Hey guys,
I'm so tired today...Which, you might expect me to say based on the big test I had today. But I doubt it actually has anything to do with that, probably more to do with me staying up 'til later-than-I-should-have-been o'clock.
Anyway, we had a Massachusetts-Comprehensive-Assessment-System test today. To be specific, it was a "Long writing" essay.
This was my 1st one of these. And, as expected, I pretty much hated it. So, we come into school, and get placed into our assigned room, which was a slight variation on howmerooms, so I was in the SS room. For some reason, I did feel a whole lot comfortable there than I reckon I'd feel in any other room. We're placed alphabetically in rows(Second row to the front), and there we would pretty much stay until 11:03--Yes, four periods.
So, she expained the test and after loads of unnecessery stuff, we began. And the prompt? "Describe your perfect day". Well, that isn't vague at all...and, my teachers and me were all so certain it was going to be about Obama, it seems obvious, don't you think? But, no, let's talk about perfect days. Now, I see the reasoning behind this; To show "individuality", but actually point-wise, there's very little individuality to be had. Part of the prompt was "Who would be with you?", which is totally unique-draining. I'm sure "Mah friends 'cause dey mah best buds in da hole wide world" would have got me points even if it's different to how I feel.
And, yes, a boring day to my boring life. I spent a good 15 minutes alone just thinking about my perfect day. In the end, it all turned out very materialistic compared to most people's, involving water parks and a Killers concert(I'm so proud of myself for fitting that in there). So, then I started writing the first draft, spacing out letters and doing the biggest writing ever. But being a slow writer, it took me forever. And, I only got to two pages. About half way through the whole thing I knew four pages would be impossible, and I settled with two. I don't have the time, patience, or attention span to write four pages, eight pages for two drafts. And with my slow writing ability, I raced through, went through three pencils, scribbling down whatever come into my head, and finished with ten minutes spare. Phew.
Although it was long, boring wasn't the way to describe it...you're too busy to be kept bored most of the time. We did get really nice gum, and we got a break half way through. In the break, a boy decided to rip another boy's mole off his neck(Woah, that's some finger nail power!!). It started bleeding, and as we were "in the field" and without any band aids, the teacher had to think fast--Which meant sticking tissues to his neck with big blue tape. Yes, this meant a whole load of laughing and humour for at least a small part of the test.
Hoorah for part 1 - MCAS Part 2 on Thursday!
Other stuff-
- School today otherwise was good. In Enrichment we just stayed outside for a bit, and then had Pete vs Ronnie arguments with Coco. Spanish we did the usual stuff.
- We've startd a new unit in gym - Floor hockey! Well, we got to choose between dance and floorhockey. The dancers have to peform at the end, I think, so floor hockey was the best choice. Once I get over the everyone watching me, I do really like the game.
- Close to no homework tonight. [:
- I've restarted playing My Sims recently, and I'm becoming slightly addicted.
- I might later be changing the URL of the blog. Someone at school found out, and I don't want them reading. I'll leave this up for now, just to let you know. I'll be commenting on blogs and on ACC to tell people, and if not find me otherwise and ask for the URl, once your links to here stop working.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The MCAS - Part 1
Posted by Naomi at 3:12 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
I Started Health Today. o_O
Hey guys,
I think it's appropriate to start this post off my saying we're finally dwown to the last term of 7th grade. It's been a long one, but that's what I'm coming to expect out of Middle School. For us we have either art/engineering, music, and health each term. And, just like last time, I'm stuck with health for the 3rd term. I know for some people Health might be a great time, but 7th grade health for us has been particularly hyped up to be a horrible, awkward experience. Why? Well, I will tell you, through the use of a Curriculum handout we got today:
Curriculm Topics
Grade 7 - sexuality, gender roles, sexual harassment and abuse, biology, relatiomships, love, appropriate behavior, abstienence, STIs, AIDs, depression and suicide.
So that's pretty much sums up what we're going to be working on this year. Fun fun fun(Well, sarcasm aside, I'm seriously looking forward to the depression and suicde art. Psychology rules.). Of course, it'll be awkward and everything but I guess I'll learn from it.
And our teacher, from what I've seen, isn't too bad at all just yet. I love her totally-obvious attempts to be nice and friendly and "cool", before we get into the seriously awkward stuff, to make it "easier". I guess it sounds like a good idea. But before long we'll surely discover an under-lying passion for watching 12 year olds become scarred from sex ed pictures or make us wander around the field reciting vocabulary or something of the sort. Ah, the many possibilites. O_O
We got our seats picked today be chossing card with things like TV shows and breakfast cerelas written on. Because of some really odd "fear", I hate my new seat. I just want to move so badly...But we're aloud to sit anywhere on the table, so if I get there early I'll switch. But I don't want to seem like I hate the girl sitting next to me at the moment. I guess my best choice is to "tough it out" where I'm sitting now...Oh yeah, on top of other reasons why I hate it, there's this huge, creepy poster of Taylor Swift to my left, advertising to drink milk. As I said, creepy is the best way to describe it. I know in my sister's school they have the same thing but with Miley Cyrus. I love how it's different for each school...But honestly I think Taylor is buying into the Disney stuff way too much at the moment --It'll ruin her. But that's a different "issue" in itself.
So, we got three handouts today. One was about underage drinking, which is simply...fantastic. It says the usual "Don't drink", on the front along with "Not everyone is doing it" On the back it says "Most Massachusetts students do not drink". So, it's like "If you're telling me it's not a problem why are you giving me a handout on it?" Haha, I love it. <33333
And we got one for a project. The project is this "All About You" book, which I'm both loving and hating at the same time. Of course it's not at all challenging, but as I've whined about a million times before, there's nothing to know about me. I don't have the attention span to spend a decent ammount of time on an instrument, or care at all about sports, or acting or drawing our whatever. It'll be another "What interests do you have/what do you do in your free time?" thing...To which my honest answer would be - I worship The Killers, listen to a little bit of music(Way less then most people), I follow along to innapropriate AIM conversations, spend hours on YouTube, surf various forums and websites, I find out random trivia about random people, research random pyschcology and medical disorders/ilnesses/syndromes(It's become an obsession) I love to eat and drink junk food and anything loaded with sugar, sit by myself and think about stupid stuff, I like to be far too whiny and ungrateful about everyone and everything, I like to blog and simaltaniously make huge grammar and spelling errors about said obnoxious thoughts and feelings, watch TV once in a while, become bored, do homework, and then realise how stupid my life is. I know, I'm too whiny but I feel so self-conscious about this. My life is simply pathetic.
Anyway, today otherwise has been fine. In Social Studies we had a quiz on Eurpopean countries and capitals(Way easier than I expected). Math was the typical go-over-homework routine, and LA we had a quiz on a couple of stanzas of The Raven, to which I got 92%, and got to add an exra 10 points for doing better than my teacher. In science we tested out little wooden car things which went a whole heck of a lot better than I expected. Our propulation(Propultion being two balloons taped to the top) did alright. It went around the track in a decent time and did better than our oponents, who's cars didn't move at all. Our non-propulation car(The lovely Brandon <333) was amazing, and made a record that was later broken. 35 seconds!! And, I didn't do anything terribly stupid or embarassing that caused us to lose. Hoorah for me. [:
After school we went shopping and when we got back, my mom checked the mail and...I've been invited to this girl's Bat Mitzvah. She's in my Spanish, Health, and gym classes and I've only known her for this year. She's pretty nice if not patronizing, but she's a lot better than most people. But the Bat Mitzvah is not something I'm looking forward to...The dressing up thing, of course, and I can't get out of it like I would do for school in this situation. I suppose it's not so much the dress I'd hate as the "You look so pretty/You look so different/You should dress girlier all the time!" that I dread. Also, with my anti-social habbits, I'm gonna stick out a bit. I have to be really happy and involved. I know I'm going to be dead silent throughout the thing, and then I'm going to feel guilty as hell about it after. She's going to hate me, her parents are going to hate me, they're going to think I hate them or somthing, you know? I suppose the ceremony and party will be fine, it'll be going for like 6 hours which will be boring, but I'll learn to deal. At least I can blog about it.
Woah, long one. Bye for now,
Posted by Naomi at 4:54 PM 3 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Happy Birthday...
To Dave Keuning, guitarist in The Killers, who is now 32 years old! Unfortunalty, I don't have the time, patience, or energy to write a decent post. I'm so sorry Dave...Also, we couldn't make you a cake today. But we will make you a cake soon, but people were busy today!
Posted by Naomi at 9:14 PM 3 comments
AnimalCrossingCommunity.com>The Un-Official Fame Guide
The other day I celebrated my 1-year-on-ACC-aversary; Stupid name, I know. But I'm surprised I lasted this long. It was my first forum, and I only joined for the slightest possibility of GBJosh acknowledging my existance(It never happened!). As of late I've been in a love-hate relationship with this website. I mean, the rules are just stupid, it's full of n00bs, my Killers threads are flodded my 11 year olds who barely know a thing about the band, and there's spam everywhere. But on ACC I've met my best friends ever, and never get bored talking to them. I suppose that's the reason everyone stays on ACC, because as far as I can tell everyone hates it. Because of all the unnecessery rules, you see a lot of "anarchy" happening on there(In many ways, similar to the stuff around the Roman republic we're learning about in Social Studies). So, you need to carefully make your way around the website, unless you want to get flamed to death. You're either in or you're out, as it seems. And this - My guide to being an ACC celebrity - will guarantee(When I say "guarantee", I mean this is based on what I've seen, no guarantee whatsoever...) your becoming of an ACC celebrity.
1. Whatever you do, don't overuse chatspeak, capitalization, or excalamation and question marks! You'll regret it later. ACC can always handle the gool ol' "lol" or "pwnd", but anything over that and you won't be taken very seriously. ACC isn't exactly like most places on the internet, in that proper spelling and grammar are respected. Respect is the key, on ACC *didn't mean to ryhme*
2. Mark A Some-what witty username. The term "witty" is used losely, as it would depend on the individual. Some might consider "ChuckNorris" comedy genius, while some might not. Think about your username before you enter it...Which means, no "mRsEdWaRdCuLlEnLOLOLOLOL".
