Gah, it's annoying. I love blogging, I do, but I just don't feel like writing much recently...I promise, I'll try harder soon.
Me Describing My Day In The Shortest Way I Possibly Can
- Facebook, stalker heaven. Also, I love it. I've been talking to English friends, which is more awesome than I can descrbie...I mean, yeah, some I didn't even like, but it's still soo cool.
- Elbow are really cool, and catchy.
- Blogging at this time is not a good idea.
- I certainly won't learn anything from blogigng at this hour
- Why the heck can't I take a decent picture of myself and look at least human?
- Oh my god, my dad actually likes Fall Out Boy?
- I kinda really want Violator by Depeche Mode right now
- The singer in Razorlight has reeeeeeealy bad teeth. Well...hopefully, they're fake, just for the music video.
- Happy birthday, Kayla!
- On Animal Crossing City Folk one of ym character's payed of his first mortgage!
- We got these new, really nice chicken nuggets today
- I. Am. So. Tired.
I'm sorry...Bye. DX
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I Dont Think I Could Feel Less Like Blogging Now
Posted by Naomi at 9:40 PM 1 comments
A Look Into My Introverted-Thinking Personality(Boring Ramble)
Hello bloggers,
(PS, this is gonna be marked as written on the 30th because I started yesterday, but this post counts as being written today, 'kay?), a week ago, I took an online version of the Myers-Briggs personality test. This personality test is one of the most famous ever, and places people into one of sixteen categories. The way it works is, basically, is each group has four letters.
The first letter; Either "I" or "E"(Introverted or extroverted)
The second letter; Either "N" or "S"(Intuitive or Sensing)
The third letter; Either "T" or "F"(Thinking or feeling)
The forth letter; Either "J" or "P"(Judging or perceiving)
This can be simple to understand for some, but just in case you don't know I might as well explain. The first letter bases itself around how we get our energy; Extroverts get theirs through socializing, introverts get theirs mainly from being alone and thinking. The second letter is based along how we gather information; The S gathers it in a together, simple, organised fashion(In simple terms), while the N gathers it from data already found, and gathers new ideas from it. The third is simple, the thinkers base their decisions on what is logical, and what the facts say, while feelers rely on what their emotions tell them, and what 'feel's best. The forth is about one's reaction to the outer world. Judgers work in a neat and orderly fashion,while perceivers are spontaneous, and react on what seems best at the time.
As you've probably already worked out I am rather obsessed with the general idea of the MBTI personalities and what they mean, how they work together, etc. Well, honestly I'm, obsessed with most things psychological especially personality quizzes. But, as self-absorbed human beings the one question that matters above and beyond all others is there; "Which personality am I?".
Well, for me, I don't fit perfectly into any one of the fifteen personalities. But from the research I've done, I think I'm either
But, let's start with the individual letters. I've been having a lot of trouble on the 2nd and 4th letter...Because, well, in a spectrum from one initial to the other I'm pretty sure I'm nearly exactly in the middle. I do think this is good, but it makes deciding my personality difficult. But, the other two are a lot more simple.
I've known of my introversion(That makes it sound bad, which of course it isn't) for a long time. I'm the most introverted person I've ever met(On the actual tests scoring at least 85%), probably the most introverted person you'll ever meet. Unlike many I do not consider this a personality flaw, I consider it a positive part of myself. I'm alone, I'm quiet, I'm misunderstood, like many Is. I consider extroverts in general to be attention-seeking, stupid, and annoying, but they are considered the desirable personality in our culture. And, although this is slightly irrelevant, introverts may make up only 25% of the population but 60% of the MENSA-applicable population(The top 2% of the population, on IQ) is made up of introverts, and many writers, poets, scientists, and others are also introverted(Not that I'm like that). Okay, moving on.
This in itself is very self-explanatory. I do typically react on logic, not on feelings...For example, backstabbing makes no sense. Go one way or the other with your behavior, that makes total sense. I don't see the need to behave one way for attention(*cough* unlike everyone at my school *cough*), etc. I've never understood why anyone would act on something as flexible as emotion, but that's just me. And, for the record, it does not mean Ts have any less emotion than Fs, but rather that we just don't make our behaviors reflect how we are feeling at that time.
As I've said, the other two initials are proving very difficult for me and I doubt I'll ever come to a solid conclusion of which personality I actually am. But, I'll give a little description of the said personalities I think I could be.
When I first took a version of the test, this is what came up...It isn't a close match, but I might as well have gone with it...INTJ's are in a section known as 'The Rationals', and are luckily named 'The Masterminds'. Whether I am or I aren't, who wouldn't be happy to be called a Mastermind? INTJs contribute to about 2% of the population(somewhere in the top five least common personalities). Female INTJs take up about 0.5% of the population(That goes with all T personalities. It'd probably be more difficult to find a male F, too). INTJs are commonly perfectionists, high-achievers, and nearly always working, or thinking. They can be very skilled at whatever they put their mind to. This is most commonly science and engineering. But, with this, comes arrogance(There, that sounds like me, right?). They also can be very creative thinking-outside-the-box type people, which adds to their success. However, they are only leaders when they have to be. The main Achilles Heel of the INTJ is at handling relationships(that's so me). They are difficult at making small talk, flirting, etc. but would enjoy a deep conversation with a select few. This all comes back to the ol' T in their personality; People just don't make sense.
Famous INTJs: Augustus Cesar, Hannibal, C.S. Lewis, Michelle Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.
ISTJs are good at keeping on a routine, keeping things in order, and classification. Similar to the INTJ--Again, 'cause of the IT thing--they can seem arrogant, cold, detached, aloof, and can be totally misunderstood by many. They're good at following plans, if read through thoroughly, step-by-step. They can get easily frustrated by people, especially when they don't stick to their plans and commitments like they said they would. Though, these feelings are typically kept to themselves. They take up about 11% of the population, again, mostly male.
