Hey there,
I feel my attention span deteriorating as I speak...Seriously. It's funny, as my attention span has always been very good, but in the past few months my brain has totally flipped out. Of course, daily doses of Killers obsession, blogging, and sugar, aren't the best things to use to keep your sanity, but this is just...odd. o.O
I guess LA this year is what's been doing on. This..."stupidly stupid" fear of having to read aloud, on top of everything else, has basically stopped me from writing in class. If you write, he'll eventually pick you to read. So, there seems to me to be one obvious way to avoid reading, right? I've been doing this since October, and it's been working for me. Yeah, it means I have to go through a lot more stress than the average 7th grader on "Poetry Day", but I'm used to it. So every poetry day, and sometimes whenever we have to write, I sit and doodle, or (more commenly) just sit there and think. Yep, thinking is a new hobby.
And that was all well and good, until I couldn't stop. That's right, I can now pretty much no longer write in LA, because I get lost in trails of thought. Like today, for example. We were supposed to be writing poems about pets(First off, this isn't easy if you don't own a pet). Instead, I just started compiling a story in my head...For no reason. The story didn't have a story line or anything, it was kind of like a random girl's thoughts that made a story. But, I loved the outlook, and the way my head had described it and put it all together. I doubt I'll write it down, but it was fun to think of in my head. I couldn't really stop thinking about this story...This, is most commonly refered to as "Day dreaming". But I have named my little world "Brandon Land", for obvious reasons. And I'm relativly happy to say I'm obsessed with Brandon Land right now; I have a problem.
Who knows if, thanks to Brandon Land, I'll ever be able to write anything again...And there goes my good grades some more. *sigh*
As I'm on this topic, I might as well write a *bit* more about school!
CAMOLAMBO HELPFUL HINT #1: Don't go whining to whoever about issues with your math teacher! Trust me, bad idea. After all the stuff a couple of days ago, I decided to whine to my parents about it,and later to a girl at school. It turns out my parents made a huge deal out of it, and the kid couldn't care less, and she will probably turn it into gossip and I'll regret saying it someday. But until then, my parents are the big problem. They've now realised how little I care about most things, especially school, and are trying to get me to try more! That's what everyone wants to do...But my parents could go to more extremes to get me to try. But, I'm away from that for this week at least(Maybe) as my mom has gone to England for the week because my grandfather is in hospital, and my non-driving grandmother needs to have someone get her food and stuff. This is the longest I've been away from my mom, but I'm fine with it. At least, I will be until my dad decides to start getting angry at me for no reason. @.@
MATH TEACHER ISSUES - Part 2! Today she put me in the "stupid group". Although no one calls them that, everyone clearly knows which groups are which. I've never been put in the lowest group...Probably because that was elementary, and I tried back then. I'm only in this group because I had to wait for my friend to finish her work...Never doin' that again. Where I am now is degrading.
OTHER SCHOOL RANDOMNESS: Today marked my lowest score ever on a quz! Social Studies - 57%. What can I say...it was a pop quiz, on Ancient Rome. It probably won't count, which is obviously good. I also managed to put off my "Current Event" which I was supposed to present a month or so ago.
ETC: New Pet shop Boys single came out a few days ago...*still needs to buy it*. Can't wait for new album...4 days, I think. Also, MGMT is awesome. Andrew Vanwyngarden has totally gorgeous eyes! School play tomorrow and Saturday, and "Grand parents Day" tomorrow at school.
*goes back to Brandon Land*
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I Can't Hear You; I'm In Brandon Land! Also: More Math Issues, etc.
Posted by Naomi at 3:48 PM
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