I am currently writing this at 7:22 PM, Eastern Time?
I have been to four different time zones?
My homework is half complete?
Printing stuff of the Lamborghini website will totally drain your inc cartridge, and bug your parents?
"Did You See Me Coming?" will be the 2nd single of Pet Shop Boys' new album "Yes"?
Pet Shop Boys' first single was West End Girls, and is their most famous track?
I nearly share a birthday with Robert Smith, singer in The Cure?
The Beatles, The Zutons, and The Wombats are the only bands I've heard of who come from Liverpool?
Seth MacFarlane does the voices for Peter, Stewie, Brian, Tom Tucker, and Jake Tucker, on Family Guy?
Seth MacFarlane started writing Family Guy simply to impress a girl?
Seth MacFarlane was born in Connecticut?
I know way to much about everything relating to Family Guy?
The first featured vlogbrothers video was "Accio Deathly Hallows"?
Fred recently hit 1,000,000 subscribers on YouTube?
My next Killers concert is in ten days?
"REM" stands for Rapid Eye Movemnt?
There is a band that formed in 1980 named R.E.M?
Nirvana covered "The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie?
When You Were Young reached #1 in the US Modern Rock chart?
Tana Flowers is pregnant again?
Today Swine Flu was confirmed in Nevada?
Chameleon Circuit's first album comes out soon?
The 7th Harry Potter book will have to be split into two movies?
I have twelve subscribers, one of them being myself?
Liam Gallagher once criticised The Rolling Stones and U2, despise The Rolling Stones being 27 years older than Oasis, and U2 being 15 years older?
The Killers are sometimes known as "The best British band to come from America"?
The Killers' saxaphonist has a blog on their website?
Billy Corgan is now the only member of the original lineup of The Smashing Pumpkins?
Swine Flu causes death to 7% of its catchers?
I get nearly all of my trivia from Wikipedia?
The Killers once left their guitarist at Buger King when going to Glastonbury Music Fesitval?
Simon Amstell started his career in children's television, but was fired due to being "cruel and mean to children"?
Jeremey Clarkson is 6 foot 5?
Green Day have a new album coming out soon?
Muse have been nominated for nineteen awards for "Best Live Act" by very popular shows and magazines?
Matthew Bellamy is only 5 foot 7.?
Francis Cobain's middle name is "Bean", because her father Kurt Cobain said she looked like a bean on a scan?
Charlieissocoollike's most viwed video is "How To Be English"?
The oh-so-popular Susan Boyle video currently has 48, 206, 218 views on YouTube?
I'n babysitting my sister today?
I'm out of idea that aren't Killers related and wont bore you to death?
I've got to go now?
I'd like to know what you thought of this?
I'd like you to leave a comment?
I'd like to say "Bye" until I see you next?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Did You Know...?
Posted by Naomi at 7:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stuff That's Annoyed Me In The Past Few Days
I'm a teenager. So, it's time for some moaning and whining, don't you think?
1. My mother...Surprise there? Well, specifically, we were at my friend The Human Fish's synchro show on Sunday. On top of it being like 85 degrees outside, we were in a really humid swimming pool. I don't own tank tops or flipflops(Total tomboy), I choose to die from heat exhaustion instead. It made it a whole lot hotter(I envy the swimmers), and I choose to buy a water. I wasn't even thirsty, but the water was cold. It got warm after a few minutes, and gave it to my mom 'cause I was sick of holding it. So, half way through when I'm actually thirsty, I ask for it back and there's like a centimeter left of water in there. Seriously, if I hadn't wanted it, she wouldn't have bought one and drunk any!
2. Again, my mother. When she first got her iPod, she spent a while taking the songs I bought and putting them onto her iPod. I put a stop to this of course, but now she starts doing this again. And, why? To quote her exactly: I understand with modern musicians...But, come on, Red Hot Chili Peppers, David Bowie? I've been listening to them since before you were born! Now, I've thought about this, and I still see no real reason why this makes any difference in the world. Can anyone please shed some light on my mother's effed-up pattern of thinking? If this is how it's working, then we can say bye-bye to Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Muse for her...They somehow don't matter as much. Oh, and you know what, she doesn't even like either of the said examples that much. I heard a song on the radio the other day that sounded like RHCP, so I said "Who's this?", and she said "Snow by RHCP. This used to be my favorite of their's, before I heard Scar Tissue". I tell her I like ST, she comes home and loads it onto her iPod, and then leter proceeds to tell me "Sorry, it was another song I was thinking of when I said Scar Tissue...I don't think it's by RHCP". WTF?
3. This guy on ACC, who probably can't take the time of his busy schedule to read this so I'll say how I feel. I absolutely hate those threads devoted to hating one type band or type of music. There's discussing, but that's just too far for my liking. Nearly all the threads are people who say they hate rap, pop, or The Jonas Brothers, in an attempt to unique, but it just makes them look more generic. So, he posts a thread talking titled "Posers are going to return", about fake Green Day fans. I hate it when people do this. First off, there's already a thread on ACC for Green Day fans, and it's not like it's totally dead. If he wants to discuss, discuss it there. He is being a total poser by making a new thread in itself. And, he continues making threads about Green Day thread. For cryung out loud, if someone doesn't like them, why is he expected to know what their first album is? Give it a break dude; It looks overly obsessive.
4. My English teacher today. It's poetry day, and for one reason or another we weren't writing poems, but "an ode to a skunk cabbage". We went out into the forest behind the field by this pond, to pick "skunk cabbages", foul smelling vegetables. Then we go sit on the grass, we're told to eat them, and then write about it. He may be trying to keep it interesting, but this was just weird. I didn't even eat it, or touch it. How am I supposed to write about something as pointless as that? These words that I type right now hold more meaning than that. So, I'd barely written anything(But I tried, I promise, I tried), and he says "Everyone's reading today". At this point I go into panic-attack mode. He told me like two weeks ago he wouldn't force me to read. So, this makes him a liar on top of everything else he's said. So he gets out his clipboard, and goes "Who's first...Hmm...Camo!". Damn it. That's malicious to add to the list. I say I can't, and he goes "Camo....". And that's patronizing to add to that list. The list is getting rather long, huh? Well, he says "very ho hum" after I read, and I spend the rest of the class deliberatley paying as little ammount of attention as possible, and writing a few not-so-appropriate words on my journal. I don't care if he sees them; Maybe he won't judge me like he does now. I'm beginning to think from now on that that's all I should do in his class. If he's going to do this again, there's no way I'm writing anymore.