Famous ISTJs; George Washington, Eeyore(?), Benjamin Harrison.
One of the least common personalities, about 5% of people score as this. They can be intelligent, witty, and good at one they do, but save their energy only until it's worth using. This is, again, normally in science and engineering. They go around what they do in a somewhat confusing way to others, but one that makes complete sense to them. Once again, they aren't relationship people, and need quite a lot of space. They're not at all spontaneous. Despite their intelligence ISTPs aren't particularly good in school situations, even questioning its value. They also enjoy quite high-risk activities.
Famous INTPs; Tom Cruise, Frank Zappa, James Dean, Keith Richards.
Yes, I am obsessed with these personalities. It comes down to my ever-lasting interest in psychology, I suppose. The first test I took was at if you're interested.
Not a lot else to talk about. My sister got her braces today, and I also got the new Razorlight album at Best Buy. My grades for 7th grade and some info for 8th grade came in the mail today, too, which I guess I'll talk about tomorrow.
Posted by Naomi at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Labels: Introversion, personality, Quiz
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lyla! If You Can't Hear Me Call Then I Can't Say, 'Lyla, Heaven'll Help You Catch Me If I Fall'
Title lyrics; Lyla by Oasis.
Sometime yesterday, my sister came up to me out-of-the-blue and asked "Could you do a thing on your blog about Lyla?" Lyla's my sister's hamster, and like any child with an animal she's totally obsessed with it. Though, I agreed, and here she is.
We got Lyla...Er, five or six weeks ago, I think. She's named Lyla because my sister's best friend's dog's name is Mila, so why not(I suppose)? She's a teddy bear hamster, which means she's larger than most other hamsters. She's quite young, from a litter of...four, I believe. I can't say I was paying much attention when we bought her. I have very little interest in animals, unlike most people...Lyla currently lives in her flimsy cage in our spare bedroom...Well, it's not so much a bedroom any more, as simply 'The Hamster Room' due to the space the thing 'needs' and it's terrible smell. It's first cage broke a few weeks ago...Hamsters are nocturnal, so she spends most of her time in a little space at the top of the cage, sleeping. The opening there has to be held down with a book in case she gets out, and she also sleeps under the tissue that's there for reasons I don't know. She's quite hyper for a hamster...Especially when she's in her ball thing. My sister's too scared to pick her up(And I'm sick of her biting me and peeing on the floors), and my sister's annoying baby talk, unconditionally-loving stuff gets really annoying. But, it's nice.
I'm sure my sister would prefer me to be far more complimentary, but I do get creative control on this...And, she doesn't know my blog URL, so she doesn't need to know what I say. xD
And, yeah, I don't really know why she wanted me to write about Lyla if she can't even read it. She probably thinks the hamster's gonna get famous; Right, from like fifteen subscribers who probably lost interest a very long time ago.
My day's been another 'fail'. My sister's friend(Surprisingly, not the one mentioned earlier about the dog) slept round last night. They basically obsessed over Lyla the whole time while I was left on AIM, listening to their relentless giggling. Today my sister had an orthodontist appointment this morning to get spacers before her braces on Wednesday. And later in that day I had to go back. They thought I needed spacers too, realised I didn't, took them out, and gave me new, stronger elastics that won't break after an hour of use. We also got to wander around the center of town after that. There's nothing to do in my town. I'm so far away from the center I can't even walk there(Unlike the two other middle schools in town, lucky them). my sister showed-off to her friend in a toy store by using all the little kids stuff...We spent, literally, half an hour there, half of which was spent by her friend deciding whether the things on her bracelet were gonna be sparkly or not. And we went to a candy store, they got bags of M&Ms and stuff and I got a blue raspberry slush(The sort that makes people go 'Stick out your tongue; It's blue!).
I'm done watching my new Family Guy DVD, writing, playing animal crossing, etc. for the day. I've been spending time using the wonder that is Facebook. Earlier I had a chat with a girl from my school in England. We barely talked then but, hey, it's still nice. Today I collected all my Killers memorabilia together and realised how little of it there is. The only size able part of it is the nine Killers t-shirts I own. I need more random junk(ten, once I go get the new one at Hot Topic this week)...Like, I dunno, I just feel like such a bad fan. Would you say so?
Today I've been listening to Foo Fighters, The Fratellis, The Zutons, and not much else. I haven't been in the mood for music much today.
See you,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Happy 32nd Birthday, Mark Stoermer!
Posted by Naomi at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Mark Stoermer
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Summer '09; Day One Equals 'Fail'
Hello random(or not) Internet people,
So, this would be my first day of summer in 2009...Interesting, right? And, although I can easily say I despise the painfully-overused Internet term "Fail" that's the best term my brain can come up with right now. Come on... I'm tired, and feel as though I haven't got enough of my computer life today! To top that level of "fail"this post is gonna be...just that. This is a poor way to start my "Blog every day during the summer" plan that's gonna crumble apart in no time. But, things might pick up soon.
My family, myself included, all have this annoying habit of being lazy as hell, which is why I'm mostly lounging around all day. This day was the same. I spent the morning online; Psychology websites, YouTube, and Facebook primarily. It's the biggest time waster in the world. In the afternoon I spent some time outside playing badminton with my sister. I slipped on a piece of moss and got a huge cut on my foot. I considered it a battle scar, because I'm just that stupid. I wrote out "I Heart Blog" in twigs, but there were so many others anyway you couldn't see it in the picture I took. I sang along while my sister played songs on Guitar Hero, also, which I loved but it annoyed her so much. Me, my mom, and my sister also went out later that day...Driving down the highway, my hand out of the window in that kinda fun-ish way, singing along to "Valerie" by The Zutons. That song is, like, my perfect driving song and I don't even know why. We got more hamster stuff in Pet Co, and went on the hunt in Target for hand-held fans. We also came out with a lot of stuff we didn't need, like an Elvis magnet, and plastic cups with an attached outer crazy straw.
