I'm a teenager. So, it's time for some moaning and whining, don't you think?
1. My mother...Surprise there? Well, specifically, we were at my friend The Human Fish's synchro show on Sunday. On top of it being like 85 degrees outside, we were in a really humid swimming pool. I don't own tank tops or flipflops(Total tomboy), I choose to die from heat exhaustion instead. It made it a whole lot hotter(I envy the swimmers), and I choose to buy a water. I wasn't even thirsty, but the water was cold. It got warm after a few minutes, and gave it to my mom 'cause I was sick of holding it. So, half way through when I'm actually thirsty, I ask for it back and there's like a centimeter left of water in there. Seriously, if I hadn't wanted it, she wouldn't have bought one and drunk any!
2. Again, my mother. When she first got her iPod, she spent a while taking the songs I bought and putting them onto her iPod. I put a stop to this of course, but now she starts doing this again. And, why? To quote her exactly: I understand with modern musicians...But, come on, Red Hot Chili Peppers, David Bowie? I've been listening to them since before you were born! Now, I've thought about this, and I still see no real reason why this makes any difference in the world. Can anyone please shed some light on my mother's effed-up pattern of thinking? If this is how it's working, then we can say bye-bye to Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Muse for her...They somehow don't matter as much. Oh, and you know what, she doesn't even like either of the said examples that much. I heard a song on the radio the other day that sounded like RHCP, so I said "Who's this?", and she said "Snow by RHCP. This used to be my favorite of their's, before I heard Scar Tissue". I tell her I like ST, she comes home and loads it onto her iPod, and then leter proceeds to tell me "Sorry, it was another song I was thinking of when I said Scar Tissue...I don't think it's by RHCP". WTF?
3. This guy on ACC, who probably can't take the time of his busy schedule to read this so I'll say how I feel. I absolutely hate those threads devoted to hating one type band or type of music. There's discussing, but that's just too far for my liking. Nearly all the threads are people who say they hate rap, pop, or The Jonas Brothers, in an attempt to unique, but it just makes them look more generic. So, he posts a thread talking titled "Posers are going to return", about fake Green Day fans. I hate it when people do this. First off, there's already a thread on ACC for Green Day fans, and it's not like it's totally dead. If he wants to discuss, discuss it there. He is being a total poser by making a new thread in itself. And, he continues making threads about Green Day thread. For cryung out loud, if someone doesn't like them, why is he expected to know what their first album is? Give it a break dude; It looks overly obsessive.
4. My English teacher today. It's poetry day, and for one reason or another we weren't writing poems, but "an ode to a skunk cabbage". We went out into the forest behind the field by this pond, to pick "skunk cabbages", foul smelling vegetables. Then we go sit on the grass, we're told to eat them, and then write about it. He may be trying to keep it interesting, but this was just weird. I didn't even eat it, or touch it. How am I supposed to write about something as pointless as that? These words that I type right now hold more meaning than that. So, I'd barely written anything(But I tried, I promise, I tried), and he says "Everyone's reading today". At this point I go into panic-attack mode. He told me like two weeks ago he wouldn't force me to read. So, this makes him a liar on top of everything else he's said. So he gets out his clipboard, and goes "Who's first...Hmm...Camo!". Damn it. That's malicious to add to the list. I say I can't, and he goes "Camo....". And that's patronizing to add to that list. The list is getting rather long, huh? Well, he says "very ho hum" after I read, and I spend the rest of the class deliberatley paying as little ammount of attention as possible, and writing a few not-so-appropriate words on my journal. I don't care if he sees them; Maybe he won't judge me like he does now. I'm beginning to think from now on that that's all I should do in his class. If he's going to do this again, there's no way I'm writing anymore.
5. Again, this girl on ACC. She was in an "OMIGISH ABERCROMBIE I LUVS IT <3333333">i got banned frum acc 4 2 days, 2 DAYS! JST 4 calling u a bad name. omigod, do u no how PO i am w/ u!? u back-stabbing...there r SO many things i want 2 say 2 u...but if i said it...acc would permanitely ban me 4ever. thats how PO i am at u! u no, life aint perfect. understand? u started bcuming SO full of ur stupid self, that u insulted me jst cuz my writing wuznt perfect. y do u even care how i write? ur not my mom r u? nope!! so i dont get y u want me 2 b the way U want me 2 b...im not gonna change myself jst cuz sum freak told me 2. & like i already said: u think ur making me look bad, but in reality, ur the 1 who looks bad. That's the longest post she'd written, and really there's multipe ways I could go to insult her here. After like three days, she kind of gave up, and left. Which adds hypocritical to her list.
6. Yet more people on another one of those "Weird and random" threads. It's these types of threads that will eventually lead to me getting the ACC ban-hammer. But, they need to give it up. If they are who they claim to be, then they're very normal indeed. They have friends. That's how everyone behaves. "Weird" doesn't mean that, okay? Weird is different; they are not in any way different.
7. Mike for leaving ACC(Sort of). *glares*
8. This girl in hockey for unintenionally hittind the puck(From about three feet away) into my foot, and hitting her stick at my rib cage. She does play hockey, so I think she should be able to do better than that.
9. These girls at school for claiming to be weird. Get over yourselves.
10. My mother for mocking my fake Liverpudlian accent. So what, if the only thing I can say in that accent is "Paul McCartney"? She couldn't do a Yorkshire accent either.
11. My...mother for getting annoyed at me for saying Swine Flu got into New York in front of my sister. This'll go away...Just like Bird Flu, no one in even cares about that anumore. But the point is, my sister freaked out. it's suspected in MA, but very mild. She was going to find out sooner or later.
And, that's about it. This helped get out some "teenage angst"(I can actually say that now!). My day other than the skunk cabbage incident was alright. Math was average, enrichment was average, Spanish was not too bad...And, that's it. I have some homework to do; Bye for now!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stuff That's Annoyed Me In The Past Few Days
Posted by Naomi at 6:37 PM
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The fact that your mother had like, eight spots on the list amused me... I can totally relate.
ACC has turned into a hellhole. Excuse the cursing, but seriously. Abercrombie snobs and emo music obsessed posers and 'random' eight year olds with no brains everywhere.
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