Monday, June 1, 2009

T-Tell Your Boyfriend, If He Says He's Got Beef...

...To take it up with this freakin' song obsession! I'm sure you know by now, it's...*shudders* Don't Trust Me by 3Oh!3. I know, it's stupid, pointless, you hate it...But it's so darn catchy. I love it. I hate myself for loving it - It is a popular song after all. Don't ask me why I fear all things popular; My answer wouldn't be terribly good. All I know is, I hope I don't become addicted to another popular song any day soon. Buying a song that was in iTunes Top Ten up until last week is...Well, traumatizing for me. I feel inadequate. And I must look insane, no?

Anyway, hi. It's June. I like June...June is cool. Brandon's birthday is in June. School ends in June. The weather is nice in June. You get my idea, I'm guessing.

For me, I have a lot to say in this post, so...onto my day, as always(BLOG POST IDEAS, GIVE ME THEM!!). I had health first period. We discussed the homework we'd been given first. This assignment was actually somewhat on the awkward side. We'd been given these blue booklets, titled "*town name* CARES". As suggested, "cares" is an acronym of sorts, as things like that always are. It's basically a 20-something page book written by paranoid, over-protective parents of teenagers, to help other paranoid, over-protective parents in being...The said, paranoid over-protective parents their hearts are longing to be. And we had a few questions to answer...Which needed our parents' signatures and to answer a couple questions. Why she did this, I have no idea. I told my mom she didn't have to read the whole booklet, out of fear of there being some really awkward topics. Out of boredom later that night - Which is the cause for most of my actions - I did read the whole book, and there were some awkward topics which I avoided by that move. Yay for me! Anyway, after that we had to write down what we considered a "Hot person" to be. She got to keep the slips to continue next class, and I worry everyone else'll get to see them. Which is bad, considering dark hair, stubble, and a Killers t-shirt aren't very stereotypical. I don't see this ending very well. In fact, I dread health on Wednesday. Kill me, please.

Then I had Spanish, and I daydreamed for the vast majority of it. Someone came in to give a presentation for a project we're starting on photography. I don't know exactly what it's all about, what with the daydreaming and all. The presentation itself was really pathetic, most likely due to her patronizing manor...Oh well.

I had Social Studies next. My parents are on the lookout for anything that might be a sign of me slacking in school work. I told them I was ready for the Social Studies quiz today, that they somehow found out about. I lied, of course, I was nowhere near ready. I know the vague outlines of Christianity, but I'm no good at remembering names or anything like that. I took a stab at my nearly-perfected art of "copying off whoever's sitting next to you", which was my best bet. With that technique, the quiz was a piece of cake! Then I sat, and did nothing,

Then I had Science. I had to give in my badly-done homework on "walking". It also involved me facing his automatic stapler - Which everyone else is scared to death of. We did a sort of test earlier this year, and I was one of two people who didn't blink when we were told to staple something with it. Eyes of steel, baby! Because my teacher decided to be typical today, we returned to the topic of "Biology" which we had started and finished in October-ish time. We went outside, and had to find ten living things by the pond we have. Not knowing any plant names made this pretty hard, actually, and the girl I was following around wouldn't stop complaining about her limping leg that she got from dancing. Seriously? Nice attempt, is attention really that important for you? I eventually got ten living things, and that was that. xD