And in the evening me and my mom went out for a walk around where I live. I don't do that much. It's because, you know, mother-daughter time always seems sort of awkward, because I'm unhealthy and can't really walk that far, and because I don't like passing people on the streets for some reason. It's usually the strangers I dislike most. You have all the joggers dressed in their sweatpants and tank tops and Nike shoes or whatever running for the exercise, and then there's me and my mother; Myself dressed in a green "Periodic Table Of Music" t-shirt, denim bermuda shorts, and Converse, and my mother dressed in a navy blue American Eagle t-shirt, white shorty-shorts, and flipflops(Yes, her clothes are far cooler than mine). Anyway, my point is that we don't at all fit in with the typical fitness-obsessed joggers you see, and they stare. We talked about going to England, Lego Land, and V Festival, and a lot of music, of course.
Remind me, I must blog earlier tomorrow. I really want to watch my new Family DVD, and other worthless stuff.
Music today; The King Blues, The Killers, The Zutons, Muse, Elbow, The Beatles
TV: Family Guy, ten billion Michael Jackson tributes, etc.
Here's a nice picture of my backyard I took this morning. Massachusetts looks so much more pleasant than it actually is.
Posted by Naomi at 9:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
Summer. It's As Simple as That
As I've mentioned before and you've now doubt concluded by the title alone, it's now summer for me! Today was my last day, well, half day. We wrote letters to the soon-to-be 7th graders, watched School Of Rock(Which I've never seen. It's poserish, but high-ranked in it's poserish kind) and ate popcorn, cleaned out the remains of our lockers, cleaned the room a bit, and by eleven o'clock, after a hurry of yearbook-signings and slightly emotional farewells, I left 7th grade. I didn't really get the chance to say goodbye much(I feel guilty). One boy who I basically don't know said bye to me(Any idea why? It was kinda weird), and my English teacher told me how he'd be there at my first book signing when I'm supposedly a published author.
7th grade for me has been...As a teenage-ish year would go. It had it's ups, and its downs of course. And yeah I've whined a lot about it, but there were some really great times...
I've suddenly got the urge to do this, 'case I didn't do it for new year. Hoorah!
7th Grade High-Lights
1. The day in Spanish when the guys started throwing tennis balls. At the window, the door, people's feet, the general area of our teacher, even. My teacher has always said the typical "I have eyes in the back of my head thing"...And, well, that's such a lie. And it was at this point we came to turns with that fact, and decided to exploit it a little.
2. Correcting a quiz in English a few months ago. This person in question will take the nickname "J". We'd been asked to write the first and last stanzas of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, and we corrected them later that class. J got up to give his I-forgot-to-study version of the Raven which went along the lines of "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I read, and a knocking at my chamber door, it was a raven, a sexy raven..." It was hilarious!
3. One day when having a team meeting where a few guys had been asked to get in front of everyone and perform after doing the 'talking while the teacher's talking' thing. They sang a Barber Shop version of In The Jungle. And, well, it was clearly well planned and everything.
4. A last period Social Studies class a few months ago...Well, it's difficult to explain. M continually said "Soooo mysterious" in a really feminine voice, the teacher drew K a 'pretty' girlfriend on the whiteboard, people were shouting, etc. The normal weird stuff(Oh my gosh, that's a such a band name! *writes down*)
5. Basically every homeroom ever. Even if my teacher considers us her worst homeroom ever, there's no taking away from the fact that we're all, every one of us, awesome.
7th Grade Low-Lights
1. Doing our projects on politics In I think it was, October. We'd been split into the two political parties, and split into smaller groups on specific areas of it. We got health care. Which was what I wanted, but I couldn't help but hate it. The day of the presentation was just boring beyond belief.
2. The day in April my English teacher made me read my "Ode To A Skunk Cabbage"--Weird, yeah--in front of the whole class. Badly written, sloppy, half-complete, etc. For me, I could be reading my favorite poem ever, and just the reading alone makes it rather scary. But something I've written? Something I've written really badly? Not. Fun.
3. State Testing. Isn't that on everyone's lists? For me especially the long-writing essay. There was nothing interesting, fun, or anything about that.
4. The day in math a few months ago where my teacher picked on me to answer a question that I wasn't ready for. And, then continued to insist I did know the answer. Hey, if she makes classes so relentless than can she blame me for being half-asleep at the time?
5. Playing keyboard at the very beginning of the year. I enjoyed it--Really, honestly, I loved it--but my partner was such a ...Grr, I need to find appropriate words to put here. Moron? Hmm. She'd come in every day, sit down on the left side, insist it was too loud, and turn the volume down to a point where no one could hear anything, and therefore couldn't practice, and therefore fail that. She clearly has something against me that I've yet to understand but she wouldn't let it go..
Things To Look Forward To over The Summer
- Blogging, duh!
- Late night AIM chats with friends
- The new Harry Potter movie!
- Finding out which team I'm on next year(Each grade is split into two 'teams'; "East" the big team, and "West" the small team. Homeroom, English, math, Social studies, and Science are all based on that team, so finding out that is plays big part in your general happiness in the following year)
- Finding out which team my sister's gonna be on
- Swimming
- Going to England(Which includes the following)
- Seeing friends and family again
- Corner yogurts and Tescos ready-made tuna-sweetcorn sandwiches and microwavable chicken pot pies--Oh my!
- Lego Land. Don't judge, it's awesome
- The leisure pool near my aunt's that we got to every year
- Decently-warm weather
- Good ol' English late-night television
- V Festival' August 22nd and 23rd; The Killers, Oasis, MGMT, Snow Patrol, Razorlight, etc.
- And, possibly most important, the simple absence of school makes summer worth it.
- And, maybe even slightly more importantly than that, is that I'm really dreading 8th grade, and this is just a chance to forget about it ever so slightly.
