Hello bloggers,
(PS, this is gonna be marked as written on the 30th because I started yesterday, but this post counts as being written today, 'kay?)
About...um, a week ago, I took an online version of the Myers-Briggs personality test. This personality test is one of the most famous ever, and places people into one of sixteen categories. The way it works is, basically, is each group has four letters.
The first letter; Either "I" or "E"(Introverted or extroverted)
The second letter; Either "N" or "S"(Intuitive or Sensing)
The third letter; Either "T" or "F"(Thinking or feeling)
The forth letter; Either "J" or "P"(Judging or perceiving)
This can be simple to understand for some, but just in case you don't know I might as well explain. The first letter bases itself around how we get our energy; Extroverts get theirs through socializing, introverts get theirs mainly from being alone and thinking. The second letter is based along how we gather information; The S gathers it in a together, simple, organised fashion(In simple terms), while the N gathers it from data already found, and gathers new ideas from it. The third is simple, the thinkers base their decisions on what is logical, and what the facts say, while feelers rely on what their emotions tell them, and what 'feel's best. The forth is about one's reaction to the outer world. Judgers work in a neat and orderly fashion,while perceivers are spontaneous, and react on what seems best at the time.
As you've probably already worked out I am rather obsessed with the general idea of the MBTI personalities and what they mean, how they work together, etc. Well, honestly I'm, obsessed with most things psychological especially personality quizzes. But, as self-absorbed human beings the one question that matters above and beyond all others is there; "Which personality am I?".
Well, for me, I don't fit perfectly into any one of the fifteen personalities. But from the research I've done, I think I'm either
But, let's start with the individual letters. I've been having a lot of trouble on the 2nd and 4th letter...Because, well, in a spectrum from one initial to the other I'm pretty sure I'm nearly exactly in the middle. I do think this is good, but it makes deciding my personality difficult. But, the other two are a lot more simple.
I've known of my introversion(That makes it sound bad, which of course it isn't) for a long time. I'm the most introverted person I've ever met(On the actual tests scoring at least 85%), probably the most introverted person you'll ever meet. Unlike many I do not consider this a personality flaw, I consider it a positive part of myself. I'm alone, I'm quiet, I'm misunderstood, like many Is. I consider extroverts in general to be attention-seeking, stupid, and annoying, but they are considered the desirable personality in our culture. And, although this is slightly irrelevant, introverts may make up only 25% of the population but 60% of the MENSA-applicable population(The top 2% of the population, on IQ) is made up of introverts, and many writers, poets, scientists, and others are also introverted(Not that I'm like that). Okay, moving on.
This in itself is very self-explanatory. I do typically react on logic, not on feelings...For example, backstabbing makes no sense. Go one way or the other with your behavior, that makes total sense. I don't see the need to behave one way for attention(*cough* unlike everyone at my school *cough*), etc. I've never understood why anyone would act on something as flexible as emotion, but that's just me. And, for the record, it does not mean Ts have any less emotion than Fs, but rather that we just don't make our behaviors reflect how we are feeling at that time.
As I've said, the other two initials are proving very difficult for me and I doubt I'll ever come to a solid conclusion of which personality I actually am. But, I'll give a little description of the said personalities I think I could be.
When I first took a version of the test, this is what came up...It isn't a close match, but I might as well have gone with it...INTJ's are in a section known as 'The Rationals', and are luckily named 'The Masterminds'. Whether I am or I aren't, who wouldn't be happy to be called a Mastermind? INTJs contribute to about 2% of the population(somewhere in the top five least common personalities). Female INTJs take up about 0.5% of the population(That goes with all T personalities. It'd probably be more difficult to find a male F, too). INTJs are commonly perfectionists, high-achievers, and nearly always working, or thinking. They can be very skilled at whatever they put their mind to. This is most commonly science and engineering. But, with this, comes arrogance(There, that sounds like me, right?). They also can be very creative thinking-outside-the-box type people, which adds to their success. However, they are only leaders when they have to be. The main Achilles Heel of the INTJ is at handling relationships(that's so me). They are difficult at making small talk, flirting, etc. but would enjoy a deep conversation with a select few. This all comes back to the ol' T in their personality; People just don't make sense.