Lunch was a drag as always, because I really wanted to go online, but we're not allowed to on Mondays. *sigh* Then I had math. There really wasn't much to it, we just went over the homework that as due mid last week. This is average, honestly. She could talk for days on end about how to add 2 +2. And, yet, she wonders why not many people like her? I always see a sort of pressure coming from her, like she isn't as good as the other teachers. She isn't, no offense to her, but it's somewhat amusing to see. xD I had LA last period. We started off watching a YouTube clip of Billy Collins - A poet my teacher likes a lot - reading a couple of his poems. The 2nd one, that we'd read earlier that year(Hadn't appreciated it much) is actually very very funny when it's not written down and read over and over again. No one else seemed to get it though, and my teacher says its because we "Aren't old enough to get it". I don't see what's not to "get" about it; It's hilarious! Then we had to write our own poetry about something we'd made our mom at some point. The one day I actually have a half-decent idea for a poem, he says we don't have to write a poem. His example was a "Rambling autobiography", which held, in my eyes, an amazing resemblance to this very blog. It's sort of...Choppy sentences - This post is a perfect example of that, more than usual - Loads of "Ums...", "Ands...", random breaks into parentheses. It seems like a perfect example, right? Still, I'd waited all year for a decent idea to come to me; I was going to write a poem if it killed me. I'm sure it would kill me, if it wanted to, I hate poetry that much. In Enrichment we had to do the essay question to the Social Studies quiz. "What/Who helped spread the early Christianity in Rome?". Unfortunately, my plan of reading my notes in my locker while "grabbing a pencil" took far too long, so I had to face it alone. Well, when I say alone, I do mean cheating my way through 50% of it. That's as alone as I get when I don't know the answer. Later my science teacher took pictures of us, yes, walking, and then I read.

That was my day, in case you hadn't gathered that already. Ah, I forgot to mention the Bat Mitzvah! Well, we eventually found a boring, odd-looking, less-than-adequate dress in Macy's(Thanks, Adele), thank god. This is my first Bat Mitzvah, which was generally alright. The ceremony was interesting, though understandably confusing for me. The decoration of the party was amazing - The theme was "BTV", the girl's name beginning with a B, of course. The evening generally involved me standing around, looking awkward, flicking between groups of people as if we're friends, being forced to do stuff, dancing like an idiot, thinking to myself how much I don't like the songs playing(Though having them booming in a room with a hundred other people makes them far more enjoyable), feeling stupid, eating, feeling sorry for myself, and thinking of what to write later on about it. It's a perfect analogy for my life basically, other than it doesn't involve The Killers. I did, however, get a big pair of plastic sunglasses. I love big, bright sunglasses(Reminds me of the 80s...Wait, how can I be reminded of a time when I wasn't alive?). On Sunday I went to see Star Trek with the Human Fish. I know very little about Star Trek whatsoever. My parents used to watch episodes while they were having dinner. They were poorly done, confusing, boring, and they wouldn't pay a word of attention to me until the episode was over. All I know is, the adverts are comparing it to Star Wars(How could they?), so I might as well see what all the fuss was about. The movie was, I hand it to them, amazing. I think I've found myself a new idol in Spock, once I find something to idolize about him. Great, great movie.

"I'll monitor your frequencies" -- Oh, who wouldn't want to? It's Spock, after all! Kidding. Does anyone other than Adele understand that joke?

Ah, must go. Comment, tell me BLOG POST IDEAS, CBox, whatever...

Live Long and prosper, bloggers. <3


Anonymous said...

Your mum's monitoring my frequency. O.O

....haha i owe dat all to nat :)

June is awesome! My brother---aka Romulus---'s birthday is coming up and I don't know wat to get him. EeeEeEEEeEeEeEeeeeEK!

*Your mum* CARES

Stubble? Really? xD

...well, good luck in health anyway.

What? Of course you can get an injury from dancing! just ask your MUM.

...haha, okay i'll stop. :)


sorry I wasn't at school today. I was busy. You know. Dying. :)

Half fever/half throat/half irrational allergy symptoms

I'll c if I'll be in school tommorow.


Live long and prosper :D

Spock <33333333

Anonymous said...

...That actually wouldn't have been that long a comment














SPOCK <333333

Naomi said...


Yes. Nat is amazing!

Eeeeeeeek! I have no clue...I don't know him. Hehe.

No, YOUR MUM cares, Adele, YOUR MUM cares.

Oh yes, stubble! Have you not seen a picture of Brandon with stubble? Oh my god. Anyway, I'm not sure I wrote that down. Still, do you think others will get to see them?


Hope you get better soon! Live long and prospour!

I love Spock to death. ALmost as much as I love your mum. xD