3. Choose Your ACC Emotes Wisely. This is key to your respect. Similar to rule 1, don't overuse emotes. No more than one per post, and it is best to you non-ACC emotes. But if you want to... in simple terms
- The smiley emote - Only if you work in a giveaway
- The unhappy emote- Again, 90% of the time only when you work in a giveaway
- The extremely smiley emote - I'd recommend not using it, but it varies
- The in-love emote - Rarely
- The shifty emote - The most respected emote, I'd recommend using it on every other post for coolness, and to boast your "weirdness".
-The cool emote - Don't. Use. It. Are you really that self-obsorbed?
- The evil emote - NO
- The silly emote - This one would vary again, but it's not too bad
- The angry emote - NO
- The laughing emote - Probably not
- The winking emote - NO
- The embarssed emote - Rarely used, it would be okay most of the time
- The crying emote - NO
- The conbfused emote - Probably not
- The "gasp" emote - It's okay
- The "blank" emote - I don't like this one, but it's okay :]
- The "sick" emote - probably not
- The rolling eyes emote - NO
4. Gain some sort of "identity" to which you always stand by. This could mean many things, but to gain eespect you must follow to only one of them. The obvious one is the ACC staff, but that's obviously a whole heck of a lot harder to get to, and no one respects a suck-up trying to become AC staff. A few good ones would be - Slightly n00bish nintendo fanboys, "good "spammers"(Since I joined a year ago, I don't know what good spam is...But, good spam is respetced.), a peace keeper, a flamer, the world's best profile-maker, or obsess over something to the point where no one knows anything else about you other than the fact you love The Academy Is, or something. Just, form an identity, and boast your opinion at every chance you get. You need to be remembered for something.
5. Post on the Off Topic board as much as possible. Since most ACCers have become celebrities via the OT board, ths is the way to do it. You don't necesserily have to make a million threads on the OT board, but just post on a lot of them. Spending time on other parts of the website is important, but a good majority must be spent here.
6. Associate With The Right People. Although it might take quite some time for Dashm to notice you, it will happen eventually and that will be antother important step to being an ACC celebrity. Trust me...
7. Don't Follow Meme Trends. Well, this might not be the case for some ACC celebrities, but this way is good...But remember, stick to one identity. So this means, pie, Bob, and Chuck Norris are pretty much off limits. Bob=n00b, 'kay?
8. In Regards to the last rule, don't Rick Roll. Believe it or not, most people don't like to be forced to watch a few seconds of Rick Astley. You'll probably just get a "n00b" as a response. It's not worth it.
9. Be A Music Lover - The Right Music. I'd say 95% of people on ACC are "music lovers", so that shouldn't be hard. But it's the music you listen to that gains you popularity. No rap, hiphop, pop, or generally anything mainstream. The Beatles seem to gain you a lot of respect.
10. Act Superior To Those Who don't follow the rules of being an ACC celebrity. Specifically noobs. In a spam thread, you must always say something witty and unexpected, to get noticed by everyone there.
11. Be a rebel. This may seem odd, but loving ACC is not cool, and neither is loving on AnimalCrosing. Don't worry, no one qill question you being there as we're all the same. In moderation, posting about controversial topic, bypassing the filter, and flaming are good.
11. Don't Look Like You're trying to be an ACC celebriuty. This is an obvious answer, I suppose. Don't look like you're trying, that never works out. Just follow my set of guidelines, and enjoy your time on ACC. soon you'll be website-wide famous.
No offence to any ACCers.
- Dave, Dave, Dave, I love you, I'm sorry we couldn't make you a cake! We'll make you a cake soon. Forgive us?
- RAH finally updated her blog for the first time in six months...Hoorah! Welcome back!
- I have LA MCAS next week, I think the first one is on Tuesday but I'm not sure...I can't say I'm nervous, just not happy to do them. But at least we don't get much homework this week.
- I updated the playlist, as always. I'll update the poll later today.
- This weekend has been far more boring than I thought. It's raining a lot, and my oh-so-annoying neighbor came round to play with my sister. So I've been stuck watching TV for most of the day.
- I now have the DVD of the new James Bond. It's good, but I prefered Casino Royale. But I love the theme song,
- Jack White is freakin' hot. :O
- My parents are about to book our hotel tickets for The Killers in May!!
- The Victims added loads of pictures a few days ago. And, sorry to make anyone jealous, but...In one Boston picture, you can vaguely see where I'm sitting! It's not clear or anything but it's in the right section and everything. Yay!
- I want The wombats' "A Guide To Love, Loss, and Desperation" for my birthday. Or maybe sooner.
- Go to www.ratemyteacher.com. You won't be dissapointed I'm sure.
- Comment, comment, comment!
Until sometime,
Posted by Naomi at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
51 Things...
I Found Around My Room! Original idea by HurricaneAubrey on YouTube, and I thought I'd pick up on the idea...
Basically, my room is full of rubbish I never touch anymore, specifically toys. But, I had a good search around my room to see what I could find, and jotted down the first things I saw. Enjoy...And, really enjoy it, because my computer isn't in my bedroom, so I can't do it bit-by-bit.
1. My baggy-ish purple and black tiger striped hoodie I got from Forever21...Well, I love it, and Brandon has one too. I haven't worn it to school yet; I'll get loads of stares. But I love it.
2. This CD by The Cure, with an old guy on the front...Haven't listened to it yet, not sure why it's there. I got so freaked out the first time I saw the cover. o.O
3. This big blue/black/green marble that I love with all my heart, for some reason. <33
4. A silver pen I'm using to draw the circles on my drawing of the Day And age cover.
5. A paper document of The Declaration Of Independence that I got from some historical place a while back.
6. A little plastic skateboard that my dad got for me when I was six.
7. My old journal from when I was...seven, that I wrote in three or four times.
8. A pair of Scissors I was using for a school project last week, and to cut out pictures to put on my bedroom wall.
9. A green calculator I've never used in my life...
10. A brown Willy Wonka pillow my friend got me for my 10th birthday.
11. The latest edition of Q Magazine with Lilly Allen on the cover.
12. A Smarties(English candy) box my Mom got me when she went to the Czech Republic a few years ago. They're called "Lentilky" in Czech.
13. A picture of a local pond I took for a project last year...Probably the best piece of Middle School work I've done so far, I even framed it.
14. A Rubrics cube! My dad found out a way to make it all one-color-sided, so it's now nearly "perfect".
15. My sister's Chess set, without the Chess board(Lost it!)
16. A Hot Topic bag from when I got my Weezer t-shirt a few months ago. <33
17. A green Yo yo my sister found last weekend.
18. A plastic crown that was to be for my Spanish project in February, but never got used.
19. This giant plastic chain with a ball that I got for Halloween a couple of years ago. Coco seemed a bit obsessed with it when she came round to make Ronnie's cake.
20. My copy of Guitar Hero On Tour Decades that I got for Christmas, and really need to start playing.
21. A blue plastic Light saber. And not one of those giant things that every child age 4-10 has and beaks their parents' delicate ornaments with. It's about 2 inches long, it was one of those things you get free with Breakfast cereal.
22. My old broken iPod 2nd generation, that's one day going to be my dad's.
23. Raspberry Lemonade Chap stick, that tastes sooo good...
24. A red cowboy hat I got when I was six, for no reason...
25. My Killers 2009 calender that I really need to put up sometime soon. <33333
26. A poster I got from a Book Fair last year. It has a dog on the front with an "iPawd".
27. A Table Of Elements plastic name plate thing I got for Christmas.
28. A pair of Scientific Goggles from one of my old science kits.
29. Gold glitter from who-knows-when...
30. A huuge yellow bag from LegoLand! We must've got a lot of stuff that day...
31. A hairbrush.
32. A black and white checkered racing car flag I got from an awesome car show in the summer.
33. A little metal Eiffel Tower model that I got from *gasp* Paris, two years ago!
34. Not one, but two Bart Simpson pencil boxes!
35. A crushed Clotted Creams box I got from the south-west of England two years ago on a school trip!
36. A tiny kiddy keyboard; my first keyboard ever!
37. A box about dogs that's fallen to pieces...I was once obsessed with it. Now it's held together by an elastic band.
38. The Simpsons "Operation", I got for Christmas three years ago. By the way, I'm not obsessed with The Simpsons...
39. My camera that I really need to charge later today to take pictures tomorrow.
40. A pencil for when I do math homework.
41. A little green Sombrero that was once on a hippo stuffed animal.
42. Giant ball of BluTac(Don't think you get it here in the US).
43. Ticket from my Killers concert. <33333
44. A red clock that I love.
45. A magic kit I rarely used, that I got for Chrstmas when I was nine.
46. A tag from my German Shepherd Webkinz.
47. "Intimacy" by BLoc Party CD...That isn't too good. But I still like Bloc Party.
48. One of those Congratulations balloons...If only I could remember what I was being congratulated about.
49. My current iPod that I was listening to while looking for stuff in my room...It follows me around!
50. The pamphlet that came with my Animal Crossing Wild World game I got for my 10th birthday...Best game ever. <33
51. My black t-shirt from WetSeal a few months ago.
And, that's it for today...
- Dave Keuning's 32nd birthday tomorrow - RAH and Coco are coming round to make him a cake! Yay!
- School was alright today. We played "Full Contact Scrabble" and had a math quiz, among other things. Not much homework to do.
- I'm like, freakishly tired today. o.O
- I'm addicted to XDing.
- I now have seven blog followers(Excluding myself), thanks to ACC! *hugs*
- Today my mom stole my iPod to "listen to Muse"(A Muse album she has). And then forgot to put it in the car to pick me up from school. Grrr.
- Send in your last minute answers to my poll, and I'll add a new one soon!
- This weekend should be pretty good. Maybe shopping, going to a thing at my sister's school tonight, getting a radio that actually works in the house.
- Bye. :]
Posted by Naomi at 4:00 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Twilight Ramble...Well, It Was Gonna Have To Happen Sometime.
Hey guys,
Hmmm, I'm surprised I haven't talked about this before...Like it or hate it, it's "the thing" at the moment so I have to give my opinion of it.