And, I go back to school September 3rd...But, let's not dwell on that right now. It's summer! Sun happiness, freedom, friends, you know the general idea of it all. As far as blogging this summer goes...Well, obviously, it's still gonna happen. In fact, I'm going to try to make it happen every day. They're gonna be stupid, and boring, and same-ish, but it's really this time of year we all want to look back on most. I'm leaving for England July 20th and returning August 30th. About half of that is spent at my grandparents, when I definitely will have computer access about every day, so I'll be sure to make extra-short posts then. But, when I'm back where I used to live, computer access will be a problem. If I'm lucky, I could use my dad's computer, or blog at a friend's house, but of course I can't be certain. So, yes, just thought you might want to know that. xD
See ya,
Summer '09, baby!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1.5 Days Of 7th Grade Remain
Ah, just 1.5 days left of 7th grade! Then I'll be *gasp* an 8th grader. Well, I don't know...I wouldn't classify myself as an 8th grader until September 3rd when we go back. But I guess I wouldn't be a 7th grader either. Oh well, at least school will be out for summer. Not that it feels like summer nowadays. Damn it, Massachusetts, can you do nothing right?
This week, of course, has been a very slow week. We had our last official academic classes on Monday, which involved reflections, making clay models, a fun quiz, and working on actual math work. Otherwise we've been moving between various special events, watching The Simpsons, stuff like that. It's been fun...Speaking of which, I kinda love The Simpsons right now. I've watched The Simpsons since before I could speak. I was the kid who'd take The Simpsons--Full of jokes I wouldn't understand for a long time--Over the Teletubbies, Sesame street, etc. Oddly, I haven't entirely become the illiterate, troubled child my relatives feared I'd be. Anyway, now I'm rambling(More than usual). We had our talent show yesterday! Talent shows are amazing, mostly due to the fact that the majority have no talent whatsoever. Yeah, yeah, I know it takes a lot to perform in front of hundreds of people... But, still. Two girls did the commentating between acts, and they were awful at it. First off, they were 6th graders. And while I've meet loads of really amazing 6th graders, the ones at my school at least are just...Unbearable, which is the Best aay for me to describe it. You know how you obsess over the idea of leaving elementary for such a long time, yeah? Well when you eventually get to 6th grade, all that anticipation makes you a bratty, dramatic child that 7th and 8th graders will probably hate. Most of the acts were off-tune singers(Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, The "It's Too Late To Apologize" song, the "Every time we touch I get this feeling" song, a couple of Indian songs, etc.), a few dancers in odd, matching outfits(Star Struck by Lady GaGa, and Just Dance by...yeah, Lady GaGa again), a few bands, and a guy with his Chinese Yoyo(He's in my homeroom, so I'd already seen it every day for a couple of months). Dominique--Her French name, not her real-- Was amazing, though. *applauds*. Yay for someone with actual talent!
Today involved similar, relaxed stuff. Watched The Simpsons first period, and took down my board outside the classroom with my "Year's best work". Second and third periods a girl's dad came in to talk about Islam. It was interesting, but it did you go on...And, he had about 15 slides of his presentation, which goes to show how much talking went on. And we sort of got hit, yet again with the impossible "Don't stereotype" message, which is always worth blogging about. Forth period I had Spanish...Our last 7th grade Spanish class, because I have gym instead tomorrow. Ah, how I'll miss it; The endless student-made speeches about conjugations, the lengthy clap-for-the-teacher sessions to waste time, the guys hiding behind my teacher's desk, the guys throwing tennis balls because the teacher is just that oblivious, the uses of "Fiestas" to waste a class, my teacher's actions showing she was about to have a nervous breakdown. Ah, yes, that's all something to miss. My teacher really isn't much of a party--Or, "Fiesta"--Person, so we drank the Coke and ate the chips left over from the last 8th grade class and watched Toy Story 2 in Spanish, while I sat at the table with a few girls obsessing over a music video on someones pink iTouch. Fun, I suppose. After lunch I had health. We played yet another game of "Relationship Bingo", which I got sick of after five or six plays. Surely, one can only put up with so much of silly games such as bingo. I ended up with a toffee that I literally just remembered I had, and am now licking and hoping it won't pull my braces out. For the last period and a half, we had to watch a 6th grade thing in the auditorium. The music classes had made their own music videos. You had a lot of "A day in the life of *school name" which involved shaky, almost sea sick-inducing camerawork and shots of people walking through hallways. A few made no sense at all. One was an excuse for a few boys to play Star Wars with wooden sticks('cause it's not like Adele has a stick just like it that that she hides behind the bookshelf in homeroom and fences with, right?). A few involved the elementary kids at recess...Mostly staring at the camera the whole time, and one with my neighbor dancing like the possible-ADD child she is. we thankfully got to leave early and have a team meeting because a girl in my grade was leaving today. I barely knew her, but long goodbyes are always emotional for me, and everyone else. Until the speeches go on for far too long.
After school me, my mom, and my sister went to the mall to find my sister a dress for her 5th grade graduation. We were lucky first time in Gap--Don't judge that--and after we got a few clothes for my mom, batteries, a karate outfit for my sister's Build-A-Bear, FunYuns, a Nintendo points card, The Fray's "How To Save A Life" CD that I'm listening to now, and a Killers documentary DVD. Not all found in Gap, of course.
I've spent nearly all afternoon playing on my keyboard. ACC rehab does the weirdest things, you see, including doing stuff actually sort of worthwhile. I used to play piano but stopped after we moved...I was always bad at it anyway. Yesterday I picked up some of those "My first piano and me" books and started playing. Embarrassing, right? After I got sick of those I started learning How To Save A Life off YouTube. I can fluently do the main riff, and separately play the bass and treble of the chorus. I haven't started on the bridge yet. Later I'm gonna try to write it down, which will probably help put the chorus together. I feel so accomplished. I've wanted to play this song on piano since I first heard it...And, okay, it's so easy it's unbelievable, but I'm amazed at myself.