5. Again, this girl on ACC. She was in an "OMIGISH ABERCROMBIE I LUVS IT <3333333">i got banned frum acc 4 2 days, 2 DAYS! JST 4 calling u a bad name. omigod, do u no how PO i am w/ u!? u back-stabbing...there r SO many things i want 2 say 2 u...but if i said it...acc would permanitely ban me 4ever. thats how PO i am at u! u no, life aint perfect. understand? u started bcuming SO full of ur stupid self, that u insulted me jst cuz my writing wuznt perfect. y do u even care how i write? ur not my mom r u? nope!! so i dont get y u want me 2 b the way U want me 2 b...im not gonna change myself jst cuz sum freak told me 2. & like i already said: u think ur making me look bad, but in reality, ur the 1 who looks bad. That's the longest post she'd written, and really there's multipe ways I could go to insult her here. After like three days, she kind of gave up, and left. Which adds hypocritical to her list.
6. Yet more people on another one of those "Weird and random" threads. It's these types of threads that will eventually lead to me getting the ACC ban-hammer. But, they need to give it up. If they are who they claim to be, then they're very normal indeed. They have friends. That's how everyone behaves. "Weird" doesn't mean that, okay? Weird is different; they are not in any way different.
7. Mike for leaving ACC(Sort of). *glares*
8. This girl in hockey for unintenionally hittind the puck(From about three feet away) into my foot, and hitting her stick at my rib cage. She does play hockey, so I think she should be able to do better than that.
9. These girls at school for claiming to be weird. Get over yourselves.
10. My mother for mocking my fake Liverpudlian accent. So what, if the only thing I can say in that accent is "Paul McCartney"? She couldn't do a Yorkshire accent either.
11. My...mother for getting annoyed at me for saying Swine Flu got into New York in front of my sister. This'll go away...Just like Bird Flu, no one in even cares about that anumore. But the point is, my sister freaked out. it's suspected in MA, but very mild. She was going to find out sooner or later.
And, that's about it. This helped get out some "teenage angst"(I can actually say that now!). My day other than the skunk cabbage incident was alright. Math was average, enrichment was average, Spanish was not too bad...And, that's it. I have some homework to do; Bye for now!
Posted by Naomi at 6:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I Need To Relax...And, Doctor Flowers Came To Town.

Posted by Naomi at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
...Did I Do Something Wrong?
Okay, and just in honor of the day, how about a picture of the hottest/cutest/sexiest man alive? Oh yeah.
Posted by Naomi at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
One More Day, One More Day, One More Day...
Tomorrow I turn thirteen years old. And, yeah, this post is direceted very strongly towards me. But, this is apparently the biggest birthday so far...Well, according to "society".
Now, of course, I enjoy the presents. Let me find my birthday list(Saved on Word. Aren't I organised?)
- Showbiz- Muse
- Maladroit - weezer
- Male Believe - Weezer
- A Guide To Love, Loss, and Depseration - The Wombats
- Yes - Pet Shop Boys
- Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
- Siamese Dream - Smashing Pumpkins
- Climing To New Lows - MGMT
- The Killers...anything xD
- Muse t-shirt or poster
- Journal
- Money
Creative, huh? I did write this like three weeks ago, and there's some stuff I'd want to add to it, like Converse...Actually, I really don't know at all what I want. Having the Muse and Weezer albums would then complete my Muse and Weezer studio album collection, something I should have done a while back to consider myself a "fan". After the Let's Dance To Joy Division and Love Etc. obsessions a few weeks ago, I do need The Wombats and PSB albums. The others I'm less concerned about not getting...Besides, the MGMT will be totally impossible for my parents to find, and my parents are still claiming they already have a copy of Siamse Dream, though I don't see why...Wy would they get three SP albums? My dad only once slightly liked them, but now it seems he bored with all music in general(Examples? We were in Chilis once and he started bad-mouthing Foo Fighters, SP, RHCP...The list goes on.).
Of course, The Killers stuff is vague, which is good. I do want a Day And Age vinyl, and a poster would be nice, and at least one t-shirt from The Killers fansite. And there's a new Muse t-shirt at Hot Topic that I went...I went on the site to see if they had Killers stuff, and I cunningly slipped in how much I liked the shirt to my mom. I'm so sure I'm getting that one. Unlike most people's parents, my mother doesn't think Hot Topic holds the devil or something.
Anyway, I don't think rambling about my list would do much good, it just makes me feel materialistic. But I am. I know I don't want to turn thirteen...Everything is different. My parents will treat me a lot differently, I know, and that's the last thing I want.
Other than birthday stuff, I don't have too much to say...On Tuesday we went to this thing with my sister's friend's family, and Wednesday I stayed in. On Thursday I went shopping(which I rarely do)for shorts. Went into American Eagle and got a pair of black bermudas and a pair of navy bermudas, and went into Aero and got brown slightly-over-the-knee bermudas, and greeny-purply plaid bermudas. Don't judge me from the store list, 'cause I know if you don't know me you have a clear view of what I look like now. It's wrong. I've only recently started liking AE, and that was my first time into Aero...I only like the shorts they have there. The plaid ones are nice.
Wednesday evening I was on the computer, and my dad out-of-the-blue shouts up to me from downstaris "How cool are Blink 182?"...And I said "Pretty cool". And then he tells me in the summer Weezer are touring with Blink 182!! *fangirl scream*. It seems like a weird choice touring with Blink, and I might be in England at the time, but I want to go. I love Weezer sooo much. <33 I hope they release dates soon, as I hope do Muse. They've only released so far the dates they're opening for U2, in the autumn.
Oh, and today I went to a witch museum which was like fourty minutes away. That's the place that started the witch madness in New England a few hundred years ago. It was interesting, my LA teacher inspired me after having a talk with us last week(Or the week before?) about it. You go in, and sit in this big room, and it has a large bench around the outside that you sit on. Then, above your heads around the room, they have different scenes from it, and you hear a voice-over(Too bad all the voices were English accents. Grr.) describing it. Although it was very different from other tours of thre sort...You know, when they tell the story, they describe it and say how the people of the time thought about it? Well, they made it out that the people were complete idiots with no rational. We know it's true, but they don't normally it. Needlesstosay, I found it slightly amusing how a group of girls my age could twist the minds of Massachusetts and elsewhere that witches exist. Then the next room described the stereotypical "witch" and how it has evolved, and the last room showed modern day witches, or Wiccas, I think they were called. I just found out my aunt's friend is that religion.
So I bought a book about witches, we left, wandered around for forever, went to an okay-ish cafe when we later found out there was a Dunkin' Donuts just down the street, came home, picked up my sister from her friend's house, went to Stop N Shop to buy stuff for my cake, came home, watched TV while my sister and mom made the cake, went on the computer which caught a virus a few minutes later, watched more TV, and now I'm here. Fun fun fun.
Well, that's it. Sorry for the delay this week, guys, I have no real un-Sudoku-related reason for why I didn't post. I'll try to be good this week...Oh, and thanks for the voted on my poll!
Posted by Naomi at 4:24 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Spring Break, Music, and The World's Cutest Baby!
Posted by Naomi at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It's English Reminiscing Time, I Think...
Hey guys,
A lot of you probably know that I'm English. Well, English but forcefully moved to the US a couple of years ago...well, I'm getting all sentimental again over England. *sigh*. It's reminiscing time...In the order that came onto my head, and nothing more.