Okay, do I like Twilight? Nope. Is that a surprise to anyone reading? I doubt it. In real life, and particularly online, the Twilight lovers seem to fit into one big grammatically incorrect, emote-overusing, happy-go-lucky stereotype. And in the same way, most of the Twilight haters fit into their own stereotype. As you can probably tell, the typical Twilight obsessive annoys the heck out of me...But, I'll try my best not to judge the people, but the books.
So, I haven't read the books. But, I have read a chapter from all three(Or are there four?) books, because my friend lends me books to read for DEAR at school. Of course I was already familiar with the storyline of the book...I mean, unless you're living under a rock, then who isn't familiar? So, I knew what to expect. But yesterday in Stop 'n' Shop I had a revelation...Mainly, thinking about Edward. Edward is, in simple terms, "Prince Charming" in the book. He's tall, charming, brace, rich, he lives for forever(I think.), he honors Bella above everything else in life...I mean, he even sparkles in the sunlight for crying out loud! But there's one thing about Edward, that Bella seems to just ignore throughout the whole story; He's a vampire. Now, this matters because maybe the whole Twilight series is just a very clever way of sending a message to young people...Edward is a vampire, but he's "perfect". See, "Overlook that one flaw, because he could still be perfect". It's a great message, right? In fact, you can pretty much base the whole Twilight thing around that one idea...Just put in Bella and Jasper and Jacob and whoever else...And...see it? It's ingenious, right?
Aha. Got you there? I don't know if any one's ever seen that angle before. But is it true?
Yeah, right. Unfortunately, I just overlooked the fact that Twilight is written for teenage girls who think this storyline is compelling and romantic. Unfortunately, it is neither of those. Stephenie Meyer, from what I've read, is just an awful writer. And in her writing, it doesn't look like she's "holding back" based on her audience, but that that's genuinely the best of her writing ability. She overuses words like "grimace" repeatedly, to a point where I just want to say "Go buy a Thesaurus, love". I barely read at all, but books I was reading in 4th and 5th grade were better than this...I can't wait in 20 years for girls to be writing little "gothy" romance books, marking Stephenie Meyer as an influence, and hoping to be taken seriously. Ergh.
And then, there's Edward. Okay... a message to the female readers...Girls, get some standards. I'm sure you can all do better in life than fantasizing over a guy who isn't real! Why is everyone so madly in love with Edward? How about, go ask some girls that question, and 90% of their responses will be "Because he's hot!!!". Nope, Edward is not "hot". How can a fictional character be hot? No matter how many times Meyer describes his muscles and golden hair, or whatever she thinks he looks like, it doesn't make him real. Robert Pattinson fangirling I have no problem with...He isn't very attractive in my eyes, but he is at least real. Of course, there's some "super fans" out there how would also mark Edward on his personality an such...Which, all in all, isn't that great either. He. Is. A. Creepy. Stalker. Hasn't anyone else noticed this? But I suppose the line between madly in love and creepy stalker is fine if not nonexistent, so we can't blame the girls about that. But the one person we can blame is, of course, Bella. I think I actually hate Bella more than the rest of the Cullen family, for several reasons. The main one being she's obsessed with Edward, which is why all the girls act this way too. Certainly the whole idea of Twilight is that Edward is the perfect boyfriend, but that idea is constantly repeated throughout the book. Bella, we get it'...Edward's "gorgeous" or whatever. Now, get on with the rest of the book, please. Maybe if she didn't act this way, little girls wouldn't follow.
Another interesting thing I noticed about Bella is, at the beginning of one of the books, she looks in the mirror and critiques her entire appearance...And, not just "My hair looks alright today, oh no there's a pimple on my chin". No no, "Ivory skin, slightly slender, etc.". No one in their right mind looks at themselves in that way, or at least doesn't take the time to find the perfect way to describe their skin and body shape. Maybe Meyer did this to make Bella seem like the average High Schooler, but she's actually pretty perfect, and still pretty whiny(But, who am I to be talking?). I suppose she just annoys me in that way...
*need to tie this up somehow*. Like with all of these phases, it's always the behavior and the attention from the fangirls that's most annoying. Twilight is everywhere...But, what has it done? Teenagers consider this good literature, ruin the term "vampire", flood local Hot Topic stores because they sell a million "Team Whoever" t-shirts, consider themselves goth, buy their boyfriends glittery makeup, and (The worst of all) obsess even more than before over the idea of a perfect boyfriend, which is the last thing we need. This will only lead to disappointment when the only guys they find are...Well, human(In multiple senses).
A Word To Coco's Friends: Don't flame me to death, please?
-Today marks my One-year-on-ACC-aversary! *goes to find calculator* Hoorah, I've wasted around 9.1 percent of my whole lifetime so far on there. @-@
-My mom is back from England!
-No homework today *does happy dance*
-Today in enrichment we had a talk about "crossing the line" about various behaviors. It was actually alright, except the awkwardness of our guidance councilor being a guy.
-We had a "party" in Engineering, and the punch was absolutely disgusting.
-*2nd happy dance*. MUSE ARE TOURING IN THE AUTUMN! Must. Go. To. Concert.
See ya guys,
Posted by Naomi at 3:05 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Pop Quiz Time(Coco's Questionare!)!
Hey guys,
My answer's to Coco(www.cocojuniper.blogspot.com)'s quiz! Great quiz Coco,a nd I love the questions! Feel free to comment, or use this on your blog, but remember Coco made it.
1) If you had a jet, what color would you paint it? Mustard yellow. I've been to these airplane museums, and the cool jets are always the mustard yellow ones. Right?
2) Song that made you cry: Don't get me started! I'm such a love song addict. Not sure why, considering I don't love the world, and I don't "love" anyone. Maybe it's out of regret. Anyway… My favorites are - Wonderwall - Oasis, Champagne Supernova - Oasis, Romeo And Juliet - Dire Straights, Replaceable - The Killers, Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol, Beautiful - James Blunt, How To Save A Life - The Fray, and(For some reason I've never understood) Crystal Ball - Keane.
3) Worst birthday ever: Eh, my 12th birthday. I wasn't enjoying it was much as everyone else, and I'd stared to grow out of big parties.
4) Been cheated? You could call it that. But I don't even know if the relationship was real or not. It was a stupud 6th grade thing o.O
5) If turned out to be the opposite gender you are, what would your name have been? Dom! Then I'd share a name with the drummer in Muse, which would be cool.
6) What would you have liked it to be? Andy, or Brandon, or Matthew. No reason for those…Well, for one. You know which one.
7) Does the world revolve around money? Yes, it does. And it doesn't bother me. What can we do about it? We're all materialistic, even if you say you're not.
8) Kindest thing you have ever heard: To me? Um…"We love you"? I don't know, that was from AIM last night. I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
9) Meanest thing you have ever heard: I'm not 100% sure it was about me, but I'm pretty sure. It was "she's an anti-social freak" coming from a couple of girls at school. It sounds like me.
10) Wish you could go back and relive the day when: Killers concert, duh!
11) Super power you would do anything for? Mind reading, see what people are thinking when they say the things they do
12) My biggest strength: Erm, I like to think I'm a decent writer. If I looked over what I write (Bad habit)
13)Cell Phone? Nope.
14) If so, what kind? ^^^ [:
15) Dream gadget: A laptop that types from my brain, or that never runs out of battery.
16) How you wish to die: Quietly, with little attention drawn to myself, I suppose. I've never really thought about it.
17) Believe in true love? I'd really, really like to believe in true love. But, in this Day And Age? Don't think so, it's pretty naïve to think you'll find true love. But I am a little naïve…
18) Worst injury you ever had? I somehow don't get many injuries. A cut knee or something stupid.
19) You feel lonely when: Basically never! I don't really need many people.
20) Been on TV? No.
21) Wish to be on TV? Absolutely not.
22) As a kid, you were known for: Being smart, making good games, having a good imagination, being trustworthy(Probably too trustworthy).
23) How often do you feel regretful? More than the average person should.
24) Peanutbutter or IceCream? Icecream!
25) Little petty thing that annoys you: When people boast how weird and random they are, when they're actually just pretty arrogant and obnoxious, and the same as everyone else.
26) Biggest childhood fear: Flying.
27)Someday want to marry? Da Flowers Man, yo. Or…I'd want to be Mrs Nerimon, so we can build a little house with a lawn, and watch our love go on and on and on and on and on and Nerimon, I'm farily certain you're the one for me. They'll stream our wedding on blog TV, and be officiated by John Green, so Alex please say yes, please say yes.
28) Cried in a movie theater? Nearly.
29) What movie was it? I can't think of any specific ones.
30) Lose your temper often? I don't openly express my temper, but I get angry a lot. You probably wouldn't know it.
31) Something that everyone is very careful not to mention in front of you: That I'm quiet.[/sarcasm]
Where's number 32, Coco?
33) Been called stuck-up? Not for a loooong time.
34) For good reason? Yep.
35) Been called a bad influence? I'm pretty sure.
36) Life is a box of chocolates because: Because metaphors are awesome.
37) Top thing you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend: He'd have to be…considerate?
38) Would have no choice but to dump someone if: They drew too much attention to our relationship, or didn't take it seriously.
39) This has happened? Kinda. It was the 6th grade thing again.
40) What you'd say when telling someone you're dumping them: I'd explain the situation, then say I'm dumping them.
41) Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Most people seem to be pessimistic, but I'm optimistic. Trust me guys; it's not a good thing.
44) Like videogames? I suppose.
45) How much time do you spend on the computer each day? Only every waking moment. *eye twitch*
46) Be interested to hear that someone is dating you sibling? Not really.
47) Would look into it? No.
48) Star Wars or Harry Potter? Star Wars, but Harry Potter is great too!
49) Are you a fast runner? Not really.
50) Unusual talent you have: I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism, and have been able to do so since I was seven.
51) This would be useful in a situation when: Someone tells me I'm stupid.
52) Which are you more: clumsy or forgetful? Clumsy. I have a great memory.
53) Which is better? Being forgetful is way better!
54) If you had to get a tattoo, what image/phrase would it have? I Got Soul, But I'm Not A Soldier.
55) Where would you put your tattoo? My arm…
56) Song that best describes your personality: I've been asked this a million times, and I never have one answer! I don't know…Greenday's "She's a Rebel", I suppose.
57) How often do you get lost? Lost in thought, always. Lost physically, I don't go anywhere…So, never.