Music this past few, The Fray of course, Weezer, Blink-182, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Cage The Elephant, stuff like that. Must listen to The Script soon.
Posted by Naomi at 7:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Little Dedication Must Go Out...
...To my father.


Posted by Naomi at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Brandon Flowers, Pictures
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm Saving Decent Blog Ideas For The Summer
The title is the reason of all these 'updates'. I at least did a few interesting posts a few months ago, but not anymore...
This week's been one of the craziest of the year so far. Yesterday, as I'd explained on Wednesday, was my "Celebration Of Learning". It was so much better than last year. The math, as I'd also explained, involved us showing our Walking Rated tri-folds. By "presenting", I do mean standing there staring at the minute hand on the clock while parents come in, hoping their child was there. The nice ones ask questions, but that's rare. Events like this are the most boring things to happen in school. Especially because my math teacher--Trying her best to be friendly, which isn't in her nature(Children or otherwise)--who wouldn't let us sit down. In LA we read poetry, and disappointingly, when people finished reading we clapped in stead of the arty clicking thing you're supposed to do at most poetry readings. Oh, and what I've learned from this is "I will shoot you if you write a poem about war". I hate people who obsess over peace, quite frankly. we watched a video on some of the projects of the year, with all but one video not working. We did our walk-A-Thon, and I'd improved from last year! I ended about...10th to last. Better than my "Last place by a mile" place last time. There was also this thing where select people got to throw "Pies" at the teachers, and in the afternoon we had a long recess.
First period today we had Social Studies, and we'd actually started a new section with a week to go...Well, better than Social Studies last year, where we did Ancient India in two weeks, and Ancient China in four days, because my teacher had spent months on Mesopotamia. Literally. We'd started Islam. I thought it was so interesting. Except when my teacher brought up the post-9/11 prejudice we have against these people, which turned into Nazi Germany, which turned into Japanese people-Pearl Harbor, which turned into "We shouldn't have judgements about anyone". As much as you say "Oh, I get to know people before passing judgement", it's completely human nature to do so. I don't think there's any way for us to stop.
We had about 3/4 of science next. We talked about the food chain, and energy, and watched a slide show made by my teacher. It was interrupted because we had to go to a Parade in the gym. My sister's school principal is leaving this year, and this is the sort of dragged-out, babyish "Good bye!" thing that elementary schools tend to do far too much. This was taking place in our gym, despite theirs being literally next door(Connected schools) and equal in size. My school sat on the bleachers, looking as if we wanted no association to the teachers in clown outfits holding up plastic signs that say "Applause", and "Shh...". Honestly, we didn't, even if 90% in my grade went there only a couple of years ago. The grades piled in, one at a time, holding signs and wearing weird headbands and whatnot. The 400 people in my school, plus the 600 in her's, plus teachers, plus parents, led to a very claustrophobic atmosphere. A couple of middle school classes did embarrassing performances, including 8th grade Spanish with the song we'd tried to learn, and failed at, on Wednesday. Then each grade did their own performances. They were the sort of things put together in 15 minutes, poorly-performed, with teachers kneeling a few feet forward acting out the movements, with more enthusias, than each of their students put together. Even my English teacher, sitting a few feet in front of me, couldn't disagree when someone said "Ugh, this is taking forever!". We eventually got out of there after 2 1/2 periods.
I had health 5th period. Today we started depression and suicide, and we had to make a pie-graph of our last 24 hours, coloring each section with how we felt at the time. I took this far too far, ending up with twice as many sections as everyone around me. I had math 6th, and we were told to measure arts of the stairs around the building. Wouldn't you thing the measurements within one building, at least inside, would be exactly the same? It seemed really pointless. After lunch we had to clean up our journals in English for grading. Our teacher would ask us questions about what we'd learn etc. and talk about improvement. Luckily, I didn't get to go today. Phew!
Not much else to talk about. My 2nd ACC account got banned. They also replied to my e-mail, calling my notifications "Constant and unrelenting", which is of course an exaggeration. The ACC ruled are ridiculous. My sister's friend is at my house for the 5th time this week, and we went to Target to get tape because all the pictures on my wall are falling down. Currently they're on the other computer, watching "Beat It"; Alvin And The Chipmunks version(My sister and her friend, not the pictures on my wall). As for music, I've just been flicking through random songs on my iPod. My favorites at the moment are 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins, Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups, and Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant. Oh, in the Ain't No Rest music video, the singer is wearing these awesomely-colored skinny jeans. They're like purpey, reddy, marrony...They're awesome.
This weekend, I'm no doubt having my sister's friend round again, and on Sunday Adele and Matt are coming round because it's Brandon's birthday!
Posted by Naomi at 7:31 PM 4 comments
Labels: ACC, Birthdays, Celebration Of Learning, Music, Parades, School, Stereotypes
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Nothing Can Go Wrong When The World Smells Of Grass Cuttings xD
Hello blog-readers,
We had the grass-cutter, or whatever I'm supposed to call him, 'round today. Now everything smells like grass cuttings. I love that smell. It kinda encouraged me to take some pointless pictures of my back yard. I'd show them to you, but my camera is being difficult. DX
Today during homeroom I told Adele I wouldn't blog today, I'd blog tomorrow when I actually had something to write about(Celebration Of Learning). She told me that I'd then hype it all up and type about it in one paragraph. This isn't far from the truth I suppose. So, here I am blogging instead of enjoying the above wonders of nature today. And, I don't know if I'll blog tomorrow, even if there is a paragraph worth of stuff to talk about.
I decided to be spontaneous. From now on, I'm going to post with labels. Crazy, right?
