Hi guys,
And, yet again, here I am struggling to word a slightly interesting first sentence to yet another not-so-interesting blog post...Eh, I'm not sure whatever I type will take away from me being the most boring human being alive.
Yesterday was an alright day. I woke up kind of late...11:30, which is late for me. I hear about people at school sleeping in until like two in the afternoon, and it still makes me wonder how that's possible. That's half a day wasted...So, I usually wake up around ten. I spent the remaining half hour of my morning on the computer, as I always do. In the afternoon my sister went round to my neighbor's friend's house...well, technically we're kind of neighbors too, but I don't kow them too well. Not that I really want to. When I first met the little boy, he had an Indiana Jones whip and chased me around the yard...I seriously wonder how that thing passed any Health And Safety guidelines whatsoever(The toy, not the boy!). It was huge, and in the hands of a five year old it left quite a mark on my leg. But it was good that she was out of the house. Ever since she got a Club Penguin membership card at Target she's been obsessed with the website. I haven't been on YouTube in a while because of it. So, since we couldn't drop my sister off at someone's house, we couldn't go to the Witch Museusm(My sister is such a wimp), so I spent the rest of the day inside. On the computer, writing, listening to music, watching several Family Guy DVDs on repeat, and doing Sudoku. I think I'm going into sudoku obsession. At school the other day in math we got to do this big sudoku...They're five squares joined at corner to make an "X". They are so much fun! While everyone in math was playing some sort of math related game Friday, there I was on my own...People kept asking if I eanted to play with them. They always do that. But, now I'm on my 3rd one and loving it...At the least, it keeps me occupied for this week(Which will fly by).
This day is no more interesting. It's raining, and my sister isn't out with our neighbors, or at her friend's house. If she was we'd actually be able to go out, but no I'm stuck inside writin' bout it here; But that's just as good, right?
And her come the random rambles...
So, what do any readers think of the stalker map? It's weird; I never thought I got so many views. Canada? Ireland? Greece? Switzerland? That's pretty darn cool. I was viewing the history yesterday, and I told my mom about it. Now she wants to read my blog, 'cause she thinks it would be good...It isn't good, they most likely found it via some Google search. And I don't think her reading my blog would be a good idea, to say the least.
Remember that topic "UK or US. Which is better?" I told you about yeasterday? Well, it's dying down now. It's a shame; It kept me occupied for a while. There's just this one moron posting some stuff. Okay, let me quote him -
we are a successful country. deal with it, the US beat your "lil mates" TWICE! We beat u guys TWICE! So "blimey!"We beat u guys twice! And u guys need the USA, u guys r lucky we dont team up with Canada and Australia and blow u to smitherenes.And patriotic ego? We are just so happy we dont go around speakin in a silly accent drinking tea and eating blueberry crumpets while doing weird jigs. We r just happy we r free and the best country in the world, while everyone else is just jealous of us.
He talks about this stuff, when really it gives Americans a horrible, horrible reputation. For a start, he can clearly barely type any English, which makes him look like an idiot in itself. Also, "lil mates"? Is that a rapper or something? 'cause I have no idea what that is. And, what the heck would Canada and Australia want to blow us up for? It's not like the US doesn't have enemies, right? But that's enough of that...
Oh, by the way, is anyone up for drinking some tea and eating blueberry crumpets, followed by discussions with silly accents, and doing "jigs"? ...No? You're right, me neither. How about some Coke, chocolate, and bloggin' instead? That's more like it. xDDD
On the topic of music...I'm into Depeche Mode right now. But, I feel oh-so stereotypical by liking them. Too bad I can't Imeem them or something since I NEVER HAVE THIS ROOM TO MYSELF ANYMORE. I'm relatively addicted to "I Feel You" right now...And I saw a commercial for their new album the other day. I might buy it; The single mentioned sounds good. Oh, yeah, and did I mention I love Everlong by Foo Fighters at the moment? I wonder where I got that from...
Also, THE KILLERS(*hug* *hug* *hug*) were on The Tonight Show yesterday. All the way through, I was worrying if they had enough time to perform. They had this crazy(And drunk) English comedian...Yeah, English. It made me want to crawl under a rock, stab myself several times, and die, I was that embarssed. But, they did get to perform. Brandon was wearing makeup, and he had his new sparkly black jacket on. Generally, it was a good performance, 'cept for some voice-cracking, but that makes it cute. They did Spaceman, as I thought. It's my favorite live song. Whenever I see things like this, it just reminds me why I love them so much, and that I should never stop listening to them, whatever I do. I stayed up for over an hour after that, into like two AM, listening to Killers songs and singing to my crowd of pictures on my wall. Yay. <33333
Oh, and, look who it is...
AMMON FLOWERS! Yes, the picture quality is terrible but that's the only one up. Trust me, buy the magazine...I have it. He's the cutest baby I've ever seen in my life...Cute little blondie. He has his daddy's eyes too, which is quite a gift. And, not that it matters...But, clearly, Ammon's daddy has got it goin' on.
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