58) You often get stereotyped as: Emo, a freak, a bully-victim, a loner.
59) What would you like to be stereotyped as? A Killers fan, unique, not interested in much conversation etc.
60) All you'll ever need: The Killers. They get me through everything.
61) "Love is all we need." Do you agree? Well, I believe love is broader than just male-female stuff. Like, we each have/will have one passion in life, right? I believe it's true that's "love". For example, most people say music is their passion. If they appreciate that more than anything else in the world, that is love. So, yes, love is all we need.
62) It hurts you to say: I like Paramore, a bit.
63) Annoying habit you have: Listening to half of a CD, and getting bored.
64) Are you confident in yourself? Absolutely not…I think I have horrible self-esteem.
65) Would do anything to get your hands on a: Brandon's feathery jacket.
66) Go up and get a snack.
What snack was it? Chips and dip!
67) Listen to music too loud? All the time!
68) Do you shop at Hollister? No
69) Abercrombie? No
70) American Eagle? No, but it's the best of the stores you've listed.
72) You love to wear: Converse
73) If you had an opportunity to move anywhere around the world, would you take it? Yep!
74) If so, where would it be? London…Or maybe New York, or Vegas.
75) Interested in art? Not really
76) Doodle? And if so, what do you doodle mostly? I seriously can't doodle like most people do…I can't draw random pictures. It's always song lyrics.
77) Like nature? No!
78) If you had to live all alone, in a tent, with only basic camping supplies, in the middle of the wood, for a week, would you make it? I'd probably find a way.
79) Are you sure? Haha, no!
80) Do you like sunglasses? No.
81) How many pairs of jeans do you own? Quite a few, mostly black.
82) How many shoes? Four, I think.
83) Like being by yourself? By far. Most people are stupid, and I'm not good at conversation.
84) If you had a child, what would you name him/her? BRANDON/JENNY!
85) Would you hope they grow up to be just like you? No, I'm not a very good role model at all.
86) Are you good at keeping track of time? Yep.
87) Nerdy talent you have: I don't know, I know a lot of random scientific trivia.
88) It makes you shudder when you hear the word: Poetry!
89) Which storybook character would you most be like: Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), or Peter Pan? Dororthy, I think. o.O
90) Song you listen to when you're alone: Stupid, whiny love songs.
91) If you were a part of a band, what instrument would you play? Guitar!!
92) What would you want the name of the band to be? It's be witty, and stupid, maybe ironic…I don't know…Human Vs Dancer? If only that were witty or ironic or stupid…
93) Something you lie in bed and wonder: What will I do with my life?, what is the point of life?, what's wrong with me?, does everyone else feel like this?
94) Life's biggest mystery: The meaning of life.
95) Believe in happy endings? I guess…
96) It's too bad that: People don't properly understand me.
97) Do you like this quiz? Very much!
98) Which question was the hardest for you to answer? Which song best describes you?
99) One day...: I. Will. Hug. Brandon.
Wow, that took ages. But I loved it! Anyway, need to go now...Not much else to say. I've got an orthodontist trip to go to in a few minutes, and a load of studying for five quizzes over the course of the next few days, and Monday.
Until sometime,
Posted by Naomi at 2:56 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
There's Only One Way...
To judge a band.
It's true though , isn't it? If you're a big fan, the number one hits are nothing. The good bands are the ones that can make amazing songs, that aren't released and that don't become huge.
In simple terms, it's the b-sides and unreleased tracks we need to keep our eyes on. And it's one particular unheard of track I'll be talking about here. Yes, it's The Killers. And yes, I'm rabid over it.
It's called Replaceable. It was written backa round 2002, I think. That's a couple of years before The Killers got big with the release of Hot Fuss. And, Brandon's voice sounds awesome! It's obviously Brandon, but you can tell he's a little younger from his voice. The song itself is beautiful(I'm love song-obsessed!), the lyrics are amazing. Here ya go-
Pick you up later on
What to do?
It doesn't matter
'cause you get what you want
Through and through
And if you shatter everything
That we've got
Will you call me on occasion?
If you like it or not
Oh no
So turn it up
Take me down from the wall
It doesn't matter
'cause you get what you want
After all
And now you've shattered everything
That we had
And you call me on occasion
Just to see how I am
I'm hanging in
But now time teaches me to pretend
It doesn't matter
'cause you get what you want
In the end
And now you've shattered everything
He looks a bit like me
It's cynical
Call me useless; just you wait
Put me down and call it fate
Broken bridges
Wasted hate
So just stand beside your man
The boy ain't wrong
Act like I never turned you on
All I do is cry
And soon you'll find
You're all alone
You call me on the telephone
Who'd have thought that you'd regret
All those evil things you said
Now as friends
We say goodbye
I think there's something in my eye
It's cynical
Call me useless; just you wait
Put me down and call it fate
Broken bridges
Wasted hate
So just stand beside your man
The boy ain't wrong
Act like i never turned you on
All I do is cry
And you watched me die
At least a thousand times
But it's great to hear you're doing fine
Too late to fight
But you've got inside this naive head of mine
Now time goes by
You knew you would
You knew you would
I need to understand
Amazing, aren't they? I just realised, "It Doesn't Matter" would make a pretty good song title. Apologies if that's hard to read, but I think super short sentences add drama to song lyrics.
*sigh*, I can't stop listening to Replaceable. And it's annoying, since it's not on iTunes or CDs. so I'm watching it on YouTube. Seriously guys, listen to it. It will blow you away. It certainly blew me away, just as The Killers never ceise to do to me. Brandon has got some amazing lyrical mind going on...Because, Taylor Swift can write love songs until the day she dies, but it's the awful lyrics that take away the magic. Everyone writes love songs, but few people can actually write good love songs. Somehow, Brandon has that quality. At least, I think he does. Maybe the fact that I <33333 him makes his love songs more profound.
So, tell me what you think. About the lyrics, about the song, anything! Comment like you mean it! <
- Got an essay to write tonight. Wow, I can't wait...[/sarcasm]
-Today in Enichment, the girls and the female teachers had a dicussion about middle school and bullying and...Boys, a bit. It was slightly amusing at times, like that the girl that bullyed my SS teacher in middle school died last week. Hmm, what a coincidence...
-Geez, pet Shop Boys, get Love Etc onto iTunes!
-But I'm a Crepe. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.
-You weren't supposed to understand that last one.
See ya,
Posted by Naomi at 3:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
'The Wizard Of Oz', Among Other Things
Hello bloggers!
Well, I have a lot to do today, and an adequate ammount of time to do it in(That's a wheezywaiter quote). So I thought this blog was a good start to that...
Yesterday morning I was woken up at around nine(I usually wake up around ten) by our Carbon Monoxide detector going off. Which would mean one of two things; We need to evacute the house or we're all gonna die, or it's shutting itself off because we're losing our electricity. Unfortunatly(For me) it was number two. Yes, we lost our electricity. Well, we lost electricity on the 1st floor, and on the TV. Other than the fact my computer is, like most peoples', on the 1st floor, it was alright. I blatsed music and played Nintendogs and watched the DVD for Bolt(The DVD and Wii were working. just not the TV channels). I also taught my sister how to sing David Bowie's 'The Man Who Sold The World'. Anyway, my dad called our neighbor in the morning to ask if they had lost electricity to, and they said yes. Because it was a nice Saturday, people's lights were off, so we assumed everyone's power had gone. Turns out it was just happening to our house, and our neighbor's house. So, a whole army came round(One digger, a giant truck, three or four cars, one small van, and about 20 guys in fluorescent orange jakcets wandering around) to dig a whole in a yard to find some wire and give us power again. It was about five in the evening when we got power again.
Anyway, I went to see my schools' play of 'The Wizard of Oz' last night. We got to see a preview on Friday, and it looked alright. The play list year was, honeslty, terrible. The actors were horrible, the scenes were awful, and the play got boring. And that added onto the preview meant I didn't have very big expectations for the whole thing in general. As I said, the preview wasn't promising. Of course it wasn't going to be amazing, but still. In particular, the couple of 8th grade girls "directing" and "producing" the play made a huge mess of things. The girl playing the wicked witch SHOULDN'T have been using a microphone. My eardrums pretty much burst everytime she screamed.
But the acting was actually very good. The girl playing Dorothy did an amazing job with 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' and the scarecrow was a very good actress. They even had a real dog for Toto! My favorite scene has to be the "dance off" between the crows and the scarecrow. And, even the munchkins were good at doing the minimum they wwere handed to do(Speaking of Munchkins, our vice principal came in as a munchkin somewhere in the beginning!). And, congrats to RAH as a guard --She was amazing!!
And the set and costumes were great. Being a munchkin or tree or poppy or someone in The Emerald City was great for the preps, as another excuse to dress up for the ocassion. But the set was equally as good. Especially Glinda's Moving Stand thing...Though it looked like she nearly fell when trying to get up.
And that was the play. If it weren't for the fact that they only showed the play twice, i would highly recommend anyone seeing it!
In other 'news', I've made an account on a couple of websites today, so i'll obviously be obsessed with those for a while to come. I bought the new Franz Ferdinand CD yesterday, so I need to listen to that...And I also need to uplaod about 10 CDs onto my ipod anyway. Later on I'll try to change the error in my playlist, and add a new poll. And I have some homework to do, and e-mail several people. Unfortunatly, this is what I call a 'busy day'.
PS - I'm obsessed with the music video for The Fray's "How To Save A Life'. It's sad, but I love it.
Posted by Naomi at 11:09 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I Can't Hear You; I'm In Brandon Land! Also: More Math Issues, etc.
Hey there,
I feel my attention span deteriorating as I speak...Seriously. It's funny, as my attention span has always been very good, but in the past few months my brain has totally flipped out. Of course, daily doses of Killers obsession, blogging, and sugar, aren't the best things to use to keep your sanity, but this is just...odd. o.O
I guess LA this year is what's been doing on. This..."stupidly stupid" fear of having to read aloud, on top of everything else, has basically stopped me from writing in class. If you write, he'll eventually pick you to read. So, there seems to me to be one obvious way to avoid reading, right? I've been doing this since October, and it's been working for me. Yeah, it means I have to go through a lot more stress than the average 7th grader on "Poetry Day", but I'm used to it. So every poetry day, and sometimes whenever we have to write, I sit and doodle, or (more commenly) just sit there and think. Yep, thinking is a new hobby.
