Friday, May 29, 2009

Walking, Dress Shopping, and "Sveeden"

I'm becoming increasingly sick of things, like blog titles, that involve three things that seem pointless, but somehow, vaguely, fit into the idea of the blog post. What's up with the specifics of having three anyway? Two seems effortless, but four is rambling. Or maybe it's just me. Excuse me for being the billionth person to tell you they're OCD, but my mom says I am ever so slightly because I can't have anything, especially food for whatever reason, in even numbers. I don't think I am, though. Whatever, now I'm rambling...

Hii. My day's been alright. I have a really bad cough, and trust me you wouldn't be the first person today to wonder if I'm dying or not. But it's not like I talk to many people anyway, so it works. I woke up kind of tired, and had spent most of the night having a dream about Pirates Of The Caribbean. All I remember was it was definitely POTC, but the storyline was nothing like the movies - Except having beaches and ships. I'm sure it was more interesting than the actual movies. Anyway...I'd left my assignment notebook at school, so I had to do my math homework in homeroom. This was okay, 'cause math was 6th period and I could have got more time later in the day anyway.

I had Social Studies first period. It was pretty simple, we have a quiz on this whole Christianity in Rome section chapter week, and we were put into groups to write five quiz questions from a given section, as a review. I didn't contribute much - Or at all - but it wasn't too boring. This section has been alright. Then I had Science. For the next four weeks left of school, we're doing this project on walking. Which vaguely ties into what we're doing in math. My teacher could talk about it all day(And I'm sure he gladly would) but I still wouldn't understand how Newton's laws allow us to move. I understand the whole opposite-reaction thing when it comes to the third law, but how it allows us to walk is beyond me. I'm dreading Science Monday.

Then I had enrichment 3rd period. The band, orchestra, and chorus people were with us today, so we cleaned out binders and lockers. My locker has mostly been in good condition compared to last year, even though the teachers this year are pretty lax about it compared to last years'. But mine's been in need for a little attention lately. My binders didn't see much of an improvement, but I doubt that's capable of me. They're fine as I see it. Then I went into the LA room and read some Harry Potter while Adele, Dark Moon Fire, and "J" talked about names for his essay's character. Some people got to play the guitars that are in his room. Someone decided to keep playing the intro chords of Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers, which was pretty distracting.

Then I had Spanish. We were in the art room today, doing some project. We got a picture, had to make observations about it, and then write a story about it. I'm pretty sure it was some of the best writing I'd done this year. The teacher, Mr S, walks to my table handing the first pictures he sees to the girls around me, looks at me and flicks through the more light-hearted pictures of dogs and churches in his hand, and ends up giving me a picture of a, I'm guessing, with a crumbling brick wall outside. It made for interesting writing, but I have no idea what the oh-so-secret project is about still. And then I had health, where we talking about love and "slang words". The headmaster came in part way through, and I'm still wondering why he seemed so desperate to stay for half an hour, considering our conversations wouldn't be a typical subject of choice. However, I don't get the hype about this. Whenever you say you're going to health next, the immediate reaction from the person is "Ooh...That's gonna be awkward...good luck". And, although it was at first, the guys bring up so many jokes about it it's hilarious, not awkward.

I had math next. She didn't notice my badly done homework, surprisingly. We went over the homework, and she kept talking for the remainder of class. As far as clock-viewing goes, I'm at the worst possible angle, so I kept asking my friend how much was left. Hey, it is late lunch, after all...

Then I had lunch. We tried to sneak to the library, but we were caught. Me, Adele, Matt, and Rachel(Not the Rachel you've heard about before) went outside and walked around. I had LA last period. I was already slightly freaking out because we were told a 1/4 of our journal grade would be neatness, which I'd already failed. There were scribbles all over the front cover, varying from "The Killers <3333",>hated this. Hated it. The furthest I'd got through the whole activity was "My name is Robert". He had to come over and say "If you're not going to write, at least come over here and listen to others'". I feel so guilty about this I can't begin to describe it. I'm not trying to be some little rebel by not writing. I just have no idea what to write. Although it's pretty impossible, I hope he understands that. The last picture was some guy with a beard, and my teacher says "He looks Swedish", except with that accent that I'm nearly certain is fake, that's like "Sveedish". A girl in my class gets into an argument with him about the stereotype, and he ends up picking up a guitar and singing like that, with a chorus that goes something along the lines of "Sveeden, Sveeden, Sveeden...". We end up forced into the Social Studies room and singing this to them. I sort of stayed out, as I'm pretty sure the SS room thought we were crazy. Anything can happen in 8th period LA.

And so I walked out, trying to ignore the billion people who say "Sveeden" as they walk past me. We end up going to Kohl's among other places, in search for a dress for B's Bat Mitzvah tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow. We tried at the mall yesterday, but were pretty unsuccessful. How hard is it to find a little black dress? Nothing with frills, nothing too big, nothing strap-less, nothing flowery, nothing made for a 50 year old, nothing too low cut...How hard is that? Nearly impossible, apparently. Afterwards I did some Sudoku, and discussed TV with my parents...Don't know why. Musically, it's been pretty varied - For my standards - Recently. Most commonly, The Fratellis, Kaiser Chiefs, and The Killers. My three favorite bands in 5th grade, by the way. Oh, and The Postal Service and a little bit of RHCP. It's been fun.

I ramble...



Anonymous said...

Damn, I wish we would do some sort of art related thing in French, soooooooooo bad. The most "artsy" thing I've done this year is make a "clock" out of a paper plate. Ughhhh, I miss art.

I liked the Sveeden song! xDD

so, u eventually got a dress, I hope?