- My 5th grade teacher
Posted by Naomi at 5:10 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Hollister Girls Vs My English Teacher
^^^"Popular Mean Girls"...Sl*ttier than the girls at my school, but in a few years...That is what we're talking about.
Hey guys, I went back to school today...Yeah, for one day. It's cool. And we have Spring Break next week, which is also good. Unfortunatly, in conversation my mom told my sister's best friend's mom that we have nothing planned this week, so we'll have to spend every waking moment with their family(It always happens!)
Anyway, a lot can hapen when you miss two days of school. The first being the sudden appearance of the short-shorts and miniskirts(Though I suppose this'll be regular after this week). And the second being
...Well, when I got there everyone was really hyped up about sexism, stereotypes, generalisations, etc.
At first I wasn't sure why, but the first of it happened in Social Studies, when my teacher was accused of being "sexist" for choosing 13 girls and three boys for the trial we had on Wednesday. I don't know why that was claimed, since otherwise I've never seen anything sexist going on. If we're going to accuse a teacher of being sexist, she's the wrong choice...we should be choosing my math teacher(To quote "Adele" one day..."And she'll say "Girs, you're gonna be fine for the quiz", and then she'll say "Boys, you better study your hearts out").
And the discussions, of course, continued in LA, but the other way around. It was Hollister Girls vs My England teacher, about different things. So, all in all, each party was claiming sexism.
*point to give my oppinion on sexism* Yeah, there's sexism in school. But like every stereotype, they're human, and rootesd into us from an early age(Girl baby in pink, boy baby in blue. Girl plays with barbies, boy with Action Men etc.). It's not possible to live without being some what sexism, unless you're one of this rabid feminists(You say "Women can't...", and they will eat you. o.O). And we behave like this, and what can we expect? But, there are different variations of sexism. It doesn't 100% of the time sway one way, it varies. For example; For girls if she doesn't participate in group projects its somewhat worse, expected to be more social, expected to be really creative(Higher demands for projects?), expected to have better handwriting etc. For boys, expected to participate in gym, it's worse if a boy talks because for a girl it's "gossiping" and for a boy it's "messing around", doing worse stuff, etc.
Anyway, just as my social studies teacher isn't exactly sexist, neither is my English teacher. Yes, he plays on stereotypes and stuff, but I think it's funny as no one is brave enough to do that sort of stuff anymore. He likes to penalize the "popular girls" too, which is amazing. He even writes poems about them, and a few times when we come into his class and we're aloud to sit wherever we want, he'll say something along the lines of "Okay everyone sit down...That's right...Popular girls over there...Brainy girls over there...Jocks over there. ". xD It's funny, really. But all of a sudden the girls brought it up, saying they "didn't like it". So, my teacher explained why he behaved like this...
Unlike everyone thought, he had no previous history with "mean girls"...He was a jock, and had a girlfriend from 5th grade onward. He says he sees people going down the hallways each day, who are "bleeding from pain" of the things people are saying, and he does it to take these popular girls down a level, to make thwem feel slightly better." But the girls put up a good fight, and I'd like to point our my opinions on things said.
"But, that's a stereotype. We're not like that."
Is it really possible to be that blind? You dress the same, you act the same, you look the same, you have the same friends, you like the same things. Yeah, you fit into a stereotype. You may not all be the typical mean girl, but I can't believe you don't see that you are a stereotype. You act like that, how do yo expect us not to call you mean, etc?
"Teachers shouldn't get involved"
Yeah, we hate the social issues boot camps, but they must be doing something. My middle school is one of three in my town. We're basically in the middle of nowhere in the town, whereas the other two are in the center of the town...Now, I don't have friends there, but many people do. And, they talk about the stories that come from there. There, the teachers don't care, and in return, chaos happens. Teachers must be doing something, surely?
"It's labelling us, and we don't like it"
But it doesn't kill ya, does it? Yeah, I guess some of the less-popular might want some reassurance...It's not perfect, but it doesn't kill anyone.
"No one in the school is that mean"
That's actually very true...xD
Anyway, my memory of this convsersation is somewhat fading, as that was yesterday(Got tired writing yesterday), and this is today. But as I see it, this mild stereotyping isn't harming anyone. The girls that are being stereotyped aren't being hurt...Hey, what could hurt them? They have everything. Wardrobes(Yeah, plural) dedicated to perfect clothes, makeup, hair acsessories, perfume, every electronical item invented, and get to go out with friends every day. And, they complain? Hey, it's not always negative...Just, the negativity as a side-effect. It shows we recognise them as stereotypical perfect. It won't, in the long run, hurt them at all. They should live with it...They're nearly as whiny as I am, which is quite a feat.
Otherwise, not too much to say. I'm wearing my beloved Chowder t-shirt I got from Hot Topic a few weeks ago, for the first time toiday. We were supposed to do Dav'e birthday today, but Rachel was out and it got cancelled, permenantly. Oh well. This morning we went out to Target, to get my sister a Club Penguin membership card, and to get me iPod earphone things that work. Oh, and Izzes...I love these things. I haven't had them in forever; School is now getting cheap knock-off versions instead. The apple ones are good. <3>
Bye for now,
Posted by Naomi at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm Sick...DX
Hey guys,
Yes, I'm sick. Sicker than I've been in a while...Well, actually I was sick January 20th, the Obama thingy. Which, thinking about it, was the worst day ever to get sick...People thought I hated the guy. And, for the record, I don't hate Obama, just the people who treat him like to re-birth of Jesus. I don't think he'll be significantly better than any other president, nor significantly worse. I don't see why promises of change have made the world so blind.
But back onto what I was meaning to write about. Now, this day of sickness is both marvelous, and horrible. I get to miss my "Trial Of Julius Ceaser" thing. Which is good, because I wasn't at all hapy aout having to dress up for it. But, my SS teacher is now going to eternally hate me for it. I didn't do anything on the project anyway, since there wasn't much for me to do. But, it was a grade(That I can't make up, like a test) so I'm not sure how that will effect my grade. I'm certain she thinks I'm just skipping 'cause I don't want to do it, which I'm not, so my grade will drop just for that. I hope she understands.
If I take two days off, it will make it obvious that I wasn't 'just skipping'. But, if I do that, I have 3 quizzes on Friday, and only the studying materials for one of them. So, tha's two failed quizzes. I could just take the three days off, but I don't want to have to catch up on too much after Spring Break. I'm just really confused right now...I guess it rests on how long I can convince my mom to keep me off.
In other school stuff, there isn't too much to say. We were talking about withches in LA yesterday, which was really cool...xD
Oh, unless you know of the YouTube users "vlogbrothers", you probably haven't heard, but YouTube is reorganising its site starting tomorrow. YouTube loses money because advertisers don't want to associate with regular YouTube users. So, YouTube will be split into four sections; TV, Movies, Music, and Videos(Containing all "regular people" videos"). This means there's more enphasis on professional stuff, which advertising companies associate with, and YouTube stops losing money. So, be prepared for that...