And that was all well and good, until I couldn't stop. That's right, I can now pretty much no longer write in LA, because I get lost in trails of thought. Like today, for example. We were supposed to be writing poems about pets(First off, this isn't easy if you don't own a pet). Instead, I just started compiling a story in my head...For no reason. The story didn't have a story line or anything, it was kind of like a random girl's thoughts that made a story. But, I loved the outlook, and the way my head had described it and put it all together. I doubt I'll write it down, but it was fun to think of in my head. I couldn't really stop thinking about this story...This, is most commonly refered to as "Day dreaming". But I have named my little world "Brandon Land", for obvious reasons. And I'm relativly happy to say I'm obsessed with Brandon Land right now; I have a problem.
Who knows if, thanks to Brandon Land, I'll ever be able to write anything again...And there goes my good grades some more. *sigh*
As I'm on this topic, I might as well write a *bit* more about school!
CAMOLAMBO HELPFUL HINT #1: Don't go whining to whoever about issues with your math teacher! Trust me, bad idea. After all the stuff a couple of days ago, I decided to whine to my parents about it,and later to a girl at school. It turns out my parents made a huge deal out of it, and the kid couldn't care less, and she will probably turn it into gossip and I'll regret saying it someday. But until then, my parents are the big problem. They've now realised how little I care about most things, especially school, and are trying to get me to try more! That's what everyone wants to do...But my parents could go to more extremes to get me to try. But, I'm away from that for this week at least(Maybe) as my mom has gone to England for the week because my grandfather is in hospital, and my non-driving grandmother needs to have someone get her food and stuff. This is the longest I've been away from my mom, but I'm fine with it. At least, I will be until my dad decides to start getting angry at me for no reason. @.@
MATH TEACHER ISSUES - Part 2! Today she put me in the "stupid group". Although no one calls them that, everyone clearly knows which groups are which. I've never been put in the lowest group...Probably because that was elementary, and I tried back then. I'm only in this group because I had to wait for my friend to finish her work...Never doin' that again. Where I am now is degrading.
OTHER SCHOOL RANDOMNESS: Today marked my lowest score ever on a quz! Social Studies - 57%. What can I say...it was a pop quiz, on Ancient Rome. It probably won't count, which is obviously good. I also managed to put off my "Current Event" which I was supposed to present a month or so ago.
ETC: New Pet shop Boys single came out a few days ago...*still needs to buy it*. Can't wait for new album...4 days, I think. Also, MGMT is awesome. Andrew Vanwyngarden has totally gorgeous eyes! School play tomorrow and Saturday, and "Grand parents Day" tomorrow at school.
*goes back to Brandon Land*
Posted by Naomi at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Feel Obliged To Say...Happy St. Patrick's Day! Also: I Hate My Math Teacher!
And, happy st. Patrick's day! I feel obliged to say that, which is why I said it. Happy? I was going to do a post about something, but I'm just gonna ramble about something, as always.
And, I'm in another one of those stupid times when I just hate the world. These typically last for about two or three days, and hapen every week and a half, or two weeks, or so. My hate network runs like clockwork. I feel like explaining my current hate-ishness. Isn't it funny how my issues seem insignificant to everyone else? That's because they probable are...
It started in Enrichment yesterday. We're currently doing this rotation thing where you switch between Social Studies, Science, Math, and LA. Which would seem alright, but I was in math. I don't like math anyway, but this was MCAS preperation - Masachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System(*gasp* I revealed vaguely personal information over the internet *gasp*!!). I'm guessing other states have an equivilant, but it's just a set of really long tests to see how well the school is doing at teaching us, and how well we're doing, even though it doesn't neceserily mean that. I only had an MCAS test for the first time last year, so I'm not an expert at this. But I find it's generally very long, and very easy. And if this year's math MCAS are exactly like the problems my math teacher keeps giving us, it'll be easy. Sorry if this sounds like boasting, as it kind of is, but nowadays I'm finding the lessons are so easy, it's beyond boring. I pretty much have no attention span whatsoever, and I'm half asleep after 15 minutes. But this was bad. This was so bad, it's beyond unimaginable...When I'm bored, I write the names of bands I like in cool writing on some paper. And, I got bored of bands I like, so I started writing bands I liked a bit, and then bands I hated, and then any bands that just came to my head. That's how bad it was. So, of course, I'm out of it, long gone into "Brandon Land", and the teacher calls on me. On top of me hating people calling on me anyway, the only thing in front of me was a piece of paper with red ink on, and I had no idea which question we were correcting. As I always do, I end up saying "I don't know". And her, being the *censored* she is, continually decides to say "Yes, you do!". Yes, I do know the answer, but I don't want to say it(It sounds stupid, but I have my reasons for this). The *censored word-plural* around me kept helping me, giving me tips. They always do this, everybody does this, I hate it so much I just want to kill them all. I'm. Not. Stupid. Why do they do this? Hm, maybe if they do this, they're the ones with brain problems? I don't know...But, certainly in groups people act like *censored* up morons. But anyway, she wouldn't leave me alone, all eyes on me. It was hell. I panic, and just keep saying "I don't know!". I had no idea which question we were on, she was talking to me as if I was five years old, and I was under preassure(also, the way she had done the problems was totally stupid and unnecesserily precise, I wouldn't have known anyway what was happening). As the *censored* always does with everyone, she comes out with the unnceceseery patronization. This doesn't help the situation anyway. In the end, the girl next to me just tells me the *censored*ing answer, at least 1/2 of it. The teacher ends with "These are Roman Numerals...Have you seen them before?". Die. Die. Die. I hate you so much, how stupid do you think I am? Yes, I've seen *censored*ing Roman Numerals before!! I just gave her the answer, rolled my eyes behind her back, and turned to scribbling emo-y lyrics over my work, my pen tearing lines through the paper out of anger. My partner tries again to explain the answer to me again, to which I say "Yes, I get it", as calmly as I could, with my back turned to her. And she continues today, while she explains to my table group how to do the work properly(She didn't explain it to us in the first place. She likes this, because she likes to watch us mess up, so she can show how inferior we are by explaining afterwords), and then afterwords sees it fit to explain individualy to me how to do the work. She does this to all the "slow" kids. And, this sounds snobbish, but I am not slow. Despite what the world thinks, I'm perfectly intelligent, and I can function on my own. I hate her with all my soul, she should just die...And then try to act all superior to herself, in her grave! Ah, it's perfect. This whole event has got me so frustrated and angry and annoyed. Ergh.
Sorry for the whiny-ness. It sounds stupid, I know, but I had to get it off my chest on here sometime. Whole of yesterday, I was angry at life, thanks to this. People think they're better than you, or you need help, or they can tell you what to do, or you're identicle to everyone else, or you care, or they're perfect, and it's a load of "*censored*. No one's like that. It's all stupid.
Until I'm less angry,
PS- The censored marks weren't meant to be funny; I want to keep my blog "clean".
Posted by Naomi at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Apprentice U2s Of Our Generation...Place Your Bets Now!
Hola mi amigos,
^Sorry, just finished watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua on DVD...
To start off with, U2. According to my LA teacher, "the disheveled lads from Dublin", which is pretty accurate. I don't know a whole lot about U2, but I bought their new single(Or new-ish) "Get On Your Boots" the other week. And, let me say, it's freakin' fantastic..Haha. I also believe "Beautiful Day" is one of the prettiest songs ever, and Vertigo is one of my favorite songs too.
Let's face it, these guys rock. I've heard very few people out there who have anything bad to say about this band. Even if you're not a die-hard, I'm sure you'll find at least oe U2 song you'll like. At the moment, they're everywhere. Nearly as everywhere as Bruce Springsteen seems to be.
If you ask a group of people the "best band ever", you'll see U2 popping up a decent ammount. "Best" meaning the most inspirational(Does this band inspire younger music fans?), influential(Can they actually influence current musicians, and make a huge impact?), respected(Are they consistent, do many people like and respect them?), timeless(Music not just being whatever is popular. And a varied fanbase.), talented(Can they make more than 1 good song?), and relavent(It takes serous skill to remain popular in 20 years. I mean, The Rolling Stons can continue writing music until the days they die...Does anyone actually care anymore?). Not necesserily your favorite band. I was on a thread dicussing this a few weeks ago on ACC, Needless to say, if anyone mentioned My Chemical Romance, they would be flamed to death.
But, U2 started out as My Chemical Romance once. Small, with the same respect as My Chemical Romance. Surely, we can't just assume that every modern band is awaful, and that they'll fade away within a few years! A small ammount will still be writing chart-dominating records in 20 years, and will go down in history. Yes, many will "die", but not everyone. Even if you hate all modern music, you know that there will be some good, and long-lasting ones out there. These bands I will refer to as "The Apprentice U2s of Our Generation", based of a Killers interview I once read.
But, the question is now - Which ones?
Coldplay seem like an obvious choice. They're one of the biggest bands around at the moment...To me, I feel there's no doubt this band will remain huge for a long time coming. And, they're unique. They kind of popularised the "piano-pop/rock" thing too...That's the influential right there. Inspirational? Possibly, I bet there's many kids out there as I type playing along to their favorite Coldplay song. Respected? I think so. Timeless? Yep. Their music doesn't stick to what's around now, and they're listened to by a wide age group. Talented? That's hard to deny...They have a multiple selection of hits and good songs. Relevent? Very much so, they're huge! So, not only did they meet the CamoLambo criteria for being a U2 Apprentice, they also seem to be passionate about what they do, and have drive, and determination. I'm sure they'll be around for a long time to come.
The Killers. Hear me out. I'm not trying to be hypocritc about this...Please! Beyond my opinion, just look. Look at their awards and nominations(This alone has its own Wikipedia page!). Hot Fuss alone has sold over 5,000,000 million copies, 2 Brit awards, 6 NME awards, 2 NME awards USA, on top of 71 nominations from well-known award shows and 16 entries into The Top 10 of various Top 100 Charts. They have a huge and varied fanbase, and a can compile a set list of hits alone. Fan or not, it's hard to dney the fact that they'll be around for a long time.