Ah, where to begin today. I had Enrichment first period. I basically read Harry Potter(Instead of Looking For Alaska, which I've now deemed inappropriate for reading in school) some more in the learning-assistant teacher's room. The teacher kept trying to start up a conversation with me. She'd been doing this a lot ever since yesterday when she read my completed poetry book and told me I had talent. I had never talked to her before that. Partly because I think she's a dominating know-it-all, and because I typically look down on the role of learning-assistant. I mean, every one's complaining about *gasp* THE ECONOMY at the moment. My school's already cut Art down to two weeks per year, we're losing 6th grade Latin next year(I think, or the year after) and I heard we're losing our librarian, too. But in my eyes those are all twice as important as an f-ing Learning-assistant teacher. It's really silly.
I had a double-period block of Science for 2nd and 3rd. We worked on researching the pond-water organism, animal, and plant we found when we went out to our school pond last week. I had to wait twenty minutes because the computers weren't working...Well, the third one worked. I have a particular fondness of all things microscopic so it was a good assignment, other than the fact I had to do Nematodes. They're really nothing more than microscopic worms. I looked a little into Water Bears. Now those are interesting if not rather disturbing to me. Want to know something else? I'm also slightly scared of biting, blood sucking(Or what could look like that) insects and microscopic insects. Ah, I'm so weird.
Spanish was a fun class, kinda. We had to sing a song. One that was rather too fast for any 7th grade Spanish kid to speak, let alone sing. We were split into groups of four to sing in front of everyone. Where the heck was she coming from when she did that? Stuff like that doesn't make people sing any louder. But it was fun to hear some of the popular guys screaming their lungs out to the song, and adding in some non-Spanish babbling from time to time. One guy even got a guitar from the music room--Probably more to escape Spanish than to play along to the song--which, considering it was very out of tune, was hilarious.
After lunch I had health. We got to go outside, and we did the ol' "Passive, aggressive, assertive behaviors" routine. And, guess what, we even did skits! How much more of an uncreative activity could you think of, seriously? Once again, the popular guys make classes like Health and Spanish worth going to. There was one when these two people were either drunk or high(Hard to tell, really) and then go "Unicorn!!" and run and crash into the largest guy in my class. And, where these two guys were going out, and (Of course) the one who was twice the height as the other played the girl.
We got to finish with a double class of Social studies. We're doing yet more last-minute work for the celebration we have tomorrow. We were put into groups to make posters. Mine was on the Byzantine Empire. Tomorrow we have to quiz our parents on the matter. I'd warned my mother of this. without my help, she could go two ways; "I'm an idiot", or "I'm English and therefore highly intelligent, especially on all things European". Both ways I'd love to avoid if I can. In the 2nd half some people, not me luckily, got to scrape of the blue tape on the floor, that had been put down three or four months ago for a Geography activity. My teacher found out the most effective way of doing so was scraping with the erasers from the "Flea Market Pencils" she got for 25 cents last summer, that don't sharpen. It all got insane as it usually does with last period classes. While clearing up someone had left a picture of Jesus on the floor...And, well, I thought the whole "JEEEESUS ON THE FLOOR, SOMEONE PICK UP JEEEESUS OF THE FLOOR" act was rather amusing. As much as I complain about my school, there have been so many funny memories over the year.
Speaking of basically everything said I don't believe I've talked about the Celebration of Learning yet, have I? It's something my school does every year. Parents come in to see all the marvelous things we'd done. It's pretty much all done in the week or so before the event of course. Tomorrow we're doing some poetry reading, parent-quizzing, showing our tri-folds in math, and I have no idea what in Science. And then we get to watch a slide show in the auditorium, and then the Walk-a-thon my grade's done, then we get to eat hot dogs and such. I don't know what in the afternoon. Probably watching a movie or something. Whatever happens, it's better than last year which was standing by my Science project for two hours, walking a mile behind everyone else, and not being able to eat amazing food because my teeth were enduring braces-pain at the time.
A couple other points worth making...
I have been banned from Just to let you know. Well, I don't know if it's a perma-ban. I got a violation point added to my account for something I did--And got reported for previously--Over a month ago. Something's gone clearly wrong, and now I'm banned. But, you might want to send a PT to SoulNotSoldier. *winks*
Music's been up-and-down. I'm annoyed at Fuse for not properly updating their Top Ten Alternative Countdown yet. Posting the same thing but with a load of interviews does not make it any enjoyable...Well, Brandon was actually mentioned in an MGMT interview. God, just update it. I've been listening to The Script, Kasabian, and MGMT for the past few days. I want that Kasabian album, the new one. And I also found out Arctic Monkeys have a new album out in August.
See ya,
Posted by Naomi at 4:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: ACC, Celebration Of Learning, Microbiology, Music, Nature, School
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Oh My Gosh, I Have An Awesome Weekend Planned(This Is NOT Intentional Bragging, I Swear)
Posted by Naomi at 2:14 PM 3 comments
Labels: Books, Concerts, Music, Pet Shop Boys, Projects, School, Twitter
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm Not Just A Metal Mouth Anymore...I'm Also An Elastic-Band Mouth(Plus more) xD
So...Tuesday marks one year of having braces, there or there abouts. Because I got them two days before the Walk-a-Thon at my school, which is the 18th this year. Today I went to get the colors changed for 'em. I've been happy, because I'm "nearly done" with braces, how ever long that might mean. There were really only a few teeth that had issues, though those issues were big. But they're looking surprisingly good now, if I do say so myself. Today I got these elastic band things, that attach from the hooks on my molars to two canines. They're apparently, like, small practice ones before I get bigger ones. They don't hurt, surprisingly, but I can only open my mouth half way now. And putting them in was a pain...But, this means I'm kinda closer to getting them off. It's supposed to be, I think, Januaary-ish time. Only 3/4 of the time it was originally supposed to be.
