Friday, October 10, 2008

*instert witty title here*

Hey what's up people? I really should have posted earlier today...Oh well, Iron Man got in the way. I bought the DVD a few days ago, and haven't got around the finishing it yet!

So, I basically had a bunch of stuff to post here today, but i've forgotten. I've had the hugest headache all day, and I think it's wiping brain cells. And I guess having Nirvana stuck in my head all day doesn't help.

Ok, day. Pretty average...and boring. School, er what happened...Gym was as bad as expected. Music was terrible. What have my guitar group got against practicing? I really wanted to try Monster Mash with someone singing, but they were more concerned about talking. Also, we had to go for a nature walk outside. Tedious.

Ok, so it's time to it's emo music. WHY is there so much of it? Name the Top 10 most popular bands today, and I guarantee at least half will be emo. It's annoying! And sad how a rock band today is actually an emo band. No one listens to good music anymore...When it comes to music, I feel like I want to be born in like 1980somehting...better music....Not so much emo.

Ok, and one last thing...i'm SO EXCITED because Keane, a band a like(sorta like Coldplay, but better) are coming out witha new album...Monday. Singing comparisons to Brandon also. Got to be good. Anyway, anjoy the picture...bye.