Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hola! Como estas?


Yeah, so the title, well I have a Spanish quiz tomorrow and i'm currently studying like crazy. I dislike Spanish, but the quizzes are relatively easy. So i'm gonna completely slack off in class, and work on doing well in quizzes! Even though I don't like Spanish...I'm so happy I got it instead of Latin or French. I hear the Latin kids get loads of homework and really hard quizzes all the time! Then again, I think Latin is naturally the hardest language anyway.

TIME TO SUMMARIZE MY DAY! Er....according to my Social Studies teacher she is most worried about my project group...YAY! I dislike her, so it's good to annoy her. And all my other teachers for that matter, but anyway... That's all I can think of!

We actually got to PRACTICE in music today! We're doing Withcy Woman and Werewolves of London. Not my favorite, but they're ok. And tomorow we're starting "singing telegrams" which basically involves singing one of our songs to a teacher. I'm playing guitar in both songs. I'm sort of half hoping, half dreading, getting my 6th grade Social Studies teacher(HATE HATE HATE!) Because well...I despise him with a passion, but he's really seixst, and I don't think he thinks girls can play a "macho" instrument like the guitar...I'LL SHOW HIM!

Haha, what else shall I talk about today? I still haven't found my lime green Sharpie..

Oh yeah i'm currently starting a Lou And Andy Collage. I'm sticking pictures of them on a piece of paper...Because they're just that awesome. I've currently started on a red and blue striped border.

Well that's about all I can think of today...