Famous INTJs: Augustus Cesar, Hannibal, C.S. Lewis, Michelle Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.
ISTJs are good at keeping on a routine, keeping things in order, and classification. Similar to the INTJ--Again, 'cause of the IT thing--they can seem arrogant, cold, detached, aloof, and can be totally misunderstood by many. They're good at following plans, if read through thoroughly, step-by-step. They can get easily frustrated by people, especially when they don't stick to their plans and commitments like they said they would. Though, these feelings are typically kept to themselves. They take up about 11% of the population, again, mostly male.
Famous ISTJs; George Washington, Eeyore(?), Benjamin Harrison.
One of the least common personalities, about 5% of people score as this. They can be intelligent, witty, and good at one they do, but save their energy only until it's worth using. This is, again, normally in science and engineering. They go around what they do in a somewhat confusing way to others, but one that makes complete sense to them. Once again, they aren't relationship people, and need quite a lot of space. They're not at all spontaneous. Despite their intelligence ISTPs aren't particularly good in school situations, even questioning its value. They also enjoy quite high-risk activities.
Famous INTPs; Tom Cruise, Frank Zappa, James Dean, Keith Richards.
Yes, I am obsessed with these personalities. It comes down to my ever-lasting interest in psychology, I suppose. The first test I took was at http://www.humanmetrics.com/ if you're interested.
Not a lot else to talk about. My sister got her braces today, and I also got the new Razorlight album at Best Buy. My grades for 7th grade and some info for 8th grade came in the mail today, too, which I guess I'll talk about tomorrow.
I got....
(Strength of preferences)
E = 33%
N = 50% (most definete of them all)
F = 12% (least definite of them all)
J = 22%
Here's what it said....
Even more than the other Idealists, Teachers have a natural talent for leading students or trainees toward learning, or as Idealists like to think of it, they are capable of calling forth each learner's potentials. Teachers (around two percent of the population) are able - effortlessly, it seems, and almost endlessly-to dream up fascinating learning activities for their students to engage in. In some Teachers, this ability to fire the imagination can amount to a kind of genius which other types find hard to emulate. But perhaps their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students. Teachers look for the best in their students, and communicate clearly that each one has untold potential, and this confidence can inspire their students to grow and develop more than they ever thought possible. In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority, and they instinctively communicate personal concern and a willingness to become involved. Warmly outgoing, and perhaps the most expressive of all the types, Teachers are remarkably good with language, especially when communicating in speech, face to face. And they do not hesitate to speak out and let their feelings be known. Bubbling with enthusiasm, Teachers will voice their passions with dramatic flourish, and can, with practice, become charismatic public speakers. This verbal ability gives Teachers a good deal of influence in groups, and they are often asked to take a leadership role.
So, I'm a teacher. Huh.
then it decided to decide what college ENFJs are good at...and it's varied and all, but the most frequent of the colleges to show up is "University of Pheonix". Which is actually the college my dad went to. :-.
of course in another artical, it described ENFJs as:
Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.
I heard nothing after "tremendous power to manipulate others." <3
But out of everything I read, the description that most fits me is:
"ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture"
Well, that's it. As far as I can tell, the two letters we hav in common are "J" and "N", which r the ones u said were constantly changing, so....you can interpret that however u want.
oh, and apparently my trademark is "The first shall be last", which i don't entirely get.....
heheh, that's probably the longest comment i put on ur blog evar
Oh, I read somewhere that ENFJs are most compatible of all personalities with INTJs! so, that's pretty cool.
Hmm, it does sorta sound like you. You'd probably make a good teacher.
That's cool, about the university. xD
Ah, how I love this stuff...
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