Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The MCAS - Part 1

Hey guys,

I'm so tired today...Which, you might expect me to say based on the big test I had today. But I doubt it actually has anything to do with that, probably more to do with me staying up 'til later-than-I-should-have-been o'clock.

Anyway, we had a Massachusetts-Comprehensive-Assessment-System test today. To be specific, it was a "Long writing" essay.

This was my 1st one of these. And, as expected, I pretty much hated it. So, we come into school, and get placed into our assigned room, which was a slight variation on howmerooms, so I was in the SS room. For some reason, I did feel a whole lot comfortable there than I reckon I'd feel in any other room. We're placed alphabetically in rows(Second row to the front), and there we would pretty much stay until 11:03--Yes, four periods.

So, she expained the test and after loads of unnecessery stuff, we began. And the prompt? "Describe your perfect day". Well, that isn't vague at all...and, my teachers and me were all so certain it was going to be about Obama, it seems obvious, don't you think? But, no, let's talk about perfect days. Now, I see the reasoning behind this; To show "individuality", but actually point-wise, there's very little individuality to be had. Part of the prompt was "Who would be with you?", which is totally unique-draining. I'm sure "Mah friends 'cause dey mah best buds in da hole wide world" would have got me points even if it's different to how I feel.

And, yes, a boring day to my boring life. I spent a good 15 minutes alone just thinking about my perfect day. In the end, it all turned out very materialistic compared to most people's, involving water parks and a Killers concert(I'm so proud of myself for fitting that in there). So, then I started writing the first draft, spacing out letters and doing the biggest writing ever. But being a slow writer, it took me forever. And, I only got to two pages. About half way through the whole thing I knew four pages would be impossible, and I settled with two. I don't have the time, patience, or attention span to write four pages, eight pages for two drafts. And with my slow writing ability, I raced through, went through three pencils, scribbling down whatever come into my head, and finished with ten minutes spare. Phew.

Although it was long, boring wasn't the way to describe're too busy to be kept bored most of the time. We did get really nice gum, and we got a break half way through. In the break, a boy decided to rip another boy's mole off his neck(Woah, that's some finger nail power!!). It started bleeding, and as we were "in the field" and without any band aids, the teacher had to think fast--Which meant sticking tissues to his neck with big blue tape. Yes, this meant a whole load of laughing and humour for at least a small part of the test.

Hoorah for part 1 - MCAS Part 2 on Thursday!

Other stuff-

- School today otherwise was good. In Enrichment we just stayed outside for a bit, and then had Pete vs Ronnie arguments with Coco. Spanish we did the usual stuff.
- We've startd a new unit in gym - Floor hockey! Well, we got to choose between dance and floorhockey. The dancers have to peform at the end, I think, so floor hockey was the best choice. Once I get over the everyone watching me, I do really like the game.
- Close to no homework tonight. [:
- I've restarted playing My Sims recently, and I'm becoming slightly addicted.
- I might later be changing the URL of the blog. Someone at school found out, and I don't want them reading. I'll leave this up for now, just to let you know. I'll be commenting on blogs and on ACC to tell people, and if not find me otherwise and ask for the URl, once your links to here stop working.



livielove said...

omg i hate mcas!! its sooo hard staying quiet for all that time! but it isnt that hard since none of my friends are in my hr so ya... but still!!

Lycoris said...

You are in Mrs.B's room for MCAS right? Well who got their mole ripped off, and why didn't the kid go to the nurse?