So, I guess I should fill you in on the more important stuff of the past couple of days. Yesterday I had a Spanish field trip! I'm sure my teacher is disgusted to her core at herself that we've spent some time without the textbooks; We've been working 100 miles per hour with Spanish work because we're so far behind the other two middle schools in town. Granted, we were only going to the next town over. First we went to this Mexican restaurant that everyone seemed to know, and that I'd typically I'd never been to before. We had chips and salsa, burritos, and these honey and sugar chip things. Yum. Oh, and I actually have a decently amusing story to say! The girls at my table; Me, B, Br, M, and Ma(Like the anti-stalker nicknames?) went to the bathroom. While I was waiting for them, Ma says "Oh, they've got hand sanitizer", so her and B, oddly, spent a few minutes discussing it. Afterwards, M says "Guys, it's toilet cleaner..." which it indeed was. Thinking about it, why would they put a hand sanitizer dispenser so low-ish to the ground? The funny part was going out and telling the prissy popular girls and seeing their faces, though. Never gets old. xD Afterwards we were going to go to a gallery with Mexican photography. We'd been split into our two Spanish classes, the others were at the gallery first. According to the texts my friends had been receiving, the driver had somehow got lost during the five minute drive from one destination to another, and we turned up late. And Hallelujah we did. The only photography I like is the colorful, weird-looking modern photography; I can assure you there was none there. Black and white pictures of flowers and Mexicans and tiny houses...Gah. We'd gone to a gallery last year, too, and having every little "And this could symbolize..." of each picture painfully dragged out doesn'tm ake things better. It was actually only about 15 minutes, hoorah. xD
Today in health, we got two "Singing telegrams" from two music groups. I love how the teacher gives vaguely noticeable themes to it. First we got Island In The Sun by Weezer(YEEEEES!), played by the one group who got the drum kit and electric guitars. Then we got a group of boys who song the "Feelin' Hot Hot Hot" song, if that's its name, extremely off-key the whole time.
And third period the band, orchestra, and chorus(Featuring none other than Adele; had their spring concert. It got me out of English. The orchestra went first, they sang Hallelujah off Shrek. I love that one, always have. If Shrek was a little lighter on the Smash Mouth I'm sure I'd have bought the soundtrack by now, if it's available...*shrugs*. Then they did Blackbird by The Beatles. This will seem so weird to Americans reading, but in England most schools are required to do at least some singing...Well, actually a lot of it. Everyone hated it, but in 4th grade we did a Beatles medley. This was one of the songs we had to do, and I still like it quite a bit. But school does sort of ruin just about everything, like Beatles songs. Also they ended with something I didn't know, and don't want to know. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the band or orchestra songs were called, though I doubt you care. The first two of the orchestra were by a German, if I remember correctly. All three ended with something not too impressive, with a sort of...Background "History of this country" speech by my Social Studies teacher. Weird, right?
And, to add to the immense drama and craziness(Yeah right...) of my last couple of days, today the hamster got out of its cage. It's currently in the spare bedroom, so it's not like it ran around the whole house. But it got under the bed, and it wouldn't come out. I had to help; Plastic hamster ball, flash light, and part of a carrot in hand. My sister was too traumatized to do a thing. she dropped a piece of brocoli on its head yesterday and now she's certain the thing hates her and is gonna go rabid and bite her finger off if she goes near. That went on for an hour before we had to go to the orthodontist. When we came back it was no longer under the bed...So, we looked around and it was in the corner under our heating-system rail thing(Whats it called?). It took so long to find because, as I've always said, it looks like a piece of fluff. It wasn't moving, and I was the assigned "Poker". Thank God, it wasn't dead; Merely asleep. Hamsters are nocturnal, you know. So then it spent some time under there, running before we could catch it. Then over an hour behind a drawer, that we couldn't get it out from. We had to wait for my dad to get home, and get it out by tipping the thing over, with a wall of pieces of wood around the drawers. Finally! This will no doubt happen again, but hopefully not soon. That hamster's evil, I'm sure.
Music? Er...I got The Script's album, I've probably mentioned that, and I'm listening to it a fair bit. It sounds kinda mainstream-in-the-working but they haven't got to that point in this country just yet. They have some sweet songs, though. I haven't listened to my Beatles album I got yet. The Killers' video for A Dustland Fairytale released yesterday(It's already 7th on iTunes music videos!), and it's been non-stop listening ever since. I might do a sort of "review" of it some time(Would that drive you crazy, the fangirling? I'd keep it to a limit.). The only review I've found so far was really negative("When in doubt, let's pick on Brandon Flowers' music, yes?". I hate journalists). It's cliche, but it had to be. It's pretty, and sweet, and kinda sad too, but it all turns out alright. Watch it. It's soooooo cool. And Nevada-y guess. And at the moment I love Hallelujah, as mentioned earlier. I've got a slower version by someone else on my iPod. It took some getting used to but I prefer it to the Shrek version.
Wow, that was choppy...
Posted by Naomi at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Braces, Concerts, Field Trips, Hamster, Music, School, Spanish, The Killers
Monday, June 8, 2009
'Song Obsessions'
"Song Obsession"
Usually last 1-2 days. It's when you become obsessed with a song and you have the loop button playing that song on your iTunes for hours at a time. At the end of a couple of days it usually wears off.
It can be very annoying to other people, and you constantly get yelled at for singing it, but in the end the enjoyment you get from the song is usually worth it.
Thanks to whoever on wrote that. What a great website.
Anyway, I'm sure if you've listened to music at any point in your life, you've had this happen at least once before. Yes? Well, earlier today(In math, if I remember correctly) I was thinking about all the times I've had this...And, well, I thought I didn't have anything better to do, so I'd make a list for whoever actually bothers to read this. This could be awfully long, but it probably won't be. I won't feed you the typical "I love music more than life, I could name another five hundred songs", because it simply isn't true. I'll name all the ones I can think of, though.