Enough of that...I'm tired. Speak soon,
ThatDarnAdele, can you tell me what homework we have? In SS, and Science, thanks.
Posted by Naomi at 11:54 AM 5 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Yay For Easter!
Well, yes, the title I used was oh-so predictable. But I like Easter. Doesn't everyone like Easter?
My easter this year was actually very, very good. It was certainly a lot better than last year...That easter kind of sucked, no offense to my parents. It wasn't exactly their fault, they'd just left it too late and there weren't any eggs left. This year was better. Let me think what I got...
- 1 Cadburys Mini Eggs Egg
- 1 Cadburys Flake egg
- 1 Yorkie Egg
- 1 Cadburys Crunchie Egg
- 1 Chocolate Rabbit
- 1 White Chocolate Rabbit
- 3 Mini Eggs
- 1 Mars Bar Egg Egg
- 1 Galazy Bar Mini Egg
- 2 Aero mini eggs
- 20 dollars
I don't knw if this is more or less than everyone else, however. But, no matter what you got, happy easter to you! Well, if you celebrate it...
I guess I have failed in my Easter child duties, in that I've yet to get myself sick off Easter chocolate. Hey, I guess I still have like two hours left before I'm forced to go to bed. It could still, potentially, happen.
This morning was just like any morning. Got up, checked the computer, etc. We got our eggs at about 11, since that's the earliest my mom could get ready. I got my sister a Cadburys Mini Egg, as I remember...They're my favorites, so I thought I'd do the same. I could, like, live off Mini Eggs if given half a chance. So darn gooood. Anywho, the rest of my morning continued as always. In the afternoon, we started painting eggs. This is a great idea...I used to love this as a kid. I wasn't so hyped up about it this year which is yet another sign of my deteriarating youth. *sigh*. First off, two of mine ended up broken after my sister's various mishaps with her friend yesterday. Which left four...And then, my sister walked away form the table, and her other two good ones broke. So, I swithced one with her. Two bad, one good each. xD My good one was "The Killers" in dark maroon with black dots. And my 2nd one was supposed to be neon tiger, but it got all messed up. I ended up really frustrated at my egg(But mostly myself)...Like, really upset. My mom comes up to me and decides I am "really unconfident" in myself, which I think is very true. Now, she's trying to be extra nice to me so my confidence and self-esteem improve. It's creepy, but cool. I don't want to exploit this idea too much, though. But, I don't know how long her attempts will last...xD
In the afternoon, we went over to my neighbor's house. It was both good and bad. My neighbor I guess was alright today compared to some. We started off playing "find the rock" which involved being in the living room, and someone hiding a few tiny rocks, and the other two try to find them. It gets pretty violent at times. The dinner was really good, too. Their ham was amazing. O_O. After that the parents watched golf, which I sort of "half watched". I ate way too much candy and cookies, and we played a few board games.Including one where my parents started "help me", completely underuling the "giving me confidence" thing mentioned just hours before. There was this cool one where you were given letters and had to make words...The fun was in my neighbor writing "mif" and "liw", though. No offense to her; She's seven.
That's it for now...God, I'm starting to hate my blog so much. I'm the most un-creative human being alive. Everyone else's blogs rock, okay? This one is simply pathetic. I hate myself...
Posted by Naomi at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Yes, Another Quiz From Coco...xD
1) Something you always notice when you go shopping, but never have enough money (time, etc.) to get it: Like, everything. Usually time is the problem. My mom spends forever shopping for herself, but shopping for me she wants to go super fast. o.O Money isn't normally the problem
2) TV Show that always makes you laugh: Family Guy, same as most people.
3) Something everyone keeps telling you, even though you know it's not true: Hmm...tricky..."I'm so weird" is a pretty common one.
4) Laptop or PC? Me being me, I'll say there are positives to both. Yeah., the touch-pad system is cool, but it's always faulty or uncooprotive. I'll say PC.
5) Ever want to go skydiving? Yep!
6) Your catchphrase: "Die, Pete Wentz, die"
7) If you could dye your hair, what color (colors) would you choose? Dark brown. I hate my blonde hair.
8) If you were the opposite gender you are now, would you like long hair or short hair? Short all the way!
9) Emote you often overuse: @_@ My friend Kayla got me addicted to it…
10) Superstitious much? Um, kind of. I guess it's cool to go with the flow, in that sense.
11) Scariest thing you have ever seen: Well, I didn't "see" it, but it was pretty freaky…Excuse me for sounding so "girly", but I was at a sleepover in the summer, with two friends in England, and about six of their new friends. We were in a tent outside, and there was(As always) some creepy stuff happening. Stuff was hitting the walls, the sides of the tent were coming down a bit, there were weird lights…And, she lives by a field, and on the other side of the field there's a graveyard…And we swore the gravedigger was moving clodser. Eventually, it went away nthough. xD
12) The emotion you've been feeling a lot of lately: I seem pretty emotion-ridden, as s everyone…Hm, hard to pick one. I guess, midunderstood.
13) Small thing that makes you happy: The Killers, ice cream, AIM conversations, staying up late, etc.
14) Where are you in your life right now (mid-life-crisis, confused teenage years, time of bliss, etc.)? Confused teenage years! Angry, angsty, sad, confused, you name a stereotypical teen-emotion, it's happening. o.O
15) How many diaries have you gone through, through the years? One, as I've said several times before, that I barely used. Two if this blog counts.
16) What did you used to write about? Specifically, in my diary? Life. In general, I'd write fictional action stories.1
7) Do you believe in magic? Haha, kinda. Cliches for the win.
18) Close your eyes and picture a treasure chest. You open the treasure chest and...: *avoids stating the obvious*…Money!
19) Song that gives you the "deja vu" feeling: "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. I don't like the song, but the lyrics are déjà vu.
20) What do you want to be when you grow up? Um, I'm beginning to think something to do with psychology, or medical mental health, science..Something stereotypically geeky, I guess.
21) Last thing you think of before you go to bed:…Brandon, or school the next day.
22) First thing you think of when you wake up: How long till school starts?
23) How athletic are you? Not athletic at all. It all seems kind of pointless to me.
24) How nerdy are you? Pretty nerdy…
25) Do you stereotype people often? All the time! In my opinion, we all stereotype. Even if you say you don't, you know you look at someone's clothes or hair or whatever, and you've already got an impression. Maybe you don't go around going "GEEK!" but you still do it. So, all the time.
26) If you could go back in time, you'd like to visit: I think I'd visit the 80s. It seemed like a pretty weird era, and I'd like to see the differences from now.
27) Grossest, most terrible, cruelest, etc. word in the English dictionary: "Carcus" is a horrible word, not sure why I think that…
28) You think its really gross when: People spit-shake. But very few things gross me out.
