Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer. It's As Simple as That

As I've mentioned before and you've now doubt concluded by the title alone, it's now summer for me! Today was my last day, well, half day. We wrote letters to the soon-to-be 7th graders, watched School Of Rock(Which I've never seen. It's poserish, but high-ranked in it's poserish kind) and ate popcorn, cleaned out the remains of our lockers, cleaned the room a bit, and by eleven o'clock, after a hurry of yearbook-signings and slightly emotional farewells, I left 7th grade. I didn't really get the chance to say goodbye much(I feel guilty). One boy who I basically don't know said bye to me(Any idea why? It was kinda weird), and my English teacher told me how he'd be there at my first book signing when I'm supposedly a published author.

7th grade for me has been...As a teenage-ish year would go. It had it's ups, and its downs of course. And yeah I've whined a lot about it, but there were some really great times...

I've suddenly got the urge to do this, 'case I didn't do it for new year. Hoorah!

7th Grade High-Lights

1. The day in Spanish when the guys started throwing tennis balls. At the window, the door, people's feet, the general area of our teacher, even. My teacher has always said the typical "I have eyes in the back of my head thing"...And, well, that's such a lie. And it was at this point we came to turns with that fact, and decided to exploit it a little.

2. Correcting a quiz in English a few months ago. This person in question will take the nickname "J". We'd been asked to write the first and last stanzas of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, and we corrected them later that class. J got up to give his I-forgot-to-study version of the Raven which went along the lines of "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I read, and a knocking at my chamber door, it was a raven, a sexy raven..." It was hilarious!

3. One day when having a team meeting where a few guys had been asked to get in front of everyone and perform after doing the 'talking while the teacher's talking' thing. They sang a Barber Shop version of In The Jungle. And, well, it was clearly well planned and everything.

4. A last period Social Studies class a few months ago...Well, it's difficult to explain. M continually said "Soooo mysterious" in a really feminine voice, the teacher drew K a 'pretty' girlfriend on the whiteboard, people were shouting, etc. The normal weird stuff(Oh my gosh, that's a such a band name! *writes down*)

5. Basically every homeroom ever. Even if my teacher considers us her worst homeroom ever, there's no taking away from the fact that we're all, every one of us, awesome.

7th Grade Low-Lights

1. Doing our projects on politics In I think it was, October. We'd been split into the two political parties, and split into smaller groups on specific areas of it. We got health care. Which was what I wanted, but I couldn't help but hate it. The day of the presentation was just boring beyond belief.

2. The day in April my English teacher made me read my "Ode To A Skunk Cabbage"--Weird, yeah--in front of the whole class. Badly written, sloppy, half-complete, etc. For me, I could be reading my favorite poem ever, and just the reading alone makes it rather scary. But something I've written? Something I've written really badly? Not. Fun.

3. State Testing. Isn't that on everyone's lists? For me especially the long-writing essay. There was nothing interesting, fun, or anything about that.

4. The day in math a few months ago where my teacher picked on me to answer a question that I wasn't ready for. And, then continued to insist I did know the answer. Hey, if she makes classes so relentless than can she blame me for being half-asleep at the time?

5. Playing keyboard at the very beginning of the year. I enjoyed it--Really, honestly, I loved it--but my partner was such a ...Grr, I need to find appropriate words to put here. Moron? Hmm. She'd come in every day, sit down on the left side, insist it was too loud, and turn the volume down to a point where no one could hear anything, and therefore couldn't practice, and therefore fail that. She clearly has something against me that I've yet to understand but she wouldn't let it go..

Things To Look Forward To over The Summer

- Blogging, duh!
- Late night AIM chats with friends
- The new Harry Potter movie!
- Finding out which team I'm on next year(Each grade is split into two 'teams'; "East" the big team, and "West" the small team. Homeroom, English, math, Social studies, and Science are all based on that team, so finding out that is plays big part in your general happiness in the following year)
- Finding out which team my sister's gonna be on
- Swimming
- Going to England(Which includes the following)
- Seeing friends and family again
- Corner yogurts and Tescos ready-made tuna-sweetcorn sandwiches and microwavable chicken pot pies--Oh my!
- Lego Land. Don't judge, it's awesome
- The leisure pool near my aunt's that we got to every year
- Decently-warm weather
- Good ol' English late-night television
- V Festival' August 22nd and 23rd; The Killers, Oasis, MGMT, Snow Patrol, Razorlight, etc.
- And, possibly most important, the simple absence of school makes summer worth it.
- And, maybe even slightly more importantly than that, is that I'm really dreading 8th grade, and this is just a chance to forget about it ever so slightly.

And, I go back to school September 3rd...But, let's not dwell on that right now. It's summer! Sun happiness, freedom, friends, you know the general idea of it all. As far as blogging this summer goes...Well, obviously, it's still gonna happen. In fact, I'm going to try to make it happen every day. They're gonna be stupid, and boring, and same-ish, but it's really this time of year we all want to look back on most. I'm leaving for England July 20th and returning August 30th. About half of that is spent at my grandparents, when I definitely will have computer access about every day, so I'll be sure to make extra-short posts then. But, when I'm back where I used to live, computer access will be a problem. If I'm lucky, I could use my dad's computer, or blog at a friend's house, but of course I can't be certain. So, yes, just thought you might want to know that. xD

See ya,

Summer '09, baby!


Anonymous said...

My math teacher (Mrs S) called me aside as i was scrambling out of "homeroom" (could I call it homeroom? it was super unorganized) and asked for a hug. It was really startling because she seemed to hav singled me out (why? I was never her favorite student.) Which was bizarre. But, good, I guess, because it means she didn't hate me. 100%.

But as I was walking down the hall I see Mr B (science teacher) and I get a sudden inspiration. I asked him if he had decided on a name for the beaver yet, and he said no. So then I asked him if the beavers name could be BRANDON and he said YES! So yay! That's

Brandon Beaver. Teehee. :)

Hows your summer been? Tommorow is my brother (Romulus') b-day party, so all his little hyper-active friends are going to be over. ^sigh^ I'm dreading him coming to my school next year, but in a weird way, looking forward to it. again, ^sigh^

Vertige said...

Maybe that boy is... in love with you o:

And, eighth grade isn't too bad. I think it's probably better than seventh, but my seventh grade year was kinda weird, so I can't really judge... o.O

Naomi said...

Hmm. That's unlikely...He was being, I dunno, unusually friendly, I guess?

Yay, then. 6th grade sucked for me, but I did sort of like 7th.

...Um, alright. Mrs S has NEVER show any signs of public affection before. So, you must be lucky. Or, can it be classified as lucky? I can imagine it being very weird indeed.

OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG(I need a better acronym) YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY! I 'HEART' YOU SO MUCH ADELE!!!!! You're the best! Well, after the beaver, and the man who kinda gave the beaver it's name, but you still make it in the top three, 'kay?

Alright. I kind of look forward to my sister coming to our school...Well, only if she's on east so I can give her all the sutvival tips and such.