Another one that seems to e gaining a lot of popularity is Kings Of Leon. Their most recent album became huge! I don't know an awful lot about them, but the songs I have heard are the very material of chart-toppers.
The White Stripes will be around for a while...Well, I think they've been going for aroun 10 years now anyway. Already half way there, and they have some great songs, and a great fanbase! And, it has to be said, a very unique sound,
Nickelback. I don't like them too much, and they're at around 15 years anyway...But, i can see them staying.
Muse do have a possiblity. They're really weird, but I can see them staying.
Keane I'm not too sure on...They sound like Coldplay-wannabees for the non-fan, I have to admit.
Um, arctic Monkeys, possibly.
Green Day and Linkin Park have huge fanbases...Greenday have been going for a long time anyway, and they're somehow still popular. And Linkin Park have a chance.
By the way, you may have seen that the went somewhat along the lines of my musical tastes...Truth is, these bands are timeless. Top 100 US charts are packed full of hip-hop and pop-punk...Those will most likely die out within 10 years. These bands can be listened to by any generation.
My money is most definantly on Coldplay.
But, what about you? Who will be around in 20 years? Which bands being played now will your kids listen to one day? Who will be the next U2? Post your comments, tell me what you think!
Until sometime,
Posted by Naomi at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
"Rebel" Is My Middle Name!
Good afternoon bloggers,
At, it's Friday. or, in WheezyWaiter fashion, "free bagle Friday". I'm bored now. The only thing keeping me just wandering my house doing nothing is my copy of "(What's The Story) Morning Glory" that I just put on(And the Oasis obsession continues...). The simple truth is that every song on this album is worth listening to...And that is what marks a good band. When they can make songs that don't become singles, and people can still love them. This is how I feel, in particular, about "She's Electric", one of my favorite songs of all time. I don't think that one became a single. But, I hear they do it live a lot. Which means, V Festival, please?! Anyway, I'm thinking about buying another Oasis CD ths weekend. I haven't listened to any CD so religiously since the early days of my Killers obsession, just becoming interested in music. I haven't even listened to Black Holes And Revelations like this...So, I want every Oasis CD EVA. Also, the new Pet Shop Boys album comes out on the 18th(I think?)! Can't wait, its gonna be so good, if the brief bits on YouTube mean anything. All this means(The 2nd simple truth of this post) is that Brit pop "pwns"(Never said that before) all. And, yes, The Killers are pretty brit-pop sounding, even though they're American.
Got that out of my system I hope. I don't have anything of importance to say today. Well, I have something of importance to write, but don't feel like it...my brain's half dead now. But, today was a good school day.
So, the one day we get to watch a movie, we have a good substitute? The movie actually wasn't that great...But, a movie's a movie. It all got very confusing after a while. I couldn't be less interested in the mechanics of the Roman Republic. But, it was better than most SS classes.
Science was oddly boring. I actually shouldn't have been so bored, as the activity wasn't actually very boring at all. A simple trial and error experiemnt involving cars and ramps and weights, to make certain speeds. It's a shame, my teacher only let us put the ramps at the 7th peg, which meant they didn't really go fast at all. Speed is what we want!
In another feeble way to avoid our "relate estates", I read in Enrichment. Yep, that's about it. In gym, we did more exercise room...And in Spanish we watched a rubbish 90s movie. Hehe.
We changed seats in Math, and we're starting a new unit - Positive and negaytive numbers, and algebra. It sounds nerdy, but I absolutely adore algebra! It's my favorite math-related thing. It's fun, but I'm not awfully good at it. And, we get to switch seats every few days! This seems like another unforfilled promise that teachers make...So, I'll probably be staying where I am now. I sort of like my new seat. Best thing being I have a direct view of the clock...
And LA was fun. poetry day...So, fun? Why? Because, Mr G puts me on a computer outside the computer lab. There's only about 10, and they're only for people he trusts. The quiet people, basically. So after Isubmit my two poems, I just turn to the internet(This is what I'm talkin 'bout in the title). I did start this blog post for about 20 minutes earlier, but deleted a lot o fit. After a while you get so paranoid about the teacher seeing you, you can barely write a word. Still, it's one more step to become a full on "rebel". I love this new rebelling thing, especially in school. It's fun. And you realise how much less stresfull life can be if you don't take anything as seriously. Haha.
Until sometime,
PS - Someday you will find me, caught beneath a landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky.
Posted by Naomi at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The TWO Types Of "N00b". Which Are You? Please Please Please, No Angry Comments!
Hey guys, just takin' my brain for a ramble today, based on a conversation me and my mom had yesterday...We don't really have serious discussions very often, and they're normally not the most interesting conversations, but this one was actually very...Good(Can't think of a better word).
I know this is odd, but I kind of love pschycology...The brain is interesting to me. Disorders and stuff are the most school-y things I'm interested in. If it weren't for me looking like a 12 year old weirdo, I would probably have bought every pschycology book in Barnes And Noble by now. It's just very fascinating, and I spend way too much on YouTube researching this stuff.
This "pschycology ramble", which is the best term I can think of to describe this, is actually to do with blogging. And to do with online life in general, really. Everything I say here is based upon experience on ACC and eslewhere online. It is partly a generalization, so don't take offence to anything...It's just what I think.
I'm sure if you're a teenager, or pre-teen living in developed 2009, you'll be aware of a vocabulary of online slang and text language. The term I'm mentioning is "n00b"(Characterised by chatspeak, poor grammar, overuse of emotes, particularly "rolling eyes emotes", and "smiley face emotes", self-confidence, spamming, overreacting to everything, appears to be unintelligent, childish, and obsessed with whatever is popular in their school at the time. Doesn't understand their n00bishness, and annoys the heck out of all non-n00bs.), which you've probably heard of, and we've all had experiences with these sorts of people...
Well, it seems a lot of non-n00bs(Few and far between) share some chatracteristics. In that they're not the most popular of kids, and tend not to follow trends, or fit in terribly well in real life.
And, the n00bs...Usually obsessed with(At the moment) Twilight, boys, pie, and even if they don't follow some trends, have a generaly good and normal social life offline.
This only occured to me a few nights ago, and it's weird.
So...The two n00bs - Online n00b, offline n00b...Hmm.
The onlien n00b, I've already explaind. Most humans basically want to go with the crowd, and those who don't...I suppose, don't fit. For whatever reason your offline life isn't like someone else's, is what I'm calling the "offline n00b".
This sounds very self-obsessed, but I think I fit into the "offline n00b" category. I'd like to think I'm a better blogger than most people my age, the sort who write 1-sentence posts. I' also like to think I've got more going on in my brain than the average 12 year old(I'm not in any way talking about academic skill. Don't connect it.). I don't follow trends...And I'm the quietest person you'll ever meet. I'm quiet for reasons I'm not going to explain here, and it gives me time to think...I love having debates with myself while everyone just goes on about random stuff.
As I mentioned, the ammount you talk is seems to be a huge factor in your online life. I'm in a great discussin on a "shy people" thread on ACC, and everyone posted has seemed intelligent and interesting to talk to.Coincidence? Decide for yourselves.
Maybe those socialites spent their time talking, and then act like idiots online because they have lost a social ability to think...Hm.
It's just interesting, these characteristics in bloggers. Like, the good bloggers seem to be, how to put it, not the most popular people online...Possibly quiet, or different from the norm.
In fact, the most popular, or "best", aren't really the most popular in childood. Like, peaking in highschool meand failure in life...Though I suppose this is a different idea.
So...which are you...
Good circle of friends offline, complete idiot online?
Quiet, reserved, unique offline, compelling, interesting individual online?
Ah, the two worlds showing their differences...
Please, please, begging you, no angry comments. This is a generalization that I've found to be true. And yes, there are many exceptions. Live with our opinions. I might add onto this later.
Until somtime.
Posted by Naomi at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today My Science Teacher Made Me Write "Ouch!" On His Band Aid...
That title isn't a quote or anything...It's true. I'll explain in a second.
First off, I need to get a music ramble out of the way. "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains Of Wayne is pure amazingness. I absolutely hate myself(No surprises there) for liking the damn song. Stupid pop-punk...It's so addicting, if the song is good. Most pop-punk songs are either amazing, or completely awful. I have to say, this song is good...My 2nd favorite pop-punk song(1985 beats it!) ever. Second off, Punk Rock 101 by Bowling For Soup is so good. Another stupid pop-punk obsession...
And, to redeem my obviously rubbish musical tastes, I have to say I love Oasis at the moment. I put Morning Glory for the first time a few days ago...And I. Am. Addicted. Especially "She's Electric", which is one of the best songs ever written. Can't wait to see these guys in August.
Onto whatever. In Enrichment today, I was basically sitting there doing nothing, pretending to be writing a poem and a romantic story at the same time, and my Science teacher just comes in and comes up to me..."Can I borrow that pen?", Obviously, I say "Sure!". And my science teacher, in typical Mr B action, says "Can you write "Ouch!" on my band aid?". o.O What on Earth?! So, I did, and I can say that's a first in my life. I messed up the exclamation mark so it looks like "ouchl", but...it was odd. Very odd. But Mr B's weirdness makes him cool.
In social Studies we had a sub, and we got to write two-collum notes. Not much to say about it...I don't get the big deal with two collum notes. They're not too boring. In fact, I found today more interesting than the typical lesson. Teachers who talk for years on end I find to be unbearably boring. Notes actually take up time, and keep you doing something.
In Science we're making these little car things...Ours, in typical myself style, are named Brandon...And Fredericka, but you can guess the sort of input I had in that one. Our propullsion system turned out to be a total failure, too.
Engineering we didn't get to go outside(Rain, oh how I love it! And, proper rain!) so we stayed in and planned our adjustments to our bottle rockets.
In gym, avoiding all possible work proved more difficut, with these sheets that show what exercises we do. I filled the thing out in 5 minutes, and continues with my normal bsiness of wandering, the bikes, and sitting in the locker room with my friend. Good thing is, my gym teacher really couldn't care about what we did. He's one of my favorite teachers. You can do whatever, as long as you're not sitting down or spending the whole period in the locker room, and still get an A!
Math was a review for a quiz tomorrow...Nothing to report there.