29) You're giving a robot as a present for your friends birthday. What skill(s) does this robot have? It can clean, cook, you know…The stuff none of us wants to do.
30) Girl Scout Cookies or Boy Scout Popcorn? Girl scout Cookies, of couese!
31) How do you tell right from wrong? Same as everyone else, there's a "thing" in the back of my mind saying I should or shouldn't do something.
32) How often do you do the wrong thing? I do the same, small things that are "wrong" every single day…
33) All you ever wanted for your 6th birthday: Playmobil, I'm guessing…I don't really remember that birthday
.34) Would you rather spend the rest of your life at sea, or in the air (airplane, etc.)? Congrats, you just hit too things I'd never do in my life! As always, it woulk depend on the situation. Probably the airplane, if I didn't get sick, and if it wasn't going over water, and if it was a modern plane.
35) The one thing people like to assume about you: I don't have a back bone. >.<
36) Money matters to you how much? I couldn't live without it, but neither could anyone else. I've never run out of money, as I never buy much. I guess it doesn't mean too much.
37) If you were an author, what kind of book (genre) would you write, and what would the book be called? Historical Fiction. I'd think I'd just write yet another story revolving around World War 2, so "Over The Horizon", ir something stupid.
38) If you were an actor/actress in "Harry Potter" what character would be the most fun to play/would suit you best? I think Hermione would be the most fun to play, because she's got quite a clear stereotyped personality, all "uppity" and the like. For suiting me best, I think I'd be good as Ginny. She's pretty shy.
39) Childhood nicknames that still haunt you: Robin Hood(I'm totally serious).
40) Your most embarrassing nickname: Mimi…Just kidding, Robin Hood was pretty bad.
41) The only person in the whole world who can call you that: Robin Hood? …Myself.
45) As a child, you never quite understood: where puddles of water after it rains go. Yay for evaporation, and for 4th grade science.
46) Your favorite toy as a child: Playmobil, probably. I had a million little figures, and I'd name every single character. If you handed me my old box of Playmobil figures, I reckon I'd still be able to remember a good 50% of names.
47) Now that your older, you've realized: Many thins, but I guess that comes with age. I guess I've realized how close-minded a lot of us are, to outside where we are. Excuse me for sounding like your insane French teacher, but countries like Emg;land and the US are very clueless about other countries. Moving made me see that. we self-consciously laugh whenever a funny accent comes on TV, revel in the famous generalizations, and believe the world revolves around us. Proper geography should be taught at an earlier age, as well as other ways to prove why we're not all superior. Like, geography wise, you hand the average 10 year old a European map, and ask them to find Germany, they'll be pretty clueless. It's just stupid.
48) Craziest stunt you've done as a child: I shoved a pea up my nose. My friend's brother had done just that the day before, and had inhaled it and ended up in hospitcal. So, why no try it too? Luckily, nothing like that happened.
49) Do you miss those days? Oh yes, all the time. Don't we all miss our "innoecent days"?
50) Out of the fifty questions so far, what was the most challenging for you to answer? The funniest? The easiest? The question about the robot was the hardest. The funniest was the first tone about childhood nicknames. And the esiest was "Do you miss those days?".
51) Celebrity that you think is really awesome: *tries not to say it*…*gives up* BRANDON FLOWERS!<333333
52) Celebrity that you think is stuck-up: *tries not to say it*..*gives up* PETE WENTZ!!!
53) Your award for the funniest person on earth goes to: Hard to choose, really. I love comedians. Sorry, I just can't pick…between Wheezywaiter, Alex Daye(Nerimon), Communitychannel, Simon Amstell, Matt Lucas, David Walliams, Katherine Tate, Frankie Boyle, and Russel Howard.
54) Would you consider yourself in the top 10? Haha, no. That's like 10 there as it is. Most people don't understand my humour(Except my mom, which I suppose is very pathetic), but I consider myself pretty funny when I try to be.
55) What activity do you picture yourself doing when you're 90? Gambling, In Vegas!
56) What activity do you see your sibling doing? Living at her childrens' house, probably…
57) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? Spiderman, well the new spiderman. Batman and superman are so cliché.
58) Favorite animal? Guinea Pigs for the win!
59) Make up your own question: "Favorite dead person?" I have to say, Kurt Cobain…
60) Something you say too much: "Oh, okay", Cool", "Alright", "Yeah",
61) Do you have an iPod? Yes, a 4th generation Nano in green.
62) How often do you use it? 75% of my time being wake.
63) Song that made you laugh out loud: Mrs Nerimon by italktosnakes on YouTube. The "We just touched" song by communitychannel also.
64) Have you ever fainted/blacked out/become unconscious before? Nope. *is lucky about health related stuff*
65) Imagine you're a superhero: what would your name be and who would be your arch-nemisis? "Rocker Girl"(Pathetic, I now), and my arch-nemisis would be Pete Wentz, duh.
66) Thing that's currently bothering you: The people who are always like "oh, stereotypes are for cans not people", when stereotyping is pretty much human nature. There's a difference between conforming to a stereotype, calling someone a "geek" and stuff like that, than stereotyping.
67) If you had one wish, what would you ask for? The Brandon hug!
68) Write your name down on a piece of paper right now. What can you tell from your handwriting? I have messy handwriting, I'm cursive, my letters are long and exaggerated. I'm eccentric?
69) What color ink is it in? A gorgeous shade of blue. *loves this pen*.
70) POST A COMMENT (the next 30 questions will be coming soon....)
71. How often do you turn on the radio, and how often do you like the songs playing there? Basically never. We have god awful reception in my house, you can't even listen. But when I listen in the car the songs are good.
72. When you grow up, do you want to be rich? Of course! If I only knew what I'd do to get rich….hopefully I'll have enough for a Lamborghini.
73. Money means to you, how much? As I'vs said before, no humans can live without it. It buys all the stuff we "need" to survive…Food, water bills, etc. So, I couldn't live without it. But, I don't spend it too much other than the necessities.
74. Song you can never remember the lyrics to: I'm normall pretty good with lyrics. Probably Blue Monday by New Order is hardest for me.
75. Emicon that represents how you're feeling at the moment: xD
76. If you were to build a time machine, what would it be made of? Metal duh…
77. How self-conscious are you? Very…
78. Recycling means this much to you: I couldn't be less interested. I'll be the one in 15 years drivin' the Lambo through LA with the AC on high and I'm shouting "Go to hell, economists!" at the people below me wading through the melted ice caps are throwing energy-efficiant light bulbs at me and I'll throw trash cans full of non-recycles stuff at them. Ha ha!. *shifty*. O_O
79. Useless science trivia fact you know: Antipersperants increases the risk of cancer!
80. When you smile, it's because: Somebody said something funny, or I'm being polite, etc.
81. Last time you cried: Yesterday…
82. Does anything hurt right now? Nope. Lucky me.
83. If you had a child, who would you name your child after? B-Flo!*stupid YouTube nickname*. Or….If it were a girl…Calory. *shifty*
84. When you get married, do you want to keep the name you have or take your husband/wife's? It depends on their last name in question.
