Hey there,
Yes, yet another typical teenage "I hate my dad" speech. But, I can't really help it...I think. He's becoming really rather annoying.
So, Sunday morning and afternoon I was totally bored out of my mind. I guess this has been happening a lot recently, to say the least. Like, when I get home from school is the busiest part of my day. I get home and check my e-mail, ACC, my blog, YouTube, a couple of Killers websites, Facebook, log onto AIM, and then go to either Pandora, Imeem, or last.fm and listen to music as I catch up on stuff, or wait for my iPod to finish charging. I'll usually get sick of this after about 1 1/2 or 2 hours, when I go see what's on TV, go outside if it's nice, thern come back on the computer until around 5, when I start kmy homework. Then, depending on how much homework I have, I waste the rest of my day online, or watching TV. Yep, I take "boring life" to a new extreme. xD
On Sunday, I kept asking my mom what I should do...Because I was just that bored. I just go outside, and discover it's too cold, then come in and spend the day moping around. My mom ends up saying I was "miserable as sin", and I just go away for a while. I come back a couple of hours later and, as always, she's ready to apologize. Then she's really sympathetic, "I'm sorry...it's my fault...I don't know what to suggest"(No offense to her xD). Of course, she asks my dad(Because she's incapable of making any decisions on her own, it seems) about the "issue", if you care to call it that. My dad decides tell my mom "well...she needs a hobby" in his "Whatever I don't care, I want to go back to watching The Wire on DVD" type voice.
He's been doing this a lot lately. I guess I don't blame him, as all-in-all my life is a pretty pathetic existance. But this answer just got to me more than most...'cause, you know, it's the answer everyone gives. It's like...
"I'm depressed"; "Cheer up, everything's going to be alright"
"I have ADD"; "Get off the sugar"
"I'm shy"; "Talk more!"
"I'm bored"; "Get a hobby!"
He doesn't understand. Obviously, no one understands you at this age, so I don't know what I'm complaining about. But, both my parents are constantly refering to both my future and my past("Do you want to live the rest of your life in a store? I remember when you used to care...), and it annoys me. In fact, I hate it so much it's beyond describe-able. I'm a world away from the person I was just two years ago, even far different from the person I was in 6th grade, and from the person I was last month/last week, etc. But they don't have to bring it up. The main difference is, I don't think I even care anymore. About anything. I always have somthing to complain about, as this blog can say. Back a few years ago...I played piano and loved it, I cared about my school work, I read, I drew/colored, played games in moderation, didn't think so critically of people, wasn't so terrified of being viewed that I never did anything 'wacky'...I even played sports, and enjoyed them to some extent.
Obviously, my dad still thinks that person is there. A couple of times before he says "It's really sad...", and it's like "Yeah, you think if I'm like this I'm entirely happy about myself right now?". He's obviously extremely PO(I hate that term, but I don't like swearing on here...) about me right now, but I think there's little I can do about myself now. You can't force consideration on anyone, and I'm certainly too much of a stubborn brat to accept anyone of it. I guess that's just the way it is at the moment...
And, what bugs him is that he thinks I'm doing this for attention, or to conform to my given teenage stereotype, or something. Truth is, I not. I don't think much is as interesting as it used to be...It all seems rather pointless, and boring. I guess I have The Killers. And I have writing. And I have music..But I don't even have the same sort of connection to it that everyone else claims to have. I like music, of course, but I do it to relax, or to enjoy the lyrics. I've never felt much connection to anyone or anything, except The Killers. So, who's he to be saying just "go do this"? What's doing somethig I hate going to do for me? I might as well not be doing it, it does nothing other than use up some of my oh-so-precious "time".
Anyway...I feel obliged to say the typical "I shouldn't feel this way". He gives us money, food, he's "there for me"...Ah, I'll try to feel that way then. When I'm in this mind-set, threre isn't much changing this. But I suppose it's all fake, in my stupid, whiny brain of mine...
Other stuff...
- Sorry for the whinyness
- I know that was messy, please pay it all no attention
- Brandon...How could you? ...I'm afraid I can't support you on this one. Sure, you're hot, and up until now I truly have believed everything you've said. But, like everything else, there's a limit. I guess it was misinterpreted, I know you're no Gallagher brother. Where you are now, the media is against you...Face it, even NME is; you're the neon tiger at the moment. It may annoy you, it may not be normal for you...But, keep your opinions to yourself from now on? xD <3
- ^^All will be hopefully explained tomorrow
- Oh, I'm looking for ideas for my blog...Maybe, quotes, fun facts, more photos, contests? Whatever, just tell me what you think.
- I guess school was alright. We started "the topic" in health yesterday, and we had a "community meeting". The most interesting parts of my day today were I got a puck in my stomach during hocket in gym...During lunch they were passing out badges saying "I don't put up with put downs"(Wearing one meantsome cheap candy...) And in Enrichment we walked around the school...But COCO started running ahead, so I followed. And then we discovered we were only supposed to go 1/2 the way around. Yeah, great.
- Bye for now,
Monday, April 6, 2009
'You Need A Hobby'.... Be Prepared for Whining
Posted by Naomi at 5:15 PM
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haha, yeah. My fault.
What did brandon do???
I think a contest would be cool. I'm tired of doing all the contests.
Good idea! But...I can't think of anything. T.T
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