And LA was hell. Poetry Day. Ugh. The most awful day on the history of existance. This time, we're forcefully entering in the town library poetry contest. Mine being super cheesy poems about cats and my childhood(Describing how "magical" my childhood was. Am I the only one who missed out on a magical childhood? I watched TV, and ate too much junk food, and stuff. Not to say my childhood was wasted...Moving on.). My computer didn't print, which caused my teacher to be unnecesserily sarcastic about the whole thing. I'm not retarded, I know how to print, okay?
That was my day. I don't even know why i'm wiritng this, I barely said anything about it. I changed my background yesterday, as you can see. I loved the old one, but some of the writing was hard to read.So...I changed earlier today. I have such an odd persoality...Rainbow and darkenss. It; just because I love color.
My iPod is broken, for the billionth time, so I'm bored. Probably why i posted this.
Oh and my friend made a blog a few days ago! Go to www.dailydoseoflaughs.blogspot.com to read it!
Until sometime,
Posted by Naomi at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
15 Random Things That Annoy Me
Hey guys,
^Woot. Title. I was just thinking about this during school today, as I find a lot of things annoy me. I wasn't thinking about this as today wasa a bad day, as it was actually pretty good. Due to all the snow, we got out of school early(15 minutes!!). Nothing too big happened today. We were doing some cool experiments with speed in Science, taking notes in SS, talking about steroid use in LA, MCAS review in Math, watching a Quincinera movie in spanish, doing nothing in Engineering, and reading in Enrichment. There, that saved me several paragraphs worth of writing, in one sentence. But, moving on...
1. Tan UGGs. Yes yes, it appears you either like UGGs on you don't...But in this Day And Age, you've just got to put up with them. They're a fad that's managed to last ages, and I don't see dissapearing for a while to come. So, I've been doing my best to just put up with the stupid, clumpy boots. But, the tan colored ons just drive me insane. No sure why, they're just so bland, boring...And everywhere. They seem to be the most common. The brown ones I dislike but I'm tollerating, the black are alright, and the gray are actally a very pretty shade of gray. But these, I just want to be gone...Gone...Gone...Anyone want to accompany me on a raid to every UGG factory on Earth? No?
2.Those random party phone calls. This is the main reason I don't wish to have a cell phone(Even though I could have one, if wanted to). If you have a cell phone, you've probably gotten a random call from someone, saying..."Um...hey...We're at so and so's house, and...um...we're bored...So....I just kinda called you to...um...hi...*giggle*HI????!!!! HEY CAMO YOU THERE IT'S MEEEEEE I JUST TOOK THE PHONE...*screaming* Hey, you still there? Sorry, that was so and so...HEY OH MY GOD...Okay...well...bye!", you know? I've certainly been at Friday night parties, and this has happened. I cant imagine how annoyed I'd be if this happened to me...Geez, just leave me alone.
3. When people don't use the term "depressed" PROPERLY. I said this a while back, and I mean it. You get kids doing the wole "Ugh, I'm so depressed" thing, when they don't even know what depressed means. There's more to it than sadness, and more to it that sadness that lasts one day. We all get those days when nothing makes us happy, but we aren't depressed. Most of the kids who say that are saying it because of homework stress or boy troubles, and that will go away within 24 hors. A lot of them have never experienced depression, and will never experience depression. It's just pathetic(Once again - I'm not depressed. Although I write as if I am, all the time.)
4. When people stereotype, with little knowledge o the stereotype. You know, black t-shirt = emo, sort of thing. In the summer, ths girl kept calling me emo...In baggy t-shirts, no jewlery, blonde hair, baggy shorts, sneakers. If you're going to stereotype me, at least get your facts straight first.
5. Whe people make the most unncecessery, obvious remarks and observations. I don't have an example of this...But, it's just useless nothingness used to fill silence. Silence is good. The people who talk all day long, usually with nothing of worth to say, drive me insane. If you've got nothing to say, don't just say stupid remarks for the sake of it.
6. When people assume the only music I listen to is The Killers. So, I'm having a music conversaion, and someone comes and says "What you talking 'bout?". My response will be "Music", and then their response will be "The Killers, AGAIN?". I listen to this band 100 times more than any other band, and more than is probably healthy. But, it's because I currently love them more than anything else. And I may not listen to as much music as most people, but I still listen to other music. I buy songs off iTunes(Songs the average 12 year old won't have heard of, but anyway.) and I buy CDs. And I love my random musical trivia. I have more music than The Killers in my life.
7. Poetry. Oh my gosh, it's just awful...Waste of paper and ink. Certainly, I love lyrics...I love analyzing them. But actual poetry just puts me to sleep.
8. When it rains, but only rains a bit. I love that really heavy, cool-sounding rain when t hits windows. Pouring down rain...But that "raining only a little bit" rain I hate. I WANT RAIN! REAL RAIN!
9. The Ting Tings. Hehe, they just suck, don't they?
10. The cover of Arctic Monkey's "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" CD. It makes you wonder...Who thought a guy smoking was a good idea for a CD cover? It also makes you wonder who that guy is, and why he was so unlucky. This is basicaly the ugliest cover I've seen, and the fact that it's at the top of my alphabatised CD stack and I have to look at it every day, doesn't really make me want to listen to it. It's a shame, the actual album is amazing.
11. One-Hit Wonders. Those songs we've all heard, but the band has never released anything good except one song. It's just...awful. Just because Survivor released "Eye Of The Tiger", it doesn't mean we should remember them...Or the song, I think the song itself is pretty bad. Especially if you find a song you love, to a point where you'd want to listen to every song the band has ever made, and that's the only good song. It's annoying.
12. Pencils. Um, I know this is odd. But pencils are just...horrible. We have pens, why not use them? For everything, basically. It doesn't really matter if they're more permenant, if you just neatly cross out a mistake, you'll be fine. Plus, they break, and get blunt after 5 minutes.
13. Those parents who are obsessed with their child's safety. We all know them, the sort that appear to have read every parenting book ever written, and aren't afraid to show it. A child is a child, surely, you don't have to be quite so obsessed...They'll turn out fine. Especially those mothers who go and complain to adult TV shows about the content of their shows...They show them at 9 at night for a reason, you know.
14. When people's jeans are too short. Hehe, it isn't my choice, I know, but it just really bugs me. Especially flared jeans. Flared jeans that are too short...No one wants to see your ankles.
15. The sickening overuse of the "peace sign" It's "the thing" at the moment. You know, draw peace signs all over your stuff, pretend to be a hippie(A very hypocritical hippie, most of the time) and everything. Peace is just really naeve...Peace will never happen. And most 12 year olds aren't hippies, stop using the damn peace sign.
That's it.
Bye for now!
Posted by Naomi at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How Much Do You Know About The BLOGGER?
Hey guys. This is just an epic questionare I got from my friend Jill's blog(www.youaskedforitmoron.blogspot.com), who she got from her friend Zie...don't know if she has a blog or anything. But I love questionarres and quizzes and everything of the sort, so I had to take it. Feel freee to take it from me, but credit goes to CamoLambo/Jill/Zie/anyone as long as no one's offended. Oh, and i took a couple of questionares out that I didn't want spread over the internet, 'kay? Enjoy!
-Are you a girly girl?: Nope
-Last person you hugged?: I can't remember..
-Small or big purses?: Don't have one.
-Do you think you’re conceited?: Couldn't be more wrong.
-Do you dress up on Halloween?: Yep!
-Where is the weirdest place you have slept?: In a tent on the field at my elementary school, I guess...
-Has anyone touched/smacked your butt?: Noooo
-Last person who walked you somewhere?: I actualy can't remember, again.
-Do you call anybody by their last name?: Nope.
-Do you wear makeup?: No.
-Ever cried at a movie theater?: Haha, nearly, but no.
-Can you put mascara on without opening your mouth?: Probably.-Do you think Ryan Shekler is cute?: Not really. I generally don't like the teenage girl definition of "cute".
-Have you ever been called a bad influence?: I think so
Eyeliner or Mascara?: Eyeliner, I guess.
Louis vuitton or dooney?: Who or who?
American Eagle or Hollister?: Probably American Eagle, but I don't like either.
Heels or flats?: Flats, they're comfier.
Skirts or pants?: Pants, duh!
Hoodies or jackets?: On me, hoodies. On guys, JACKETS. So...jackets. Hehe.
Heels or sneakers?: Sneakers.
Straight or curly hair?: Straight, mostly.
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?: Dark. Again, the teenage girl definition of "cute" is mostly swishy blone hair, and blue eyes...Wait, blonde hair, blue eyes? Hmm, where have I heard of something similar to this before? @_@
Are you currently frustrated with a guy?: A few, but nothing too extreme. But it has nothing to do with romance or anything.
Do you have a best friend?: Not really.
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?: A little, nothing too big.
Do you like your life?: It sounds whiny, but...No, not really. Does any teenage?
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?: Several times!
Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't?: Probably not, it depends on the situation.
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?:No...
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes, many times. It's a hobby, of sorts.[/emoposer]
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?: *sigh* Brandon, Brandon, Brandon...Huh, what was the question?
Have you ever had a good feeling about something?: Yeah...That was specific...
Are you currently missing someone?: Not really, maybe a little bit.
Preppy or Punk/Goth?: Anythin' but preppy.
Well-educated or Dropout?: Dropout, as long as he wasnt a criminal or anything.
Anything Cute or Abercrombie?: Anything BUT Abercrombie.
Contacts or Glasses?: Contacts.
Funny or Serious?: A mix. I wouldn't want a class clown or anything.
Long Hair or Short Hair?: In the middle...It depends on the color, the cut, the straightness, the general shape face etc.
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?: Straight, but a little wavy is alright.
Good Dancer or Good Singer?: Haha, good singer all the way! Being a bad dancer makes him look adorable when he tries to dance.
Basketball Player or Football Player?: Basketball, if I had to choose.
Smoker or Non-smoker?: Non smoker.
Drinker or Non-drinker?: No prefference.
Available: Yep.
Age: Twelve.
Annoyance: The people who constantly boast thremselves to be "weird" and "random".
Allergic: Hay fever, grass pollen I believe.
Animal: Guinea Pigs are just plain awesome!
Beer: Don't know many...
Birthday/Birthplace: April 25th 1996, somewhere in Kent, England.
