The world is oh-so random and can take a new direction in an instant. This is great. Well, it is when it doesn't mess with my f-ing blog post ideas. I was going to tell you about the events of gym yesterday. Running 'The Mile'--Not just any ol' mile, the mile--. It was for fitness tests, that we have to do. I've come to hate this with a burning, intense passion. No quiz, test, essay, book, project, presentation, whatever could be any worse than this, as I see it. I'd had it all planned out; The nervousness, the running, the being left behind, the pain, the boredom, the embarrassment. And(I still find myself confused at why I feel this) it was terribly tragic when it wasn't...Well, that bad. I didn't even try, is the main reason. I walked. So, nothing hurt. That's the worst part, and avoiding that made it not even worth a post(So, why am I even writing this...?). 14 minutes, 17 seconds, baby. Last place.
Anyway, time for me to ramble about the few and far between important events of the last few days. Yesterday night, I had to go to this poetry thing in town. Around here we have a middle school poetry magazine called Applesauce. My English teacher, being the poetry-obsessive he is, forced us to enter a couple of poems. I entered two of my three complete poems of this year; "Mysterious Feline", and "Years And Years Ago". And of course with my "luck", Years And Years ago got accepted. I found this out a few weeks ago, and I'm surprised they've yet to uncover some editorial mistake that caused my badly-done, horribly-descriptive, obviously-cliche poem about my childhood(None of the events have ever happened to me) to be accepted. I was one of 22 from my town(Of four towns), seven from my school, six from my grade, and three from my English class. We had to show up(Though no one from my school did). I chose to sit far back. Typical me, not wanting to be in the exact place I'm in at that moment. The teacher from the school we were at gave us a poorly executed lecture on the history of the magazine; Every single addition, in fact. Then people were asked to read. Thank god my English teacher wasn't there to force me to read. While sitting through a story written by a boy who had some pretty disturbing knowledge of dangerous snakes, I noticed on the floor one of those "Hello, my name is... "stickers with the name Destiny."Hello, my name is Destiny". That's probably the most movie-like cliche event in my life. If you believe in omens and whatnot, then how cool was that? Me and my dad also agree that's a song title if ever there was one. Hehe. xD
Anyway, I read through some of the accepted work in the book in the car ride home. A billion poems about war, peace, cancer, angst, and your nostalgia towards your childhood can get pretty annoying, but there are a few amazing ones. I'm also astonished how anyone can write anything so personal, like how terribly they see themselves, and have it published in a magazine. That's way beyond my understanding.
Also, my mom told me in the back of the car that my sister is soon to be getting a hamster. In my mother's brain, "soon" can mine anything from 'in five minutes', to 'in five years' and I was slightly sceptical as to if this was going to be happening at all. Turns out, it actually is. It's an early birthday present from my sister's best friend. She even came round today to drop off an elaborate multi-colored cage for it. They set it up earlier, currently placed on the floor right where I walk when I go to my bedroom. I have issues with this...Because, through events that started off with a simple stick insect, led to my sister being promised a pet, and me also. I want a Guinea Pig. They're my favorite animal. Guinea Pigs can be kept both inside and outside. Outside in Boston is too cold for guinea pigs. Inside, there isn't enough space. So, no piggies for me. My sister's favorite small animal keeps changing, like every month or so. Hamsters are easier. So, she gets a hamster. I see this as unfair, wouldn't you? She gets a pet, and I don't. My day brought up my three concerts and one music festival asa substitue, but those really don't count. I want to see, what, three bands in concert? That's nothing. Besides, she's not even good with animals. I mean, she loves them, but she's scared of them half the time. It's gonna bite her one day, she's not going to want to touch it again, it's gonna be mine, which is alright. She's already planned some horribly-feminine name for it. It's like "Fairy Moon Berry", or something along those lines. And, when it bites her, I request a name change. Hmm, Brandon or Spock, what do you think?
Today was an okay day, nothing exactly to say. Health was interesting. we had this really shifty substitute that was thoughtfully named Mr Sub later in the class. We started talking about stress, and the class ended by a boy kissing the television. What a class we have, eh? And in Spanish our project on Venezuela was due. I went over to my partner's house yesterday afternoon to finish. I felt I'd actually had an input in this, however small it was. My school has a dance tonight. I've said it before, but I don't go to those things. But I'm sure we'll get some decent gossip out of it; Nothing much has happened since Clown Town.
Musically, I'm trying loads of stuff. Starsailor, Biffy Clyro, Razorlight, MGMT, generally indie stuff. I'm trying to get into some bands that are playing at the music festival this summer. Still got lots to go! I'm hopefully getting a few albums this weekend...The Script's one and only album, and hopefully something by either Starsailor or Snow patrol. I look forward to it. Maybe I'll get pictures up this weekend. Maybe.
Oh my gosh, if I ever have a band, we're so going to be called GENERALLY INDIE STUFF. I spend far too much time thinking of band names, as you can tell.
Bye, xD
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hello, My Name Is Destiny
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Generally Indie Stuff? I like it. Very descriptive, very honest. xDD
Running the mile sucks. o.o
I come up with band names every second, r u kidding? I just look around and see stuff that ineviteably gives me "inspiration". I have a few that I can come up with from looking around my office:
Black-and-white Printers
Writing On The Walls
....sigh....and this is why I'm probably never going to name a band. Generally Indie Stuff is way cool though, <33
Hello My Name is Destiny is SOOOO an omen. I'm not wildly superstitious or anything, but I do like to interpret omens or look them or whichever (major geeeeeeek, yes I am). And then another thing I like to do is try and interpret what dreams mean. This never actually works out because my dreams are really really twisted and strange that none of the things that it says in any of the "dream-interpreting books" fits is. :) So whatev.
Anyway, I'm wicked tired......auauauuauaururuauauaughhhh.
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