85. Are you paranoid? Somewhat.
86. Last thing you watched on TV: George Lopez last night. Don't judge me, I don't even think he's that funny…All it is is "My dislexic son waaaa, my nearly-pregannt daughter waaaaa my suppressed childhood memories waaaa"!
87. Song that haunts you: Um…Toxic, by Britney Spears. o.o
88. Bands your parent's like: My mom likes…Elvis Costello, Muse, Morissey, Nirvana, and Madonna. My dad likes The Cure, Muse, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and U2.
89. Out of all of the bands listed above, which is the worst? Not a band, but Madonna. But I guess it's better than my dad liking Madona.
90. Top ten things you want to do before you die (cannot be anything you already did): Hug Brandon, design my own pair of Converse, record an album, ride every DisneyWorld ride, go to at least 10 Killers concerts, go to Liverpool and dance around to Joy Division, have a camp out for the release of some book/movie/CD, get in a Newspaper, go to New York, and…Go to a Velvet Revolver concert in a Guns 'N' Roses t-shirt. xD
91. On what occasion would your parents ever let you go skydiving? They'd probably let me anyway…
92. What would you like to do for your retirement, when you're 60/70/80/90/100(you wish)? I'd be in Vegas, baby!
93. The number one worst thing about becoming old: You begin to lose all common sense, and people around you treat you like a baby.
94. NEVER EVER EVER...: *is confused*…Um…do drugs? Drink? Commit suicide? Betray a friend? Eat McDonalds everyday of your life? Go to the amazon without mosquito protection?
95. Whiniest song ever: The Rose by Westlife.
96. Sappiest song ever: Sappy? Well, I'd have to go with "Sappy" by Nirvana in that case. Oh yeah, PWNED!
96(again?). Your favorite shirt is: I don't own that many…A black one with "rock and roll" written on it loads of times in different colors, that I got from Forever21.
97. How important are looks to you? Not really…
98. Hottest celebrity accent: Honestly, I hate this question…Accents don't matter. I guess if I'd have to pick one, I'd pick a southern US accent…I'm serious. xD
99. Worst way to die: Tortue?
30. Which question was the hardest for you to answer? The time machine question…xD
Now copy and paste this questionaire into your own blog post (or a comment, if you don't have a blog) and replace all of my answers with your own! Have fun....!
Posted by Naomi at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Brandon vs 'Kitty'?
Hey there,
So, guess what I found the other day? An interesting little article(little is no understatement) on none other than Mr Flowers himself. Here's the title of the article;
Brandon Flowers Accuses Kurt Cobain of 'taking the fun out of music'
For all who don't know, Kurt Cobain was the singer and guitarist in Nirvana, a 90s grunge band(You've probably heard 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' before, which is by them). I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Nirvana before. I do like Nirvana...And, I'm not just going to start hating them because Brandon says so, okay? I do somewhat have my own musical mind. Although I don't love them, I do like their songs...Even if Brandon doesn't.
Okay, so the quote itself I found from NME, a magazine that apparently helped commercialise The Killers in the first place, but now likes to take advantage from every little of their flaws at every oppurtunity they get. They got the original story from some magazine called The Daily Star, who I think were involved in the rumour a few weeks ago about the band splitting up. The rumour was fake, by the way.
Brandon's exact words were
I don't mean it in a bad way but I think Kurt Cobain and grunge took the fun out of rock and roll
Now, there's many things about this situation that annoys the hell out of me.
1.The way NME and The Daily Star took this is totally rediculous. He said "i don't mean it in a bad way" for a reason. Everyone is against him right now. He can't say the first thing about any band beyond "I like them" without one newspaper or another going "Mr Flowers' next targer is...". It's been happening since Sam's Town. Brandon isn't like he was then, he knows when to stop. So, he doesn't like Nirvana? Out comes "Brandon tries to take a stab at Kurt Cobain!!!!11!!!1!1!!!"! Leave him alone. Other people say stuff about bands, but it's all Brandon's fault if he says something wrong. Why? I'm not entirely sure. Jealousy? Maybe, if your band is just that immature.
2. Kurt died on April 5th, 1994. That makes fifteen eyars ago Sunday. So, naturally, the topic probably came up in a conversation with Brandon and someone the other day...If you're him, and someone asks you if you like a certain singer or band, and you don't, what the hell do you say? "Oh, I like them"? Just because he's famous, does he really ahev to lie to get everyone away from him? He is a human being, and he gave his honest opinion. Does that quote really look like he's trying to attack Kurt in anyway? It doesn't to me.
3. The way the readers reacted...Look at the comments below the article, and you'll see a load of people rooting for Nirvana just because they're Nirvana. How many of them do you think know any Nirvana beyond like three songs? In fact, they could prefer The Killers to Nirvana, and post an angry Nirvana-loving comment just because of who they are. You say Killers, you get flamed to death.
4. Similar to the last one, but not just with fans. So, let's stack up the characteristics, shall we? Kurt Cobain; Famous for commercialising grunge, being a musical legend, making a unique sound, incredibly deep and thoughtful person, flannel, eyeliner, long blonde hair, wrote great lyrics, into a 'heavier sound' then Brandon, depression and suicide. Well, that's what most people know of Kurt Cobain. And, of Brandon? Brandon Flowers; Singer in The Killers, somewhat poetic lyrics, commercialised post-punk revival, wears makeup, likes skinny jeans, a slightly vague sexual orientation, feathery shoulders, likes pop music. It was all well and good until then, but than little three letter word just completely killed Brandon's reputation. Kurt isn't pop, Brandon is...Which instantly makes Kurt 'better'. There is actually more to pop than Katy Perry and The Jonas Brothers, believe it or not. A lot of people don't know that. Because Kurt's sound is more respected, it makes him more respected.
5. Brandon grew up around grunge, and somewhat harder musical(Using Tool as another example). Think of the most popular music where you live...Do you listen to it? If you don't, then it annoys you? Every time you hear the same song on the radio, it annoys yo?. Brandon is like that with Nirvana...It's what he's come to dislike, as you might dislike 3oh!3 or whatever is popular where you live.
6. Lastly, I don't even know if it was meant as a comment about Kurt. Maybe just as a label for 'grunge', I just don't know.
And that's that. As I said, I don't believe in Brandon, or hate Kurt, or anything. Just the situation.
Other stuff...
- That's enough for now, I think.
- School was alright today. Had another MCAs test, missed Spanish, usual health stuff, usual math stuff, etc.
- No homework, but MCAS again tomorrow!
- No song obsession right now...I think I need more music. xD
- Bye!
Posted by Naomi at 6:21 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
'You Need A Hobby'.... Be Prepared for Whining
Hey there,
Yes, yet another typical teenage "I hate my dad" speech. But, I can't really help it...I think. He's becoming really rather annoying.
