blog every day because of this. So, I know my blog posts never have one main "point" to it, like most blogs, simply because I find it hard to just stick to one topic. I love writing, and I write for my own enjoyment, not so the rest of the world can hear me write random posts about whatever. Obviously, I have nothing wrong with that, in fact, every blog other than mine I have read isn't as much of a diary as mine is, and I love it! But this is my "style", and I fill it out with hate, rambing, ranting, and updates. And this blog post will be particularly boring. I know that Coco has been awaiting this post since yesterday, but expect to be thuroughly dissapointed.
Anyway, now it's day 2 of no ACC. Not too hard at the moment, since I'm writing this at school, and haven't really got a chance to go on the computer since late last evening. I've been going on YouTube a lot lately, so that takes away some of the "pain". And The Victims. I love THE VICTIMS. Anyway, I spent a lot of last night cutting Killers pictures out of magazines to stick on my wall. My parents, and sister(Why loves/hates Dave, for some reason. Irrational hate is odd*cough*Coco,whydoyouhateRonnie?*cough*) are pretty crepped out by this sudden OCKD attack. But, it's all for the good of the greatest people alive. I'm finished with "Spin Magazine" pictures, mostly, so only five magazines to go. Unusually, I've also added some cool quotes, like the Neil Tennant-Brandon facial hair thing, why should make it all very interesting to look at. It's gonna look amazing. But, I need more Killers stuff. I'm a nobody compared to some of the girls on The Victims. But, it's not like I love them any less than they do.
Okay, so I guess school has been okay over the past couple o' days. We're pretty mcuh "wrapping up" our SS/LA project. Ours ended up being okay, except it looks like a chocolate cake. Today we had to do one of those oh-so-annoying "self reflections" things. I can't stand those. It's just, why evaluate? The sooner it's over, the better; right? So now classes are back to normal. No more 90 minute classes *ironic sad music*, but that meant today was...poetry day. I specifically remember my LA teacher writing on my progress report "I'd like to hear her more in class, especially on poetry day". Hehe, many have tried, all have failed, Mr G. Especially when it comes to poetry. I mean, I guess I like those cryptic, puzzling kind of poems. But about falling leaves and fuffy bunnies...That just puts me to sleep. And I can't write poetry. At all. Well, the one we did today would make a pretty funny Killer related poem. In fact, I spent a good 20 minutes of the class simply conducting that poem in my head. Other than LA, nothing much happened. We've started volleyball in gym. This is, quite frankly, worse than basketball. I'm not in any way athletic or anything, and I really despise gym class(Especially the feeble idea that playing sports boosts self-esteem, confidence, and all that guidance counceler-esque rubbish. A sport is a sport. Not a personality changing experience or anything) in every way. But volleyball was my least favorite thing we did last year. So, I obviosuly won't enjoy it this year. We started making bottle rockets in engineering. I haven't really put too much thought into it, other than the fact that it's going to be called "The Neon Tiger", and it'll be green and black stripes(Well, duh). Science was as -always. Pretty boring.
Hey, I just realised something...Listen to Mr, Brightside loud on your iPod with your left earphone out. It sounds odd at the beginning. Or maybe it's just me.
Ah...What to say next. I might be changing the template of my blog pretty soon, this one's getting boring. Also, I added a cbox to this blog. Write whatever, chatting is good! I'm online quite a lot, so you'll most likely get a quick response. Keep voting on the poll, also!
well, that's it. I don't feel as "random" and "thought-y" today. So, I leave you with this. And a picture. Yes, a picture...
Cool picture.
I agree about volleyball. That sport is horrible. I hate playing it. I like the guildance counsoler thing, nice. heh.
Also, my latin buddy told me to write that post, so don't look at me. O.o
hate...is a strong, strong word. I would not say i hate Ronnnie. I would say...
*thinks hard for a moment*
I would say...i would say...i would...hmmm.
Okay, you got me.
and i don't know y i hate Ronnie EXACTLY. I guess you could say it's "love at first sight". Except, you know, it's "hate at first sight." Erm. Yeah.
Brandon and Mark and Dave are cool. I have nothing against the Killers.
It's just...Ronnie.
I am so prejudiced *sigh*
U know that doesn't change anything, right?
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