The other day I celebrated my 1-year-on-ACC-aversary; Stupid name, I know. But I'm surprised I lasted this long. It was my first forum, and I only joined for the slightest possibility of GBJosh acknowledging my existance(It never happened!). As of late I've been in a love-hate relationship with this website. I mean, the rules are just stupid, it's full of n00bs, my Killers threads are flodded my 11 year olds who barely know a thing about the band, and there's spam everywhere. But on ACC I've met my best friends ever, and never get bored talking to them. I suppose that's the reason everyone stays on ACC, because as far as I can tell everyone hates it. Because of all the unnecessery rules, you see a lot of "anarchy" happening on there(In many ways, similar to the stuff around the Roman republic we're learning about in Social Studies). So, you need to carefully make your way around the website, unless you want to get flamed to death. You're either in or you're out, as it seems. And this - My guide to being an ACC celebrity - will guarantee(When I say "guarantee", I mean this is based on what I've seen, no guarantee whatsoever...) your becoming of an ACC celebrity.
1. Whatever you do, don't overuse chatspeak, capitalization, or excalamation and question marks! You'll regret it later. ACC can always handle the gool ol' "lol" or "pwnd", but anything over that and you won't be taken very seriously. ACC isn't exactly like most places on the internet, in that proper spelling and grammar are respected. Respect is the key, on ACC *didn't mean to ryhme*
2. Mark A Some-what witty username. The term "witty" is used losely, as it would depend on the individual. Some might consider "ChuckNorris" comedy genius, while some might not. Think about your username before you enter it...Which means, no "mRsEdWaRdCuLlEnLOLOLOLOL".
3. Choose Your ACC Emotes Wisely. This is key to your respect. Similar to rule 1, don't overuse emotes. No more than one per post, and it is best to you non-ACC emotes. But if you want to... in simple terms
- The smiley emote - Only if you work in a giveaway
- The unhappy emote- Again, 90% of the time only when you work in a giveaway
- The extremely smiley emote - I'd recommend not using it, but it varies
- The in-love emote - Rarely
- The shifty emote - The most respected emote, I'd recommend using it on every other post for coolness, and to boast your "weirdness".
-The cool emote - Don't. Use. It. Are you really that self-obsorbed?
- The evil emote - NO
- The silly emote - This one would vary again, but it's not too bad
- The angry emote - NO
- The laughing emote - Probably not
- The winking emote - NO
- The embarssed emote - Rarely used, it would be okay most of the time
- The crying emote - NO
- The conbfused emote - Probably not
- The "gasp" emote - It's okay
- The "blank" emote - I don't like this one, but it's okay :]
- The "sick" emote - probably not
- The rolling eyes emote - NO
4. Gain some sort of "identity" to which you always stand by. This could mean many things, but to gain eespect you must follow to only one of them. The obvious one is the ACC staff, but that's obviously a whole heck of a lot harder to get to, and no one respects a suck-up trying to become AC staff. A few good ones would be - Slightly n00bish nintendo fanboys, "good "spammers"(Since I joined a year ago, I don't know what good spam is...But, good spam is respetced.), a peace keeper, a flamer, the world's best profile-maker, or obsess over something to the point where no one knows anything else about you other than the fact you love The Academy Is, or something. Just, form an identity, and boast your opinion at every chance you get. You need to be remembered for something.
5. Post on the Off Topic board as much as possible. Since most ACCers have become celebrities via the OT board, ths is the way to do it. You don't necesserily have to make a million threads on the OT board, but just post on a lot of them. Spending time on other parts of the website is important, but a good majority must be spent here.
6. Associate With The Right People. Although it might take quite some time for Dashm to notice you, it will happen eventually and that will be antother important step to being an ACC celebrity. Trust me...
7. Don't Follow Meme Trends. Well, this might not be the case for some ACC celebrities, but this way is good...But remember, stick to one identity. So this means, pie, Bob, and Chuck Norris are pretty much off limits. Bob=n00b, 'kay?
8. In Regards to the last rule, don't Rick Roll. Believe it or not, most people don't like to be forced to watch a few seconds of Rick Astley. You'll probably just get a "n00b" as a response. It's not worth it.
9. Be A Music Lover - The Right Music. I'd say 95% of people on ACC are "music lovers", so that shouldn't be hard. But it's the music you listen to that gains you popularity. No rap, hiphop, pop, or generally anything mainstream. The Beatles seem to gain you a lot of respect.
10. Act Superior To Those Who don't follow the rules of being an ACC celebrity. Specifically noobs. In a spam thread, you must always say something witty and unexpected, to get noticed by everyone there.
11. Be a rebel. This may seem odd, but loving ACC is not cool, and neither is loving on AnimalCrosing. Don't worry, no one qill question you being there as we're all the same. In moderation, posting about controversial topic, bypassing the filter, and flaming are good.
11. Don't Look Like You're trying to be an ACC celebriuty. This is an obvious answer, I suppose. Don't look like you're trying, that never works out. Just follow my set of guidelines, and enjoy your time on ACC. soon you'll be website-wide famous.
No offence to any ACCers.
- Dave, Dave, Dave, I love you, I'm sorry we couldn't make you a cake! We'll make you a cake soon. Forgive us?
- RAH finally updated her blog for the first time in six months...Hoorah! Welcome back!
- I have LA MCAS next week, I think the first one is on Tuesday but I'm not sure...I can't say I'm nervous, just not happy to do them. But at least we don't get much homework this week.
- I updated the playlist, as always. I'll update the poll later today.
- This weekend has been far more boring than I thought. It's raining a lot, and my oh-so-annoying neighbor came round to play with my sister. So I've been stuck watching TV for most of the day.
- I now have the DVD of the new James Bond. It's good, but I prefered Casino Royale. But I love the theme song,
- Jack White is freakin' hot. :O
- My parents are about to book our hotel tickets for The Killers in May!!
- The Victims added loads of pictures a few days ago. And, sorry to make anyone jealous, but...In one Boston picture, you can vaguely see where I'm sitting! It's not clear or anything but it's in the right section and everything. Yay!
- I want The wombats' "A Guide To Love, Loss, and Desperation" for my birthday. Or maybe sooner.
- Go to You won't be dissapointed I'm sure.
- Comment, comment, comment!
Until sometime,
Saturday, March 28, 2009>The Un-Official Fame Guide
Posted by Naomi at 11:37 AM
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