So, Sunday morning and afternoon I was totally bored out of my mind. I guess this has been happening a lot recently, to say the least. Like, when I get home from school is the busiest part of my day. I get home and check my e-mail, ACC, my blog, YouTube, a couple of Killers websites, Facebook, log onto AIM, and then go to either Pandora, Imeem, or last.fm and listen to music as I catch up on stuff, or wait for my iPod to finish charging. I'll usually get sick of this after about 1 1/2 or 2 hours, when I go see what's on TV, go outside if it's nice, thern come back on the computer until around 5, when I start kmy homework. Then, depending on how much homework I have, I waste the rest of my day online, or watching TV. Yep, I take "boring life" to a new extreme. xD
On Sunday, I kept asking my mom what I should do...Because I was just that bored. I just go outside, and discover it's too cold, then come in and spend the day moping around. My mom ends up saying I was "miserable as sin", and I just go away for a while. I come back a couple of hours later and, as always, she's ready to apologize. Then she's really sympathetic, "I'm sorry...it's my fault...I don't know what to suggest"(No offense to her xD). Of course, she asks my dad(Because she's incapable of making any decisions on her own, it seems) about the "issue", if you care to call it that. My dad decides tell my mom "well...she needs a hobby" in his "Whatever I don't care, I want to go back to watching The Wire on DVD" type voice.
He's been doing this a lot lately. I guess I don't blame him, as all-in-all my life is a pretty pathetic existance. But this answer just got to me more than most...'cause, you know, it's the answer everyone gives. It's like...
"I'm depressed"; "Cheer up, everything's going to be alright"
"I have ADD"; "Get off the sugar"
"I'm shy"; "Talk more!"
"I'm bored"; "Get a hobby!"
He doesn't understand. Obviously, no one understands you at this age, so I don't know what I'm complaining about. But, both my parents are constantly refering to both my future and my past("Do you want to live the rest of your life in a store? I remember when you used to care...), and it annoys me. In fact, I hate it so much it's beyond describe-able. I'm a world away from the person I was just two years ago, even far different from the person I was in 6th grade, and from the person I was last month/last week, etc. But they don't have to bring it up. The main difference is, I don't think I even care anymore. About anything. I always have somthing to complain about, as this blog can say. Back a few years ago...I played piano and loved it, I cared about my school work, I read, I drew/colored, played games in moderation, didn't think so critically of people, wasn't so terrified of being viewed that I never did anything 'wacky'...I even played sports, and enjoyed them to some extent.
Obviously, my dad still thinks that person is there. A couple of times before he says "It's really sad...", and it's like "Yeah, you think if I'm like this I'm entirely happy about myself right now?". He's obviously extremely PO(I hate that term, but I don't like swearing on here...) about me right now, but I think there's little I can do about myself now. You can't force consideration on anyone, and I'm certainly too much of a stubborn brat to accept anyone of it. I guess that's just the way it is at the moment...
And, what bugs him is that he thinks I'm doing this for attention, or to conform to my given teenage stereotype, or something. Truth is, I not. I don't think much is as interesting as it used to be...It all seems rather pointless, and boring. I guess I have The Killers. And I have writing. And I have music..But I don't even have the same sort of connection to it that everyone else claims to have. I like music, of course, but I do it to relax, or to enjoy the lyrics. I've never felt much connection to anyone or anything, except The Killers. So, who's he to be saying just "go do this"? What's doing somethig I hate going to do for me? I might as well not be doing it, it does nothing other than use up some of my oh-so-precious "time".
Anyway...I feel obliged to say the typical "I shouldn't feel this way". He gives us money, food, he's "there for me"...Ah, I'll try to feel that way then. When I'm in this mind-set, threre isn't much changing this. But I suppose it's all fake, in my stupid, whiny brain of mine...
Other stuff...
- Sorry for the whinyness
- I know that was messy, please pay it all no attention
- Brandon...How could you? ...I'm afraid I can't support you on this one. Sure, you're hot, and up until now I truly have believed everything you've said. But, like everything else, there's a limit. I guess it was misinterpreted, I know you're no Gallagher brother. Where you are now, the media is against you...Face it, even NME is; you're the neon tiger at the moment. It may annoy you, it may not be normal for you...But, keep your opinions to yourself from now on? xD <3
- ^^All will be hopefully explained tomorrow
- Oh, I'm looking for ideas for my blog...Maybe, quotes, fun facts, more photos, contests? Whatever, just tell me what you think.
- I guess school was alright. We started "the topic" in health yesterday, and we had a "community meeting". The most interesting parts of my day today were I got a puck in my stomach during hocket in gym...During lunch they were passing out badges saying "I don't put up with put downs"(Wearing one meantsome cheap candy...) And in Enrichment we walked around the school...But COCO started running ahead, so I followed. And then we discovered we were only supposed to go 1/2 the way around. Yeah, great.
- Bye for now,
Posted by Naomi at 5:15 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Killers Timeline <333
*has a splitting headache right now*
I guess anyone who knows me knows I love The Killers. I'm pretty sure that if you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that I love The Killers. I'd say 80% of people my age have "their band", and I guess I'm the same...Though, I'd like to think there's more to it than that. Most(well, pretty much all) kids and teenagers switch between phases a lot; And I can't imagine my life without The Killers. It's crazy, and I know for a fact I need them.
The Killers formed in August of 2002, which would have made me six. Now, I'm not going to lie, they didn't mean anything to me at that time. Can any 6 year old really feel much of a connection to music, beyond happy pop songs? I doubt it.
In 2004, their first album Hot Fuss was released and all of a sudden they become huge in the UK. At that time, I still wasn't listening to much music. But, you know the Now That's What I Call Music CDs? Well, that's where I got all of my music from at that time. Now, before you judge me, the English Now CDs were actually pretty good at that time. Of course I didn't understand why every singer was so obsessed with the opposite gender, or band names, or "genres", or anything of the sort. A lot of the time I didn't know the song titles at first, but I would still look forward to car rides when my mom would put the CDs on. And I suppose that has still left an effect on me. Before I knew the first thing about the bands, it certainly introduced me to The Killers, Kaiser Chiefs, Snow Patrol, Keane, and that sort of stuff. My musical tastes haven't really changed too much, other than the growing hatrid of certain pop bands that most of us grow to. On Now 60, there was this song called "Somebody Told Me".To me at that age, that was what I thought was hard rock, though it's a very "disco" song. It was probably the first song that I seriously got into, and where I'd first heard of The Killers. On the next couple of CDs, there was Smile Like You Mean it, and When You were Young, which I liked, but didn't really mean too much to me.
In...2007, I believe, Read My Mind came out. And I guess this was when I became seriously interested in the band. Before that I "liked"(When I say "liked", I mean I was relatively interested in a few songs) The Fratellis and Kaiser Chiefs. But then I totally fell in love with Read My Mind. <33333>
Posted by Naomi at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I. Am. A. Rock. Oh Yeah!