(PS, iTunes is being stupid, so this is purely by memory)
Somebody Told Me - The Killers
I must've been...eight years old when this song came out. My unfortunate bubblegum pop phase, that every girl seems to go through, had thankfully ended a few of years earlier, and I'd started getting into the alt. rock, Brit pop type stuff I still listen to now. I was listening to the English "Now That's What I Call Music" CDs. I could never finish the whole thing; Too many songs, not enough of an attention span. Thankfully this was only the 2nd song on the CD right after Vertigo by U2. This was the first song ever that I became obsessed with, honestly, even though it might seem sort of cliche, it being The Killers and all. I would listen to this song continuously, at least for a week, and I still remained slightly obsessed with it until...
Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
This song seemed to stalk me in 5th grade. I don't know about this country but it was everywhere in the UK. It lasted for a good while. It was the first song I listened to when I got my new iPod I remember, because my dad had put the whole album on and I'd listen to it over and over and over. Ah, Kaiser Chiefs, how I loved you as a 10/11 year old...
When You Were Young - The Killers
Without a doubt the biggest song obsession I've ever had. It lasted like three weeks, at its strongest, and I remember never putting my iPod down. This was, like, early 6th grade. I'd heard it before, I'd heard several Killers songs before, but this was what converted me from "The Killers are my favorite band" to "I'm obsessed with The Killers" if you want to make it all that black-and-white. That was such an amazing time...And although When You Were Young is far from my favorite Killers song, think about how different of a person I'd be without this one song!
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
...Yeah, it was gonna happen at some point here. I'd heard about this song, how it was "Better than When You Were Young". Better than When You Were Young? Like that's possible! But...well, it was for me. I'd heard it once, thinking "This song is really, really good but not too special". And then, by the end of that evening, and a few more listens "Oh my god this is the best song in the world". The magic I found in the chorus never ended, and neither did the times I listened to it on my iPod. It lasted...Er, about a month.
Sam's Town - The Killers
Before you question this, I promise this will not be all-Killers obsessions. I've usually gone on mini-obsessions, listening to a few songs at a time. This was a really, really big obsession at one point, though. I never understood why it got so little attention, I was listening to it so much. Amazing, amazing song. I got over it eventually...But, wow, it must have lasted a month at least("1-2 days?" That's nothing, apparently!)
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
I do wonder why I liked this so much. It appeared on my Pandora account one day, and thought it was pretty good. So, I bought it on iTunes and then the obsession came...It lasted about four days, I believe. Good song. Great intro. Really catchy, apparently
Zero - Smashing Pumpkins
My parents own Mellan Collie And The Infinite Sadness, so I just thought I'd put the album onto my iPod. I'd heard a few songs I loved. This happened at Camp Kieve(A week-long school trip for my grade, back in October), and lasted that week, and oddly, didn't continue into the weekend. Sitting on the unusably-squeaky bed opposite Adele's(Below me) and just listening to that song over and over again. One high point to the week, right?
I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor - Arctic Monkeys
This was right after I got my new iPod. I was actually buying this other Arctic Monkeys song at a time, and this was their most popular. I hadn't heard it in forever, but I still bought it. This lasted, three days I think. And, my iPod kept freezing that whole time which was the cause for this one being cut short.
1985 - Bowling For Soup
I had/have an annoying habit of getting obsessed with pointless pop-punk songs, which I realised once I bought this. I did get a lot of enjoyment out of the lyrics of this song, which was probably what made it last. If it didn't have those lyrics, I don't know if I'd like it as much. Lasted about six days.
The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
This came from listening to Nirvana's cover of it, and then deciding I might as well see the original...It's weird, but just so good. I can't say I'm a big David Bowie fan other than this...At the time we had a 48 hour power cut, and by the end of it my sister knew nearly all the lyrics.Llasted about three days.
Stacy's Mom - Fountains Of Wayne
I can purely blame this on Adele. It's pointless and stupid...But, yet again, it's just so catchy! Stacy's mom has got it goin' on! At least it gave me and Adele something to talk about for a few days...About five, actually.
Human - The Killers
Yes, they're back! This probably should have gone earlier in this timeline, but oh well. I wasn't too impressed with this song when I first heard it; On the day it first aired, before all the versions were taken from YouTube for copyright violations. But then..Just, wow. The Killers...Ah, they just never get old. It was like those first few plays of Mr Brightside all over again. Lasted about a week and a half.
Let It Be - The Beatles
You can't admit it's not a pretty song! I know, I know you've heard it so many times before but...The Beatles are legends. Their music just never gets old, and I completely adore this song. It was actually a really big obsession, lasting about a week.
Hey There Delilah - Plain White Ts
Don't judge, 'kay? It's catchy, and pretty, and sweet...And, yeah, I look really stereotypical right now. I love it. It lasted two days...Yeah, kinda sad.
Shattered(Turn The Car Around) - O.A.R.
My first real sad song obsession, I guess. I'm a sucker for sad songs, especially in the last couple of months...And, yeah, without meaning to I heard this song on the radio thinking it sounded like a really good song. Buying it and hearing the whiny, sad lyrics to it made it a whole lot more enjoyable to me. Lasted about five days.
And, most recently...
Don't Trust Me - 3Oh!3
*shudders* This is probably worse than Hey There Delilah but I still like it. It may be electro, but it sounds totally mainstream...But, yeah, it's still kinda electro, well sorta. I guess I don't have a real "other than it's catchy" reason for me liking this song. I hope my next obsession will be better, whatever it might be.
Enjoy it? See, I actually had an idea! Well...pathetic, but yeah...Oh! My sister got her hamster today! It's kinda tan, and looks like a big piece of fluff with it's eyes half shut. It's called Lila, and it's not as cute as she believes it is. She calls herself a tomboy, but really she's the type to carry around a Chihuahua in a designer purse. But at least it didn't get stuck in the tubes like I thought it might; It's a big type of hamster. And, I have a Spanish field trip tomorrow. I'll speak about it then.
Bye, love ya.
Posted by Naomi at 6:20 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Oh My Good Golly Gosh; Concert Pictures!
Posted by Naomi at 2:04 PM 3 comments
Labels: Concerts, Connecticut, Pictures, The Killers