Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eagle Eye ect...

What's happenin' everyone? Well today, i'm gonna post in brown, cause I feel like it...

So, yeah, what's happened to me today? Well, me and some friends went to see Eagle Eye(pretty good movie!) Afterwards we just ended up hanging around the other stores. We almost ended up going to Chuckee Cheeses. Thank god we didn't. But we did get to go to Borders. Music selection was terrible, and they were all messed up. So, they have MCFLY and not NIRVANA?! What is the music industry coming to?! Also, they didn't have Top Gear! But I did discover a whole DVD selection entitled "British TV". Hallelujiah. Well, it was mostly stuff I hadn't heard of. But they did have a lot of Doctor Who(YES YES YES!!!). I can't live without Doctor Who, so yay...

Anyway, hopefully we're gonna do that again, but at the mall.

So, I guess that's it for today, so i'll post a picture of...Green Day, cause that's what i'm currently listening to. Oh and NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!

Bye for now.