Guess what? I am a rock. Random? Not in the slightest...There is no "random", nor is their "predictable", well there is some predictability in lie. Unless you know exactly the next statement to be said(Which is can often be applied to my blog) then there is no 100% predictability, relevant to the current situation or not. So...yes, I am a rock.
Anyway, I guess I should be writing about MCAS Part 2, but I can't be bothered to spell the whole thing out for you this time. But, me being me, I'll probaby do just that anyway. It was the same old song and dance; Four periods, same room, silence, candy, some stress. This one did go better than the last one, which was writing torture. We just got some text; One about yoga, one about a sick kid, and one song called "I Am A Rock", and then we answered questions on them. I didn't like the first two so much, but I totally loved I Am A Rock. I saw it was by Paul Simon, who I hadn't heard of, so I just thought it was some obscure blue-sy 60s song. Turns out it's/it was relatively famous, Paul Simon being the "Simon" in Simon And Garfunkel. I don't exactly like the song, but the lyrics....Just, describe me, in a way. Well, me if I'm all moody and teenager-ish. And also for happy-go-lucky me, but not in such an angry way as this was written.
The first thing I thought when I read this poem was "Schizoid"(Schizoid Personality Disorder -A Mental personality/disorder that I've been researching. I'm not schizoid, but I actuaslly display a few traits. So it's fun to read up on).
I've built walls
A fortress deep and mighty
That none may penetrate.
^^^Lyrics from the 2nd verse(Or chorus?). I totally love the wording of this.
Don't talk of love
But I've heard the words before; It's sleeping in my memory
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died
If I never loved I never would have cried.
^^^These are my favorite lyrics of the song. "If I never loved I never would have cried" is just pure amazingness.
I am a rock
I am an island.
^^^Woot for figurative language. Perfect, perfect description. And, the metaphore isn't emphasied to a "We get it, get on with your life" point.
So, I love the lyrics, simple as that. I seem to be becoming increasily interested in dark, gothy poetry(Thanks, Mr G). For those who say that good music/poetry/writing only comes from pain, I think that's pretty true. There's so much more to explore with that writing stlye, and it can go to such a deeper level than writing about your dog.
Anyway, the rest of my day as fine. Nothing to say, really. Except, while we were discussing the horribly digusting candy we had been given in the middle of the MCAS, my LA teacher comes in and says "Can I talk to you?". At first I freaked out because I thought it was about the joke of an essay I'd written the day on Tuesday. But then he says "I was reading through your journal the other day...". Oh. Great. It turns out he didn't seem annoyed at me, or he was at least hiding it very well indeed. He told me he wouldn't make me read in class(This calls for a "I came, I saw, I conquered" moment on my behalf!) as long as I would write something. Over time, it's not so much the short attention span, or boredom, or hate of poetry, or lack of ideas, or rebelling that been limiting my writing, as the idea of having to read. It's, like, paralyzing, and i'm serious. O_O. With every word that comes to my mind, the thought of having everyone else hear it just destroys it, in a sense. This has made me both happy, and horribly guilty. It's great that I can now write freely without worrying what others think, and being creative, but the fact I kind of wrecked his sytem has got to me. I doubt he's given ths special treatment to anyone else before, special treatment I feel bad for recieving. It's full of conflicting emotions...But, i'll be sure to write as much as i can, to make him less annoyed.
Other stuff-
-The Beatles are cool. I love "Let it Be" so frekain' muc right now. If only you could buy Beatles stuff on iTunes.
- Guilt is such a painful thing to deal with.
- As you know, URL change. Please, please, please tell any other readers - www.mysignisvital.blogspot.com ! I don't want to lose readers because of this.
- The candy we got in the MCAS was totaslly disgusting. I tried it when I got home...And regretted it,
- It's a nice day!
- August Rush is a horribly whiny, laughable movie.
- I apologize for being such a boring blog writer, yet again.
Posted by Naomi at 4:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Large-Scale April Foolin'
So, I'm pretty sure we're all aware of it being April Fools Day today, right? And if you haven't, I'd have thoughts the idiots carrying joybuzzers around school and pretending they're cool would have been a big enough clue. Or maybe you've been living under a rock.
Anyway, at least at my school it was relatively impossible to avoid the April Fools Day madness. And when I say "madness", I'm guessing you're thinking the typical "joybuzzers", "sticking stuff to peoples' backs" type stuff. Well not at my school! No no no, that's tame in comparison to some of the weird stuff that happened today. This, I'd say can be best refered to as "Large Scale April Foolin'"(Don't forget the missing "g" in fooling. That is essential!).
The tame stuff was all in the morning. Including said joybuzzer pranks, and the like. Nothing happened in Enrichment, we just went for a walk. And the same goes for Health, and we just started planning for our projects. In Spanish, the normal trouble makers tried to pull a few jokes on my teacher(She can barely deal with the normal pranks!). But, one of the boys suggested to get a kid in the other class in trouble, as a joke. Now, this kid is pretty much school-obsessed. His life dream is seriously to get into this Private school around here. So, he would definately freak out if he got in trouble. The Spanish teacher payed little attention to it at that time.
In Social Studies, I discovered the tachers' April Fools plan. I was sitting in Social Studies waiting for the teacher to come in, when my math teacher comes in. She does this sometimes, since her room is next door and if my SS teacher is somewhere else, she'll 'keep an eye on us'. But after a while I'd picked up on the idea, the teacher-switch. She actually wasn't a bad SS teacher at all. My SS teacher was a good science teacher, but rather boring. Only Mr B can do it Mr B style...and, the Mr B style made a slightly odd math teacher. He 's one teacher who just can't stop talking, which is hard when you have to leave your kids to work. Haha, it was great.
But everything kind of kicked off in 8th period LA. Over the intercom thing while preparing for another MCAS tomorrow, we did hear "*name* go down to the office". He's in our class, and kind of freaked out right there. Once he left, we all started laughing, and waiting for him to come back up. A few minutes later, he came back to get his backpack, looking like he was crying, and left. We, of course, started laughing again. After that, everything just got a little too weird. This is when the "Large-scale April Foolin' came into play. Stuff started happening in other classes, nobody trusted anybody, and some counter-foolin' came into play. Two other boys were sent down, my class were standing on desks for no reason, and our LA teacher even said "What can we do to cause even more chaos?" It was great, though really chaotic and weird. Funny, nonetheless.
But I'm glad it's over. I didn't officially get pranked the whole day!
- Will someone please tell me; Is this Conficker C virus that happened today real, or not? I haven't been infected, but I'm getting mixed answers about the whole thing.
- After planning today, i'm actually slightly happy for my Health project. I'll be sure to fangirl as much as possible!
- Sorry, no URL change just yet. I will once I get around to it.
- MCAS part 2 tomorrow!
- I actually have very little to say today. Through random periods of this week, I've been gettiug temporarily dizz, like I am now, So I think it's best to wrap this up.
Posted by Naomi at 3:12 PM 0 comments