Best (best best) Friends: Coco, RAH, Kayla, Tammy, Katie, Jill, Socky, Julia, Tay( no order).
Body Part on opposite sex: The eyes...And chest. Hehe.
Best feeling in the world: My Killers concert, singing along to "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier" at the top of my lungs.
Blind or Deaf: Probably blind.
Best weather: A bit warm.
Been in Love: Depends on your definition of love. I've never been in a relationship with a guy at all. At least, not a proper one.
Been bitched out?: Who hasn't?
Been on stage?: Yes, and hated it.
Believe in yourself?: Very rarely.
Believe in life on other planets: Yes, aliens is real(Killers fans joke). <
Believe in Magic: I suppose so.
Believe in God: Nope.
Believe in Satan: No.
Believe in Santa: No.
Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Yes.
Believe in Evolution: Yes. I wasn't aware many people didn't believe in it.
Car: If only. My fantasy is a Lambo Murciellago, though.
Candy: Wine Gums!
Color: Green, and black.
Cried in school: Yeah, when I was little, or over something stupid.
Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla!
Chinese/Mexican Food: Meixcan.
Cake or pie: As much as I hate to say this...PIE LOLLOLOLOL!!!!!!!1111!!!!!111!!!!1!!!
Countries to visit: Japan, not sure why...I'm not an anime obsessive!
Day or Night: Night, but I like evenings best.
Dream vehicle: A lime green Lamborghini Murciellago.
Danced: By myself, in my room, out of boredom, or obsession.
Dance in the rain?: No.
Dance in the middle of the street?: No.
Do the splits?: Not anymore.
Eggs: Yum.
Eyes: Hazel, and I hate it.
Everyone has: An obsession...Right? Right?!
Ever failed a class?: Surpisingly, no. I'm lucky.
First crush: A weird English boy, who actually wasn't that good looking or nice.
Full name: Naomi Jane something.
First thoughts waking up: How long till school starts?
Greatest Fear: Don't really have one big one, just a few small stupid ones.
Giver or taker: Taker.
Goals: Meet The Killers, get a Brandon hug, become a musician, get a Ronnie Vannucci drumstick, do something with my life, get a Lambo, etc.
Gum: Stupid braces...No.
Get along with your parents?: Once in a blue moon.
Good luck charms: None.
Hair Colour: Blonde.
Height: 5'1', which is apparently average, but I'm shorter than most people.
Happy: At the moment? I'm alright. Overall, I'm no happier than the average person my age.
Holidays: Christmas.
How do you want to die: Peacefully.
Health freak?: Never.
Hate: Um, Pete Wentz, my school, a lot involving my life, stupid stuff.
(In guys/girls)- Eye color: Big, beautiful, brown. Of course.
Hair Color: Dark, but I don't have much of a prefference.
Height: Taller than me, average..But maybe on the smaller side. I aodre cuteness over macho-ness.
Clothing Style: T-shirt, skinny jeans, Converse, hoodies.
Characteristics: Shy, sweet, cute, boyish, self-conscious, nice, romantic.
Ice Cream: Mint choc chip.
Instrument: Electric guitar.
Jewelry: None.
Job: None.
Kids: Not yet, maybe someday.
Kickboxing or karate: Probably Karate.
Keep a journal?: Once, for like a week. Or, does this blog count?
Longest Car Ride: Like four hours.
Love: Friends, blogging, ACC, my computer, junk food, sugar, Brandon Flowers, hate.
Letter: Huh?
Laughed so hard you cried: Eh, once or twice.
Love at first sight: In this Day And Age? But, I can dream...
Milk flavor: Regular...
Movie: Probably Star Wars, though I don't much like movies. Too long.
Mooned anyone?: Nope.
Marriage: Someday, if I find the right guy.
Motion sickness?: Happens all the time. Hate it.
McD's or BK: McD's, of course! If you're going to eat fast food, you might as well do it properly.
Number of Siblings: One.
Number of Piercing: None.
Number: 25
Overused Phrases: "Cool!", "Yeah!, "I don't know..."
One wish: To get a Brandon hug.
One phobia: I have a few small ones...They're very odd, and I don't wish to tell you, out of fear of feeling insane.
Place you'd like to live: Las Vegas, New York, London, Tokyo.
Pepsi/Coke: Coke!
Quail: Wot dat????
Questionnaires: OH MY GOSH I love questionares soo much, it's stupid. Hence why I'm doing this one.
Quirky: Depends on your definition...I'm just odd. Not in a good way, or the way most people my age describe themselves.
Reason to cry: Most people in my life(Real Life, not online) are messed up idiots who think they understand me, and I just get so frustrated.
Reality T.V.: It's either good, or it's bad. Stuff like Big Brother is just awful.
Radio Station: The modern rock station...92.5, 92.9, whatever's playin' something good.
Roll your tongue in a circle?: Erm, no. I'm tongue-tied, actually. It means there's extra skin beneath my tongue that means I can't stick my tongue out as I should be able to. I got an operation for it when I was five, but it didn't work. [/unnecessery]
Song: So so many...Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers. Pure amazingness. But anything Killers would do.
Shoe size: No idea. average, small average, I think.
Sushi: No, hate it.
Skipped school: Well, gotten out of school for basically no reason at all. Hehe, gullible parents...
Slept outside: In tents.
Seen a dead body?: Nope, but I'm curious to see one.
Smoked?: No
Skinny dipped?: No way...
Shower daily?: Yes!
Sing well?: Haha, as if.
In the shower?: No.
Swear?: Not nearly as much as most people.
Stuffed Animals?: I have some.
Single/Group dates: Never been on a date, but I'd way prefer singe.
Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries, blueberries, blueberries.
Scientists need to invent: A computer with aboslutely no problems whatsoever.
Snuck out?: No. My social life is pretty nonexistent.
Time for bed: 10:30 weekdays, 11:30ish weekends.
Thunderstorms: Are awesome
Touch Your Tongue To Your Nose?: Nope, as I mentioned earlier.
Unpredictable: Usually, no.
Under The Influence? Don't think so. What "influence"? If it's about those posters drifting around my school, then no.
Understanding?: Rarely.
Vegetable you hate: Brocoli
Vegetable You Love: Erm...potato.
Vacation Spot: England. Love love love it. <33
Weakness: Quite a lot, actually.
Xray?: What 'bout them?
You wish this survey was over?: No...surveys can never be too long! <333
Zoos: Love them!
Zippers: Well, I certainly don't have anything against them.
And it's over! Well, apart from that stuff about my tongue, I'm pretty much the textbook definition of "boring"! Haha, but it was fun.
Until sometime, bloggers!
Posted by Naomi at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Best Of YouTube
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night,
Today has been realy, really boring. I've seriously been online all day...Especially YouTube. Since joining YouTube a few weeks back, it has completely taken over my life. So, this post is simply about me yapping on about some YouTubers I would recommend watching!
Wheezywaiter. Wheezywaiter is basically the funniest person alive...I'm such a wheezywaiter fangirl <333333. His sort of humour is hard to describe...But unlike anyone else i've found on YouTube. Videos to see - Take On Chores, Flock Of Bagels, Band Practice.
Nerimon. The "lesser known friend of Charlieissocoollike". Very very funny and entertaining to watch. Videos to see - Harry Potter Is Gay!, Frubes, Wine Gums.
And, of course, Charlieissocoollike. A very well-known YouTuber, and for good reason. Coco would back me up in saying how funny his videos are...And, Charlie was actually the first vlogger I watched, since July. Videos to see - The Purple Man, Wine Gum Experiment, HandiPhone.
Toddly00. Part of the "beard competition" with Wheezywaiter a while bacl. I discovered him through fiveawesomeguys...Erm, not sure what to say, except he's a great vlogger. Videos to see - Skillz, Day 8, Gladiator Mice.
Fiveawesomegirls, who I discovered via Chareliissocoollike. He talked about them quite a lot, and then I was sick one day I decided to watch some of their videos, and became sort of obsessed that day...Since they're a colleboration/diary-like channel, I can't really pick a few favorite videos. But, they're all...awesome?
And in turn, fiveawesomeguys. I believe, directly inspired by fiveawesomegirls, and it was these two channels that commercielised the "fiveawesome" idea that so many people are doing. I find that most of them are really awful and boring, but these two are worth watching.
devilishlypure, who is a fiveawesomegirl...Tuesday, I think. Since a lot of these are based upon her songwriting, it's hard for me to choose a favorite...Each person's musical tastes are different, obviously. But if you want to listen to some great music, she's the channel to go to.
hayleyghoover. She's another fiveawesomegirl, I'm not sure which one. Videos to see - High school, School dance, Motivation.
vlogbrothers, the creator of the YouTube vlog(Well, what made it popular.). Two brothers who communicate through posting videos...Originally, the only means of communication. But now they just post videos every now and again. Since they have 449 videos(!!!), I can't really choose a favorite...But there's a "To See" playlist on their channel, if you want to watch some videos.
WHATTHEBUCKSHOW, is a "YouTube News Reader" or so it seems. He just gives his opinion of the weekly gossip and such...Your favorite video would vary, depending on what interests you. But, watch some and see.
geniatric1297, I actually only found very recently. But, he's awesome...81 years old, and posting videos on YouTube. Way to go!!
JohhnyDurham19, I actually only subscribed to today. He's Friday on Fiveawesomeguys...And, I'm not too familiar with his videos yet. But he's great!
I know, it's very sad but...itschriccrocker. Sad, isn't it? I'm sure most of us are familiar with the Britney Fan Crying video, but I find him pretty entertaining, even though most people find him pretty obnoxious. Videos to see - Where's The Pink Berry?, Makeup Is My Friend, Chris Crocker Breaks His Silence.
And...yes. That's all I feel like doing. I knew I ahd to update today, as it's been like four days. This is horribly written, so I'll edit later and make it better. I've got homework to do...
Oh, and enjoy the new background! And the iPod - The songs will change weekly based on what I've been listening to this week, to keep it interesting. I'd highly recommend listening to it, they're great songs, and you might discover some new music you'll love. I'll change it every Sunday with 10 new songs(Some might remain, It all depends on what I like at the time), but remind me, as I'll probably forget.
Bye for now!
Posted by Naomi at 4:46 PM 1 comments