Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Feel Obliged To Say...Happy St. Patrick's Day! Also: I Hate My Math Teacher!


And, happy st. Patrick's day! I feel obliged to say that, which is why I said it. Happy? I was going to do a post about something, but I'm just gonna ramble about something, as always.

And, I'm in another one of those stupid times when I just hate the world. These typically last for about two or three days, and hapen every week and a half, or two weeks, or so. My hate network runs like clockwork. I feel like explaining my current hate-ishness. Isn't it funny how my issues seem insignificant to everyone else? That's because they probable are...

It started in Enrichment yesterday. We're currently doing this rotation thing where you switch between Social Studies, Science, Math, and LA. Which would seem alright, but I was in math. I don't like math anyway, but this was MCAS preperation - Masachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System(*gasp* I revealed vaguely personal information over the internet *gasp*!!). I'm guessing other states have an equivilant, but it's just a set of really long tests to see how well the school is doing at teaching us, and how well we're doing, even though it doesn't neceserily mean that. I only had an MCAS test for the first time last year, so I'm not an expert at this. But I find it's generally very long, and very easy. And if this year's math MCAS are exactly like the problems my math teacher keeps giving us, it'll be easy. Sorry if this sounds like boasting, as it kind of is, but nowadays I'm finding the lessons are so easy, it's beyond boring. I pretty much have no attention span whatsoever, and I'm half asleep after 15 minutes. But this was bad. This was so bad, it's beyond unimaginable...When I'm bored, I write the names of bands I like in cool writing on some paper. And, I got bored of bands I like, so I started writing bands I liked a bit, and then bands I hated, and then any bands that just came to my head. That's how bad it was. So, of course, I'm out of it, long gone into "Brandon Land", and the teacher calls on me. On top of me hating people calling on me anyway, the only thing in front of me was a piece of paper with red ink on, and I had no idea which question we were correcting. As I always do, I end up saying "I don't know". And her, being the *censored* she is, continually decides to say "Yes, you do!". Yes, I do know the answer, but I don't want to say it(It sounds stupid, but I have my reasons for this). The *censored word-plural* around me kept helping me, giving me tips. They always do this, everybody does this, I hate it so much I just want to kill them all. I'm. Not. Stupid. Why do they do this? Hm, maybe if they do this, they're the ones with brain problems? I don't know...But, certainly in groups people act like *censored* up morons. But anyway, she wouldn't leave me alone, all eyes on me. It was hell. I panic, and just keep saying "I don't know!". I had no idea which question we were on, she was talking to me as if I was five years old, and I was under preassure(also, the way she had done the problems was totally stupid and unnecesserily precise, I wouldn't have known anyway what was happening). As the *censored* always does with everyone, she comes out with the unnceceseery patronization. This doesn't help the situation anyway. In the end, the girl next to me just tells me the *censored*ing answer, at least 1/2 of it. The teacher ends with "These are Roman Numerals...Have you seen them before?". Die. Die. Die. I hate you so much, how stupid do you think I am? Yes, I've seen *censored*ing Roman Numerals before!! I just gave her the answer, rolled my eyes behind her back, and turned to scribbling emo-y lyrics over my work, my pen tearing lines through the paper out of anger. My partner tries again to explain the answer to me again, to which I say "Yes, I get it", as calmly as I could, with my back turned to her. And she continues today, while she explains to my table group how to do the work properly(She didn't explain it to us in the first place. She likes this, because she likes to watch us mess up, so she can show how inferior we are by explaining afterwords), and then afterwords sees it fit to explain individualy to me how to do the work. She does this to all the "slow" kids. And, this sounds snobbish, but I am not slow. Despite what the world thinks, I'm perfectly intelligent, and I can function on my own. I hate her with all my soul, she should just die...And then try to act all superior to herself, in her grave! Ah, it's perfect. This whole event has got me so frustrated and angry and annoyed. Ergh.

Sorry for the whiny-ness. It sounds stupid, I know, but I had to get it off my chest on here sometime. Whole of yesterday, I was angry at life, thanks to this. People think they're better than you, or you need help, or they can tell you what to do, or you're identicle to everyone else, or you care, or they're perfect, and it's a load of "*censored*. No one's like that. It's all stupid.

Until I'm less angry,

PS- The censored marks weren't meant to be funny; I want to keep my blog "clean".