Thursday, March 12, 2009

The TWO Types Of "N00b". Which Are You? Please Please Please, No Angry Comments!


Hey guys, just takin' my brain for a ramble today, based on a conversation me and my mom had yesterday...We don't really have serious discussions very often, and they're normally not the most interesting conversations, but this one was actually very...Good(Can't think of a better word).

I know this is odd, but I kind of love pschycology...The brain is interesting to me. Disorders and stuff are the most school-y things I'm interested in. If it weren't for me looking like a 12 year old weirdo, I would probably have bought every pschycology book in Barnes And Noble by now. It's just very fascinating, and I spend way too much on YouTube researching this stuff.

This "pschycology ramble", which is the best term I can think of to describe this, is actually to do with blogging. And to do with online life in general, really. Everything I say here is based upon experience on ACC and eslewhere online. It is partly a generalization, so don't take offence to anything...It's just what I think.

I'm sure if you're a teenager, or pre-teen living in developed 2009, you'll be aware of a vocabulary of online slang and text language. The term I'm mentioning is "n00b"(Characterised by chatspeak, poor grammar, overuse of emotes, particularly "rolling eyes emotes", and "smiley face emotes", self-confidence, spamming, overreacting to everything, appears to be unintelligent, childish, and obsessed with whatever is popular in their school at the time. Doesn't understand their n00bishness, and annoys the heck out of all non-n00bs.), which you've probably heard of, and we've all had experiences with these sorts of people...

Well, it seems a lot of non-n00bs(Few and far between) share some chatracteristics. In that they're not the most popular of kids, and tend not to follow trends, or fit in terribly well in real life.

And, the n00bs...Usually obsessed with(At the moment) Twilight, boys, pie, and even if they don't follow some trends, have a generaly good and normal social life offline.

This only occured to me a few nights ago, and it's weird.

So...The two n00bs - Online n00b, offline n00b...Hmm.

The onlien n00b, I've already explaind. Most humans basically want to go with the crowd, and those who don't...I suppose, don't fit. For whatever reason your offline life isn't like someone else's, is what I'm calling the "offline n00b".

This sounds very self-obsessed, but I think I fit into the "offline n00b" category. I'd like to think I'm a better blogger than most people my age, the sort who write 1-sentence posts. I' also like to think I've got more going on in my brain than the average 12 year old(I'm not in any way talking about academic skill. Don't connect it.). I don't follow trends...And I'm the quietest person you'll ever meet. I'm quiet for reasons I'm not going to explain here, and it gives me time to think...I love having debates with myself while everyone just goes on about random stuff.

As I mentioned, the ammount you talk is seems to be a huge factor in your online life. I'm in a great discussin on a "shy people" thread on ACC, and everyone posted has seemed intelligent and interesting to talk to.Coincidence? Decide for yourselves.

Maybe those socialites spent their time talking, and then act like idiots online because they have lost a social ability to think...Hm.

It's just interesting, these characteristics in bloggers. Like, the good bloggers seem to be, how to put it, not the most popular people online...Possibly quiet, or different from the norm.

In fact, the most popular, or "best", aren't really the most popular in childood. Like, peaking in highschool meand failure in life...Though I suppose this is a different idea.

So...which are you...

Good circle of friends offline, complete idiot online?

Quiet, reserved, unique offline, compelling, interesting individual online?

Ah, the two worlds showing their differences...

Please, please, begging you, no angry comments. This is a generalization that I've found to be true. And yes, there are many exceptions. Live with our opinions. I might add onto this later.

Until somtime.


Anonymous said...

that generalization is completely true. xD

I suppose I'm probably an offline n00b.