Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve And Such

Hey's Christmas. Christmas Eve, technically. Usually on this time of year, I would be jumping up and down like an idiot, and screaming how much I can't wait for Christmas.

This year, I'm not. I don't know why..everything this year has seemed different anyway. That's not to say I 'm excited for Christmas - I am! But it's just not as exciting as when I was younger. Am I growing up too fast? I certainly hope not.

Looking through some old blog posts, I've realised that in the past, I've typed like such a n00b with grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors everywhere. Just ignore them. I'm not a preppy 11-year-old n00b who types like that. I just never look over whatever I write! Hopefully, I'll try to type more maturely. I'm still finding the perfect balance between preppy n00b typer and depressed teenage typer. A hard balance to find.

I got my big Christmas gift today, an electric guitar! I haven't opened it yet, seeing as I'm not aloud to until tomorrow. This morning, I was woken up early to drive for 30 minutes to a guitar store. Inside, a guy with long black hair and a noise ring directed us around the shop and I came out with a beginner Fender, in red. I had my eye on a particularly nice Gibson, but it was, of course, too expensive.

I have an unhealthy fangirl obsession with "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure at the moment. Fantastic song. 80s pop shall never die!

My school got out on Tuesday(about time!), yay! We had a team breakfast(I had my braces tightened the day before - It was hard to eat), looked at some slideshows(Yawn...) and played a "Recognise the picture" game. Needless to say, I sucked at it. I cannot for my life recognise presidents. and I don't typically follow the various Hollywood news, so I sucked at that too. I did recognise Bono from U2, whcih was good. I find it hard to believe many other people my age would have got that one, but I was surprised. Clearly legends die hard, even in this hip-hop obsessed world that we live in.

Strange question. Why does everyone consider "Elf" to be the best Christmas movie ever made? It's slightly funny and entertaining, but it isn't hugely impressive.

New Killers Christmas song up on iTunes! Buy it now! It's amazing. Any song featuring Elton John and Neil Tennant has got to be good, right? Right?!

Well, I don't have much more to say right now. I'll talk about Christmas another time, and possibly post a picture of my guitar.

Bye! Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

*is now an official "follower" of your blog. 8D

Hoorah for getting guitars!

Naomi said...

Yays! I'll follow your's then..